Cyber Heroes

Chapter 787 Reunion of old friends

"Dealing with the Rangers" is indeed a very important task at the moment. For this space city, this team of rangers is like throwing a stone into calm water, and all the fish in the water are alarmed.

Under this situation, it is not so convenient for Jeanna to achieve her original goal.

Jeanne's tracking and anti-tracking techniques were all learned in the Ranger training camp. Even if Xiangshan provides reinforcements, the "background" of her own experience cannot be erased. While she was trying to track and get close to her target, there was a chance the Rangers would detect him.

[At the same time, you cannot reveal your purpose. I want to emphasize again, do not let the government notice our goal this time. 】Xiang Shan warned Jeanne again.

Jeanne also nodded.

After completely annihilating or driving away this group of Rangers, and before the next group of Rangers arrives, she must control the target and then take it away.

Zu Xiangshan prefers to establish cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, and that is why.

Jeanne must find a way to deal with this group of rangers.

There is no possibility of a deal between the Order of Hermo and the Rangers. And this caravan also has at least three masters - Asga, the drone controller, and the last sniper who didn't show up.

These can all be helpful.

Jeanne thought: [But I don’t think the Hermo Club is that reliable. 】

Tu Xiangshan said: [Tell me about it. 】

[When we visited the site in the early stage, we did not see the members of this team, which shows that they did not linger in this city for too long...]

[You mean, they have a specific goal, and they will go straight to the destination as soon as they get off the spaceship. 】

【Um. ] Jeanne nodded: [And I asked just now. This caravan had just arrived in Ur. This ranger was probably trained on the moon. It takes a long time to get here from the moon. Someone in the asteroid belt must be providing them with information. 】

Zhu Xiangshan affirmed: [This is indeed a possibility. Of course, they can first arrive at the asteroid belt and fix a route, then receive information and decide the direction based on the information - the route of the Hemo Society's caravan is probably nothing more than those neutral city-states. 】

[But they at least have spies who can ensure that they provide their movements one step ahead. 】

[I agree with you. But it has little to do with us at this stage. The headquarters of the Hemu Society is in Chaldea, at least the spy is not in this caravan. As for the bugs in their headquarters. That's their own business. 】

Jeanne sighed.

After a few minutes, she added: [I feel bad when I think about not being able to raid those bastards before they build a safe house. 】

【Don't. There are many people on the opposite side. They can establish temporary strongholds while fighting. Besides, we don’t know how many days they have been here, right? 】Zu Xiangshan said: 【At least I have to wait until you have trimmed yourself to a complete beard and tail, right? 】

At this moment, Jeanne is standing in front of a 3D printer. She provided the necessary data to the Chamber of Commerce and borrowed its printer to produce the necessary parts.

Such machines perform better in low-gravity environments. The magnetic field freely controls the raw materials ejected from the nozzle, and is combined into various shapes in a transparent tank filled with rare gases. Laser instant heating and mechanical wave interference lattice shaping. An outline resembling the palm of your hand is taking shape.

This is the part Jeanne needs.

Jeanne is waiting for the accessory to take shape.

Jeanne sighed: [I feel very uncomfortable now. 】

At this moment, Asjia stood in front of another transparent tank, waiting for the parts he needed to be printed. But Asgard did not look at his parts, but stared at Jeanne with hatred in his expression.

She even "deliberately did not make an offensive gesture."

[Tsk, tsk, it’s too tender. My daughter, when you have a lot of old friends who are ready to fight passionately with you at any time, you will be close to my realm. Where is this? 】

Jeanne spat out a series of curse words to Xiang Shan deep in her heart.

At this time, Asgard spoke: "The one who had problems back then and caused us to be liquidated... was you, right, Jeanne."

Jeanne shook her head: "I said before I was betrayed by those bastards, I had never betrayed someone."

"You are still quibbling!" Asgard was very angry: "Since just now, you have been standing there alone, sighing from time to time, nodding from time to time, and there are obvious changes in mood - you have serious dissociation of personality, right? !”

——It would be nice if it was just dissociation of personality...

[Yes, at least dissociation will not be accompanied by brain tumors. If the two personalities can coexist peacefully, it will be as if there is no disease. 】

【Shut up! 】

"Look. I can feel that you were emotionally ups and downs just now..." Asgard said, "This is similar to how you behaved back then."

Jeanne patted her head: "I don't think this is a problem worthy of being punished..."

"There will be no serious problems simply by watching the memory of the Martial Ancestor." Asga shouted: "I have seen it too! I am not crazy. You will only become crazy if you use special medicine on your brain!"

It is said that before the 66th issue of Jeanne and Asgard, there were several people in the Martial God Special Operations Force training camp who were infected by Martial Ancestor's memory and tried to use the pill-reducing enzyme before reading the Martial Ancestor's memory to reduce the impact on themselves. More intense.

[They accepted my philosophy and realized that it was completely contradictory to their life experiences. This torture makes them miserable. After thinking about it, they were willing to accept my idea - after using Dan-Returning Enzyme to read the memories of the Martial Ancestor once or twice, they probably wouldn't become a Martial God. ] Zu Xiangshan couldn't help but sigh: [They just want to change themselves. 】

"I am indeed crazy, but am I the only one who is crazy?" Jeanna stared at Asga, "After you left the training camp, did you take a good look at the world? This world..."

"Okay, you two." At this time, the door to the room opened. The warrior named "Zun" walked in, "Two of you, this room doesn't have such good soundproofing. If we continue to argue, everyone here will know that you are the masters who have read 'That Memory'."

Sitting in the corner of the room, staring at the parts that were about to be formed in front of Jeanne: "I'm sorry if it disturbed the two of you reminiscing. But your movements can't be called friendly - I'll wait here, okay. Bar."

Dip also seems to need to add some unconventional parts.

Asga said bitterly: "I won't do anything to her here."

"It's best not to." Jin looked at Jeanne again, "So, madam, you are... a reserve for the God of War?"

Jeanne sighed: "Just say so."

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