Cyber Heroes

Chapter 772 Tu Xiangshan

There are countless spaceships constantly operating between the planets in the solar system. Minerals and rare earth elements from rocky planets, nuclear fuel mined from gas giant planets, industrial products produced by various space cities, various resources from the asteroid belt including water...

And of course there are soldiers, all kinds of soldiers. These soldiers come from the more densely populated "inner zone" and enter the vicinity of the asteroid belt that intersects with the chivalrous forces.

The government relies on this loose method to contact the entire solar system.

And these cargo spacecraft are not fully loaded every time they go back and forth. Sometimes, the owners of these spacecrafts will mercifully draw lots and transport the lucky ones to their next destination - this is also the main method of interstellar immigration in this era.

There are also government personnel who have specially set up interstellar navigation routes for civilian use. Anyone can use it as long as they pay enough resources, but this kind of flight often takes months to years to gather the number of people on the flight, which is not as fast as those free lottery cargo ships.

Those who want adventure will approach the asteroid belt or the Jupiter space area, and those who want to become workers and elite warriors will go to the space city.

People who can't stand the first two kinds of life will choose the surface of a rocky planet - preferably the Earth.

Of course, "having options" often means that the individual can save resources.

Most people simply have no choice.

But for knights and other disobedient people, "Earth" is exactly the worst option.

King Agni is very powerful.

King Agni used his peerless internal power to overwhelm the entire Earth-Moon system network.

Xiang Shan and Jeanne hibernated underground for a long time, and did not come out again until the incident subsided several years later.

At this time, the two people in this group did not dare to go online and directly started planning to "infiltrate the flight".

During this process, Jeanne gradually got used to this old guy Xiangshan. She began to learn to ignore the strange proper nouns that this guy used from time to time, and no longer paid attention to his weird nicknames and adjectives.

After arriving on Mars, the two were able to communicate normally.

Putting aside those so-called habits, Xiangshan looks like a regular old man.

But it's also a strange place.

Wuzu Xiangshan completed the basic human transformation surgery between the 1940s and 1950s - some data show that he liked to exercise in the old days, so he can be classified as "healthy" for the time being. For the sake of the operation of the Superman Enterprise, he did not carry out transformation until the basic transformation surgery was fully rolled out - this was already quite dangerous.

But this is only relative.

Wuzu Xiangshan's physiology and mentality never really aged.

Judging from historical records, Wu Zu Xiangshan always looked like he was in his prime. He has no habit of growing a beard, let alone a mustache.

But "Zu Xiangshan" didn't take it seriously: "Compared to a little girl like you, I should have this kind of mentality... Maybe this is the attitude that I wanted to achieve but failed to achieve in history. .”

"What's the meaning?"

"Ageing." Zhu Xiangshan was sitting on a pony. This image is just a model, and it will not interact with the surrounding sand. This made Jeanne feel a little inconsistent.

He looked at the data captured by the crawler and said casually: "My... the biggest wish of 'me' is that one day the company can be peacefully broken down into many different companies and institutions, and then he can take care of everything. Throw it to the relevant departments, put your name on it, get a subsidy, and then play games, write novels, travel, go fishing... When you are in the mood, do some research you want to do, even if you don't sign your name. Days like this It will take at least a hundred years, and then I will die in peace and contentment. When I am dying, I will look back at my life and die with pride and satisfaction, surrounded by family and friends. Well, that's it."

Jeanne shook her head: "I don't believe you are this kind of person."

At this moment, she still truly felt that she might have discovered part of the truth behind the "Rebirth of the God of War".

Many martial gods with hidden personalities are just like these poor people who were killed by brain tumors.

And now it's her turn.

Xiangshan was noncommittal about this.

After arriving on Mars, the two people who shared the brain finally opened up the situation and got help on Mars. Under the guidance of Xiang Shan, Jeanne blended into the knight community.

And they were lucky enough to get what they needed most - a laboratory.

In order to be able to understand what Yawgmoth and others were trying to do, Xiangshan had specially studied relevant knowledge.

The lab's own tutorials can simplify many operations to the point where even a monkey can perform them.

Tuo Xiangshan isolated some brain cells from his own "brain" for observation.

Changes occurred in the lower functional areas of Jeanne's brain. Not only the neurons, but also the parts that were originally glial cells have changed. The cells in these parts not only restarted the life process, they even differentiated into something different from all types of nerve cells recorded.

At the same time, Jeanne's brain was also implanted with artificial nerves. According to King Agni, these artificial nerves can form virtual circuits, which are more suitable for practicing battle martial arts.

However, Xiangshan discovered that there were obvious differences between the artificial nerves in Jeanna's brain and the official information in Jeanna's memory. They are importing part of the information from the high-level area into the low-level area - that is, feeding it to the tumor that thinks it is "Xiangshan".

This is how this brain tumor became Xiangshan.

In fact, Xiangshan borrowed a considerable part of Jeanne's neural network to process sensory signals.

Within this tumor, the proto-oncogene of the nerve cells was partially activated - something that should be impossible for neurons.

Neurons extending from brain tumors are invading higher functional areas.

Jeanne's thinking has long been affected. However, the compensatory mechanism of the human brain is very powerful...

Part of Jeanne's thinking activities are now supported by the neural network in the brain tumor.

In other words, it is no longer the stage where surgery can separate them.

If you insist on having surgery, the biggest possibility is to create two disabled people who cannot think.

And Zhu Xiangshan is indeed slowly devouring Jeanna's life.

But the strange thing is that even if the cells of the brain tumor have differentiated into a shape that even Xiangshan cannot understand, the enzyme is still effective against it.

All types of enzymes commonly available on the market are effective against the neural network of Zuo Xiangshan. This is something that has been verified countless times when practicing internal strength.

In other words, this is still a problem that can be solved by Danase.

Theoretically, as long as enough reductase is injected at once, the brain tumor can be restored to its original state.

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