Cyber Heroes

Chapter 761 The Alliance of Kings [Part 2]

The New Mars Defense Corps is a planetary defense force reorganized after the original Mars Defense Corps rebelled and became Red Star loyalists. Due to the lessons learned from the past, superiors deliberately reduced the size and firepower of this force's ships and strengthened the construction of orbital barracks.

Mars is too close to the asteroid belt, and the scientific knights are too lawless, making it easy for crime to breed. The apparent reason for the Ninth Martial God's Rebellion was "the whim of a small group within the Scientific Research Knights" - and the reason why this reason was believed by the Ninth Martial God was because it was very real at that time.

Among the scientific research knights, a small group that sympathized with the knights linked up with the military officers to form a small disobedient force. This kind of thing is difficult to prohibit.

The vigilance against the Mars Defense Corps does need to be greater.

However, no matter how small the number of ships in the new Mars Defense Corps is, it is still a complete planetary main force.

It may not be able to compete head-on with its predecessor, the current Akahoshi Yi, but it is enough to fight against the Earth Knights.

Due to King Agni, Earth is one of the most difficult areas for chivalry in the entire solar system. The Earth Knights are also relatively weak.

Regarding this proposal, Agniyu directly rejected it: "I can't trust the troops of Mars."

King Agni had little trouble with almost all the forces of Mars. Mars is the base camp of the Scientific Research Knights, and all the temples of the Scientific Research Knights are on Mars. Since the incident of the Eighth God of War, the conflict between King Agni and the Galapagos Temple has become difficult to reconcile. King Agni's subsequent attitude made the Scientific Research Knights choose to unite on this matter.

What's more, between King Agni and the replacement King Zhengtian...

Juan Lebin turned his gaze to the other side. The same goes for the King of Braves and the King of Gods.

King Zhengtian seemed to be used to this. He said calmly: "The interstellar projection capability of the new Mars Defense Corps is too weak, and it is really not suitable for this kind of mission. And I don't think I have the ability to lead the fleet to break through the black ship Yi Cong's blockade. I agree with Agni Wang’s point of view.”

Among the kings, more than one person hopes that King Zhengtian will have another conflict with King Agni. King Zhengtian was one of the kings who came to replace him, and he was originally a knight. There is a natural difference between the kings who were former military officers.

What's more important is that more than one person suspects that the Father of All Machines chose to release the Ninth Martial God on Mars. It was just to clear out the God of War King and make room for King Zheng Tian.

It is said that King Zhengtian’s original hope was to control the border. It would be best if he could bring a team of engineers and sufficient resources to develop within the Oort Cloud. The temple of the Scientific Research Knights can also move to the border and only conduct academic exchanges through data trains.

However, with the activation of the Seventh God of War, this expectation eventually came to nothing. As the supervisor of the Scientific Research Knights, King Zhengtian could only choose to be on Mars. Mars is also relatively small among rocky planets - its volume is only about 15% of Earth's.

Of course, the territory of King Ares also includes all space buildings near the orbit of Mars. However, many of these buildings are affiliated with the Scientific Research Knights and are under the jurisdiction of King Zhengtian.

This relationship also caused constant friction between King Zhengtian and King God of War.

The God of War King also plans to secretly collude with other kings to join forces. Perhaps this was the direct reason why the Father of All Machines chose to sacrifice him. But most of the kings felt that if they didn't insist on sending King Zhengtian to Mars, maybe the God of War King wouldn't have such thoughts.

"The gene bank is located near the orbit of Venus." King Agni said: "I don't think there is a fleet that can reach there."

"But native Venusian vigilantes are still a problem."

"A knight will not blow up the gene bank." King Agni emphasized.

Juan Lebin said: "Your Majesty believes that the safety of human beings cannot be entrusted to human beings' own sanity. The group of knights has behaved according to certain rules before, but it does not mean that they can abide by those rules at any time and under any circumstances. The meaning of my existence , is to fight against possible unwiseness.”

"It is not possible for all the Svalbard Corps to be dispatched. If I must dispatch, I will choose to strike at the local knights of Venus first to curb their popularity."

"However, I will lead the future fleet to head to the asteroid belt first."

Asylum's greatest advantage is numbers. With an absolute advantage in resources, they can rely on an extremely low battle loss ratio to accumulate a slight advantage until victory is achieved.

Both the Sixth and Seventh Martial Gods were making great progress, but after passing a certain critical point, the fleet quickly collapsed.

The reason why the God King and the Brave King are so impatient is because the White Ship Yi Cong has invaded their scope of responsibilities.

In fact, they basically don’t need to worry about dying. The White Ship Yi Cong is a deep space fleet rather than an aerial fleet. It cannot penetrate deep into the gravitational circle of Jupiter, and it is impossible to have the ability to fight in the violent atmosphere of the gas giant planet. Among the troops directly under the King of Braves, the most important ones are the aerial fleet "Wing God" and "Wrath".

No matter how bad the war situation is, they can still tighten the atmosphere of Jupiter at the critical moment.

This is also the reason why Juan Lebin has no sense of urgency.

The condition of the new Martial God is unknown, and Zhu Anleibin does not intend to face the twelfth Martial God until the situation becomes clear.

Moreover, the twelfth God of War was born on earth, in the territory of King Agni.

King Sky and King Ping also expressed similar thoughts. At the same time, they also proposed the idea that Speed ​​King could go to Earth to defeat the new God of War.

Of course, the Speed ​​King refused on the grounds of "no interest."

The God King and the Brave King did not receive enough support and were a little angry. However, they were mentally prepared for this, so they still stayed and discussed the timetable of military operations with other kings.

Then, the two kings on the front line immediately went offline to express their dissatisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, King Agni immediately said to King Shensu: "Wait a moment, Your Highness. I have a message that I hope you can deliver to His Majesty personally."

Everyone knew that the Speed ​​King would leave immediately after finishing the meeting. At the same time, while the Speed ​​King's Court was in operation, the Speed ​​King did not accept communications directed at him personally, and information could only be forwarded by his staff.

If you want him to do something himself, this is the only way - and you have to involve the Father of All Machines.

Speed ​​King looked at King Agni. King Agni said: "This news involves some internal information. I will deliver it directly to you through a confidential channel. You can forward it to His Majesty yourself."

Falcon paused and nodded, as if he already knew the information.

Then he disappeared too.

The other kings ended their conversations one after another.

In the end, only King Zhengtian and King Agni remained in dialogue.

At the end, Hartman looked at King Zhengtian: "Don't think that you are a harmless creature just because you are curled up among your own toy castles, Your Highness King Zhengtian."

King Zhengtian said: "I just followed your wishes. You asked my troops not to go to Earth, so I didn't go. Is there anything else you are dissatisfied with?"

"I cannot trust you." King Agni said, "And you are indeed not worthy of trust. This time, your desire to fight is still so low."

"What I said is true. Originally, the delivery ability of the new Mars defense force was very weak, and I am not good at military martial arts." King Zhengtian still said in the same calm tone, "The current commander of the Black Ship Yi Cong can also He can be regarded as a disciple of 'Xiang Shan'...haha."

"'Inability to do your best' and 'doing nothing' are two different concepts." King Agni said, "Furthermore, even if you act harmless enough... only your doll will show understanding to you. .”

"David Crane."


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