Cyber Heroes

Chapter 791 Trauma

[This girl looks like her PTSD is a bit serious. ] Zhu Xiangshan said this in Jeanna's brain, [If you finally find a psychiatrist, you should be able to introduce it to her. 】

【PTSD? What kind of old-time nonsense is this? Some kind of cultural phenomenon? 】

[Post-traumatic stress disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, P-T-S-D! 】Zu Xiangshan felt incredible: 【Don’t you even pay attention to this in your era? 】

【What and what? ] Jeanne hid herself in the corner and downloaded the data extracted by the Trojan from the local server.

[Some events will completely transcend a person's daily life experience and completely defeat a person's normal ability to deal with problems. When such an event occurs, it can have a devastating impact on the human psyche. Even if it heals, it will still leave a wound... Tsk, I feel like people of your generation don't quite understand this metaphor. In other words, the spirit is originally transparent glass. Then one day, the glass breaks, and then you use repair agent to stick it together, leaving traces on the glass...]

Jeanne retorted: [Is it difficult to find an adhesive whose refractive index is almost the same as that of glass? 】

Zhu Xiangshan was silent for a few seconds and said bitterly: [Well, ah, I praise materials science - but such glass cannot be used as an optical component of a laser weapon, right...]

[But the optical components of laser weapons are not originally glass, but artificial lenses, right? 】

Zhu Xiangshan sighed: [I really miss you... I used to perform this kind of sophistry on TV. Anyway, this is not the point. 】

【I probably understand. You just want to say that there was a hole in Asga's mind because of what happened at that time. ] Jeanne said: [When the topic reaches this point, she seems to be a completely different person, extremely irritable and aggressive...]

[Psychologically, she was re-experienced the moment of being betrayed and purged by her superiors. ] Zhu Xiangshan added.

Jeanne commented: [It sounds like a mental illness that only weaklings get. 】

The shock of Zhu Xiangshan at this moment was clearly transmitted to the bottom of Jeanna's heart.

[I have heard such a story, Jeanne. 】Xiang Shan said: 【That is a thing of the old times. There is no benchmark person yet. A hero in his twilight years once saw a fragrant pear rolling down on the ground - a plant fruit that was shaped somewhat like a grenade. Before thinking, he acted instinctively. He rushed forward and pressed the plant fruit with his body. He judged that it was a grenade, so he hoped to use this method to reduce the casualties around him - for Homo sapiens, this means gambling with his own life on the survival of his companions. 】

[This is a man of infinite courage. Even I may not have such courage. But he still has scars inside. Part of his soul remained on the battlefield and never entered a peaceful life. Even such a brave man will still be frightened by an event like "war" that goes beyond daily life. 】

Jeanne said: [I don’t think he is scared. 】

[Because his courage can defeat fear. But do you think that when he used his body to suppress the imaginary "grenade", his heart was filled with joy and happiness? Such a person can defeat the fear in his heart unlimited times. But this fear is still meaningless - in a peaceful environment, he does not need to have such fear. The hero does not need to engage in this futile "conquer." It's just that the scars in his heart refuse to believe that he himself has been living in long-term peace. 】

[In his decades of life, how many times will he encounter "small objects rolling off the ground" moments? At these moments, will the haze left by the battlefield flash before our eyes? And can he continue his daily behavior only after he has conquered his own heart? I hope not, I sincerely hope, that it was just aging that first made him forget the peaceful life he had lived for decades. 】

[But, Jeanne, the human brain has a mechanism that triggers this phenomenon. There may be some basis for this theory of behavioral evolution, and maybe it could bring a little survival advantage to our ancestors at a certain stage of evolution. The brain was not designed to make people happy. Human beings are shaped into courage through culture or self, which can only overcome, but cannot exempt people from the psychological trauma caused by this physiological mechanism. 】

——Human beings want to pursue happiness, but the physiological mechanism that makes people born is not for people to obtain happiness...

An unusual sadness flowed into Jeanne's heart. Zuo Xiangshan has always strictly closed his mind. Jeanne could only feel hazy emotions all this time. Only when the emotion is very obvious will certain thoughts drift into Jeanne's heart.

Xiangshan felt from the bottom of his heart that "a certain fact" was sad.

Jeanne still didn't fully understand.

Jeanne asked back: [According to this statement, you should be more seriously ill. Xiangshan even died. 】

[Unfortunately, I have no memory of death. This fact cannot traumatize me. 】

[When I woke up, I found that I had been dead for two hundred years and even had a brain tumor? 】

[Well, it’s quite impactful. But to be honest, it's not as impressive as "The Eleventh Defeat of the God of War". 】

Jeanna recalled the memories of the Martial Ancestor she had read and said: [Have you ever felt that you are abnormal? Not like a person. 】

[I am still a little conscious of this. ] Zhu Xiangshan is very open-minded, [Since my youth, my "daily life" has been "changing the world" - this career runs through my family, friendship and love. I sacrificed my life to it. My mental state is indeed...different from that of most humans. But you must not say that I am not a human being, my dear daughter. Minorities are different from the majority, but they are also people. 】

【hehe. 】

[Okay, let’s stop talking. I have used my inner strength to organize the data for you. Still no sign of the Rangers. There were no Ranger-looking characters passing through the area for several hours as the battle took place. 】

Jeanne opened her eyes and walked out of the dark corner. Outside a corner, in a slightly open area, Asga held the weapon in one hand and stood in front of the charging pile to charge himself. She seemed to have forgotten her discomfort just now, and asked Jeanne: "Did you find anything?"

"There isn't one in this area either, but..."

"Well, not having any clues is a clue." Asga agreed with this judgment, "If they haven't passed here, then the greater possibility is..."

"Near the ground area?" Jeanne asked.

Asgard said: "I went to the local forum when I was bored. Some locals were discussing several high-level battles that took place near the ground."

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