Cyber Heroes

Chapter 803 Nothing is predestined

Xiang Shan sat next to Jeanne. I don’t know why, Jeanne felt there was a layer of light around her...

It should be a hallucination from Xiangshan. This illusion is like...when she was still on Earth, she was looking at the moon in the desert...

At that time, she could only feel the great authority from King Agni from the moon. But now, another aspect of "moonlight" flows into Xiangshan's consciousness from his mental image.

Xiang Shan sighed slightly: [I am not a person who is very good at understanding others. If it were someone like Inga...Ingrid Granat, maybe she would realize your problem soon. 】

At this moment, Jeanne was actually paying attention to another question: [You said that you... uh, are not good at understanding others? This is ridiculous. Look at the ninth Martial God... Everyone says that the Martial God has the ability to "manipulate people's hearts." 】

Xiang Shan glanced at Jeanne: [The first thing you thought of was this question... Then I'll explain it a little bit. "Communication" between people actually consists of three parts - first, understanding others, second, inner feedback, and finally, expressing this feedback. 】

[Generally speaking, groups of mirror neurons store codes for specific behavioral patterns. Humans can make certain actions without thinking based on these codes, or understand other people's intentions without thinking after seeing certain actions of others. 】

[The next step is feedback... This is a quite complicated process. But to simplify it, it probably means "after understanding whether others are happy or painful, the emotional impulse of happiness or pain arises in one's heart." 】

[The third point is to convey what you feel. 】

Xiang Shan pointed at himself: [To be honest, any problem with any of these three parts will cause humans to be incompatible with the group. If you cannot feel others correctly, you will not be able to realize that others will be hurt by your actions, and it will be difficult to obtain positive feedback in communication. He's prone to being a jerk and feels like everyone has ill intentions towards him. "Feedback gone wrong" is the most dangerous. If a person feels happy because of the pain of others, then he can easily become a sociopath... Tsk, although there is no society now. And if there is a problem with "expression", how should I put it, it may be slightly better, and others will not be able to get positive feedback from "communicating with you". You lose friends easily. 】

[Then, these three points can all be compensated for by human beings' ability to think rationally and summarize rules. 】

【ah? ] Jeanne was surprised.

【Is it strange? Part of the expressive language is innate. Babies will also feel happy when they see the smiling faces of unfamiliar adults. Some people just lack this innate ability. However, he can still conclude through experience, "Oh, when human faces look like this, they express happiness." He can also conclude "Oh, humans are happy to be treated like this, this is a good thing", "According to public order and good customs, I should do this, this is reasonable". Not everyone who is born cold will definitely develop into a cold-blooded bastard - you can only say that the probability of him becoming a cold-blooded bastard is greater than the average person, but nothing is innately destined. 】

——"Nothing is predestined", the main slogan of Superman Enterprise, the slogan of the human body revolution, and one of the core concepts of the Pioneers.

[Since we naturally have the potential to "make something from scratch", then...]

[Just like you thought, Jeanne. ] Zhu Xiangshan spread his hands, [You can do it from scratch, so it will be easier to exercise and strengthen it. As long as you master the method - "communication ability" can be subdivided into three abilities instead of one. In addition, Lao Jiu... At present, we can only say that that guy's expressive ability is excessive. As for understanding and feedback, I can only say that I don’t know. 】

Xiangshan looked at his "phantom": [Speaking of which, whose knowledge is this? Does Xiangshan himself possess it...Does Xiangshan himself have such a clear understanding of this point...]

Jeanne stretched out her hand and patted the air around her - or in other words, patted Xiangshan's figure in her eyes: [It's really hard to draw a conclusion about Martial Ancestor and Martial God. But at least you have. 】

Apart from the initial period of fighting each other, this was the first time Jeanne tried to interact with Xiangshan.

It took Xiangshan two seconds to understand this move: [Well, you should know that what I can see is actually what you can see... In addition, I may not be able to see my own phantom. This is so weird. Try a different approach next time - also, I really wasn't good enough. 】

Jeanne said: [Then the emotion in my heart is...]

[Actually, it comes from me, it’s called “proudness”, or “joy of reversal”. Basically, when you are about to die, you perform a set of operations to reverse the situation, and then you are very happy. You have acquiesced in the situation that "no matter what, you cannot reverse this bad situation now." Even if you escape this time, there will be more terrible disasters in the future. In addition, in your mind, being able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles in the past is all because of me, not your efforts. 】

Jeanne looked at herself and smiled bitterly: "I kept saying that Asgard was a softie and cowardly... I turned out to be weak too."

She couldn't help but say this.

[This is not a question of strength or weakness. 】 Xiangshan said, "No matter what we encounter or do, you will generally attribute it this way: "Because of Xiangshan, I will suffer these hardships", "Because of Xiangshan, I can survive these hardships." , "Because I am weak, I cannot solve the problems I face." You're used to thinking this way. 】

Jeanne was silent for a moment and nodded: [You were right back then... I am indeed far weaker than you. Spiritual level. You even need to forcefully recall your most painful memories to reach my level...]

[I was not born so strong, and you were not born so weak. 】Xiang Shan said, 【With the help of others, I first overcame many difficulties that "can be solved with hard work" and achieved victory. By the time I encountered those things in my life where I couldn't help myself, I was used to being successful. But you are different. You are alone in this world. In ten years, you have not experienced... cheers like I just did. 】

Jeanne tapped her chest lightly: [I feel it if there is a heart. Ah, why am I feeling it now? 】

[I have been thinking and reducing communication at the neurological level. This of course goes both ways. 】Xiang Shandao; 【In the past, I would only control the body after numbing your nerve network with drugs. This is really my first time doing this. 】

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