Cyber Heroes

Chapter 779 War begins

For the Valkyrie Special Operations Force, Faulkner V, a trainee from the 67th batch of the training camp, was pretending to be a guest and standing on the edge of a stall at this moment. He was hooked on a steel cable with one hand, hanging harmlessly in the air while looking across the stall.

The Anti-Valkyrie Special Operations Force is a special ranger that appeared in the Fourth Valkyrie Era, known as the "Ranger among Rangers". It is a special force specially trained by the elite rangers under King Agni. They can carve out a world for themselves in the world without support.

After the birth of the first non-artificial warrior god with a true personality, King Agni, the "human firewall", was keenly aware of a trend. An undead is wandering around the solar system and may step into the human world at any time. So, he set out to form this army.

The only mission of this force is to screen out the Martial Gods. They have undergone specialized learning by observing Xiangshan's consciousness, and are extremely sensitive to Xiangshan's personality profile. They can judge that a person does not look like Xiangshan from the gestures of his hands and feet.

After all, Xiangshan was once the strongest and most creative warrior in the world. His memory also contains his own perspective and his own way of thinking.

If a member of the Valkyrie Special Operations Force survives to transfer, the chance of becoming a senior officer will be higher.

Of course, the premise is that you can survive.

Of course, "those who were beaten to death by knights" and "those who became knights" would not enjoy this treatment.

But Wu Zu Xiangshan's memory seemed to have magic power.

Faulkner V's immediate superior once laughed at himself: "We are the guardians of civilization, and we are also a group of poor people who are always fighting against danger and temptation..."

It is said that there was a large-scale rebellion against the 66th batch of trainees of the Wushen Special Operations Force Training Camp.

Some old people in the army were very frightened by this. Someone once warned Faulkner V: "Don't trust those women... They can't control their empathy... Those women are more easily contaminated than men!"

Faulkner V always felt that there was a huge contradiction between this statement and the concept in Wu Zu Xiangshan's memory. But Faulkner V quickly corrected his attitude.

Who to believe is not clear from the beginning.

The large-scale betrayal in issue 66 was not fabricated by the officers, but it was true. And, it was indeed a woman who took the lead.

After all, Wu Zu was a figure from two hundred years ago, and he had always been extreme. Many of his views may not be correct.

Of course you should believe what Pao Ze said.

After the mass betrayal of trainees in the 66th batch, the training camp was suspended for a long time.

After that, most of the Anti-Martial God troops who were serving were wiped out by the Eleventh Martial God.

This army with countless glory gradually fell silent.

Until three years ago, three disciples of King Agni disappeared on earth.

This guardian of humanity restarted the training of this special force.

The rebirth of the twelfth Martial God has already happened. The training camp has also sped up.

Now, the soldiers of the 67th period have ushered in actual combat training.

There are reports that in recent years, a traitor from Issue 66 has appeared among several neutral city-states in the asteroid belt. This warrior is suspected to have been contaminated by Wu Zu's memory.

This is a dangerous guy. She has received a full range of ranger training, and has been immersed in the memory of her martial ancestors for a long time, and has an outstanding understanding of "martial arts" and "techniques". I don’t know how many memories of the Martial Ancestor she has absorbed after leaving the training camp.

In the worst case scenario, this "senior sister" has become a martial arts god.

Everyone's task is to find her, mark her, and preferably capture or kill her.

[Each unit, report status. 】An encrypted infrared signal came

【01 Ready】



Faulkner V also immediately sent out the news: [05 Ready].

More than ten warriors have already entered the fighting position.

Faulkner V looked at the warrior below with a heavy prosthetic body and a club-like hammer on his back.

The guy doesn't seem to have noticed them yet.

[Countdown to five seconds...4...3...2...1...]

At this moment, the magnetic link weapon behind Faulkner V suddenly thrust out.


Jeanna suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with those rangers.

Although they surrounded themselves, they were not in the best formation. He could actually find the blind spot in this encirclement.

She put one hand on her waist and quietly grabbed her main weapon, the hand cannon.

[Something is wrong, girl...]

【Shut up! 】

At this moment, a ranger suddenly stabbed a magnetic link weapon from his back. His whole body seemed to be transformed into a blind spider, with several slender "legs" that were out of proportion to his body in an instant.

The magnetic link weapon is said to be a low-cost weapon developed by King Zhengtian when he was a knight. The bulk of its cost lies in the "design of the weapon", which is a machine simply riveted together with countless sheet metals and high-strength cables. It is said that King Zhengtian originally wanted to reproduce the concept of "transforming weapons" that can freely switch between long-range and melee combat.

But this thing is still unsatisfactory. . It can indeed shoot its own parts as railgun projectiles. However, its power is still inferior to conventional electromagnetic guns of the same specifications and cost, and it is half-assed as a melee weapon.

But in a low-gravity environment, this thing shows another use.

It can assist movement.

With just a tap of this thing, the warrior can move a long distance. And the cost of this thing is very low - much lower than prosthetics, and it doesn't matter if it is interrupted by a gunman.

Furthermore, this thing that can be folded at any time can also be deformed to resolve the force, so it is not so easy to break.

Furthermore, this thing has its own strong magnetic field. In order to control costs, many space cities use a large number of ferromagnetic components. Within a battleship, it can also play an extraordinary role.

During the Fourth Valkyrie period, this type of weapons flourished in the Jupiter universe, forming many technologies and schools.

In recent years, knights in the Jupiter space domain and the asteroid belt have tried to combine this weapon with the use of mature magnetic trap weapons, such as the "Ziwu Yuanyang Yue" and "Ziwu Dragon and Phoenix Ring" to achieve Restrain the use of phonon knife.

The enemy suddenly approached.

Then, a chain blade extended from the enemy's arm, drawing an increasingly larger spiral, wrapping many passers-by, including Jeanne, within the attack range.

The power of this thing can propel the electromagnetic gun. If the chain blade is tightened, an armored warrior will get it. The ends of limbs such as fingers may even be cut off directly.

Jeanne no longer hesitated.

She fired at an enemy below.

The recoil pushed her diagonally upward.

complex! live!

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