Cyber Heroes

Chapter 776 Mysterious Force

In the confrontation with that mysterious force, Jeanne's hand was immediately broken. Those guys are very skilled in martial arts and can directly use heavy firepower. Jeanne suffered a great loss from the raid.

Zhu Xiangshan temporarily took over the body and used his martial arts skills to force his way out.

Then, during the escape process, Xiangshan relied on his internal strength to blow up all the surveillance cameras that could be invaded by the outside. .

In the safe house prepared in advance, Jeanne was able to breathe.

"Who are they..." Jeanna was horrified, "They are actually... so strong..."

The prosthetic bodies used by those warriors are very ordinary, like ordinary people in the world. But their martial arts level is extremely high.

A warrior of this rank, placed in the patron sequence, can basically obtain the status of a senior military officer - that is, above the first level of heaven.

And put it in the world...

Earth and Venus are okay. If a knight from Mars reaches this level, he will most likely find a way to go to the asteroid belt, and then join up with the white ship Yi Cong and the black ship Yi Cong. Alternatively, you can also calculate the Jupiter revolution period, bypass the Jupiter universe, and go directly to the Saturn universe.

Warriors of this level can also play a huge role in space battles.

"I can confirm that they also have a prosthetic body, which is from the first layer of the sky and is very suitable for the thin atmosphere of Mars..." Xiang Shan thought: "If you carefully dismantle their strategy group, it is not difficult to find that most of them The moves are all in common with the 'Specialized Prosthetic Body of the Thin Atmosphere Above the First Layer'... Some of the inconsistencies can be explained. This is not the main prosthetic body they use."

"——But, will the senior military attache replace his own prosthetic body to defend the Scientific Research Knights?"

"Impossible." Jeanne said decisively, "If those four warriors are all of this level, then they are already equivalent to most of the defense force of the Knights of St. McGovern. It is impossible to have so many officers..."

Xiang Shan thought about it: "It's not a knight, and it's definitely not a ranger... interesting. It seems that some people have joined forces to form a different force."

Faced with this force, Jeanne chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

In this regard, Xiang Shan said that it was a wise decision.

"You are still too weak, my daughter. You need to practice." Xiang Shan sighed, "They probably still think you are a guy who imitates the Martial Ancestor Xiang Shan very closely, but if I have to fight for you every time, what else? How long will it take for the news of the 'War God's Rebirth' to spread throughout Mars?"

"Huh, what do you think..." Jeanne said bitterly: "I will never let you, an old bastard, get into the driver's seat... I feel terrible."

Tu Xiangshan is the mutation and transformation of low-level functional areas. He is closer to the area where "instinct" is located than Jeanne's higher cortex.

How easy it is for people to be controlled by instinct, how easy it is for Zhu Xiangshan to control Jeanne.

And how uncomfortable it feels when a person is controlled by instinct, how painful it was for Jeanne when her body was controlled by Zhu Xiangshan beyond the surface consciousness.

"Don't worry, I won't do such a thing unless it's absolutely necessary."

"The God of War is reincarnated...isn't this exactly what you are pursuing?"

"But it's obvious that my birth was a conspiracy. Maybe today I call myself the God of War, and tomorrow the mastermind behind the scenes can control me and stir up trouble in the world." Zhu Xiangshan said.

Fortunately, those masters failed to lock Jeanne in the first place.

Xiangshan's stunning performance for a moment made them mistakenly pursue the direction - those masters who were operating secretly seemed to think that Jeanne was similar to them, a master above the first level, so they chose to change the prosthetic body in order not to expose themselves. Hidden martial arts and touch it.

They focused on "searching nearby locations where heavy prosthetics may be hidden."

This gave Jeanne a chance to escape.

Over the next several years, Jeanne traveled to several Martian cities.

With Xiangshan's help, Jeanne was gradually able to distinguish those warriors of mysterious forces among the crowd through their "spiritual appearance."

After several confrontations, Jeanne finally learned the name of this mysterious force - the "Six Dragons Sect".

Completely incomprehensible name.

Jeanne collected many rumors about the Six Dragons Sect. In the asteroid belt, some knights have heard of this force. But they felt that this should be a small force flowing between several neutral city-states in the asteroid belt. A few people left comments that the Six Dragons Sect may be the "white gloves" of some scientific knights, specifically doing things that violate Dyson's principles for them.

"'Floating forces between neutral city-states'? Are you kidding me!" Jeanne was very surprised: "With the power they have hidden in Mars, they can sweep through those so-called neutral city-states, right?"

The so-called "neutral city-states" are shabby forces established based on the numerous battleship wreckage [and still-operating reactors] in the asteroid belt. The single soldier with the strongest combat effectiveness among them is at most equivalent to the mid-level and low-level officers on the patron side.

Of course, these are all on the surface. In the past few decades, some masters who were tired of the struggle also moved there.

But few people count this power as the force of those neutral city-states - they just happen to live there.

It is hard to believe that the Six Dragons Sect is a force formed by the defeated soldiers in the asteroid belt.

However, this also gave Jeanne a reminder.

The Six Dragons Sect is also active in the asteroid belt.

If the Six Dragons Sect is really related to the scientific research knights, then Mars is almost equal to the headquarters of the Six Dragons Sect. Here, Jeanne not only has to face the wanted people of the government, but also faces the masters of the Six Dragon Sect.

But it's different in the asteroid belt.

Over the years, Jeanne has also infiltrated the chivalrous community, established contact with some chivalrous scientific research knights, and even borrowed underground laboratories several times.

But none of the underground laboratories arranged by the scientific research knights met Jeanne's needs.

In the underground laboratory, those chivalrous scientific research knights cleverly kept accounts and unknowingly transferred some equipment and resources outside of surveillance to meet the technical needs of some Martian knights.

There are no laboratories that can "find specific membrane receptors and calculate corresponding specific ligands".

And the scientific research knights that Jeanna has access to are not qualified to have "scientific research privacy" in the laboratory.

It doesn't make much sense to stay on Mars any longer.

In contrast, going to the asteroid belt where the government is weaker will also make it easier for Jeanne to use her fists and kicks.

After making this judgment, Jeanne did not hesitate and immediately decided to go to the asteroid belt.

In this regard, Xiang Shan once again affirmed: "I am becoming more and more decisive. This is good. And I think this is still a wise decision."

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