Cyber Heroes

Chapter 825 Reflection

The memory after that is ambiguous. Xiangshan no longer remembers how he spent this afternoon.

It's like it's "broken".

By the time I came to my senses, it was already night.

Xiang Shan was in a tent in the peacekeeping force camp. Not the refugee camp near the peacekeepers, but inside the peacekeepers camp.

It seems that due to Lao Di's departure, the peacekeeping force received a notice from China, allowing Xiang Shan and others who had no involvement to enter the camp.

Oh, strictly speaking, they are not irrelevant. Military personnel are a profession with a high disability rate, and they are also a very powerful group. Superman Enterprises has cooperation projects with the militaries of many countries to promote baseline transformation. As long as Xiang Shan wants to, he can get the title of "military advisor" in many countries.

Even most senior military officials understand that, except for the right to use unconventional weapons, most "military secrets" are not as important as what Xiang Shan has in his hands.


Xiang Shan thought so.

——Rules... Rules are just like this...

——We just pretend that the rules are still there. But as long as the cards in a person's hand are strong enough, the rules will actively serve him...

The peacekeeping forces had always been very disciplined before, so when something happened in Kanhara, they were unable to disperse the refugees as quickly as possible and arrive at the scene.

But now, if another "rebel force" tries to attack this camp, then this peacekeeping force will be able to directly fight back with the highest level of firepower.

Because he is here.

Perhaps those outside will use some rhetoric to explain that these behaviors are completely legal.

But from Xiangshan's perspective, he had never thought about these issues at all, and the path of "compliance and legality" automatically appeared at his feet.

It's amazing.

And those security guards he hired. They can really "kill anyone approaching with unknown intentions."

They can do things that peacekeepers cannot do.

If Kanbaru had hired such a group of people before, he might not have died.

"It turns out that this kind of service is quite expensive..." Xiang Shan muttered to himself.

This level of spending does not require his consent at all. Contact him for help.

But what about Kanbaru...

More than ten years ago, Kanbara complained that scientific research funding in this field was very limited.

More than ten years later, he still does not have the extra funds to move out of this formation.

Maybe Kanbaru also has his own considerations. He wanted to record the local language by communicating with the locals. With so many soldiers armed with live ammunition, I'm afraid they won't be able to communicate well with some people.


--has no meaning……

——Those languages ​​that are about to become extinct...are they more important than human life...

Now, Xiangshan is holding his mobile phone.

With a little effort, he found information on several local "security companies". Someone will take care of everything for him. He only needs to submit orders on those companies' web pages, and then...

Call for justice?

Uphold the "kill for life" rule?

Just move your fingers.

He has even made it to the last step.

The sun has set and darkness is covering the land. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xiangshan's nose was still entangled with the stench.

If the person who killed Kanbaru didn't die this time, he might not have to pay any price. This country cannot make everyone involved in the killings pay the price - if every murderer is tried fairly, it will set off a new round of massacres.

However, when I think about the fact that the person who killed Kanbaru may live for a long time... maybe four hundred years later... maybe infinity...

I think that those little devils on that day will say leisurely four hundred years later, "We were in hell back then" and "I regret it very much"...

Xiangshan's heart seemed to have lost its balance.

With the snap of a finger, this resentment will subside.

How great...

How great...

Xiangshan's thumb trembled.

"Rules" really aren't that scary. Maybe the road will be more difficult in the future. But at least at this stage, this kind of thing is unlikely to cause a fatal blow to Xiangshan.

Xiangshan's thumb trembled, as if there were several corpses hanging on it.

Just a few people.

Xiang Shan suddenly closed his eyes and smashed his phone on the ground.

He growled to himself, "What's the point?"

As a former United Nations official and a serious D1-level leader, Xiangshan has also received some training. Jing Hongtu also told him in simple terms what he should pay attention to when doing things and speaking, and explained to him the position of the United Nations.

Ah, yes, he had never doubted this in the past. "National self-determination" is a weapon forged by the wave of colonial liberation in the last century. “To deny the right to self-determination or secession is, in practice, to support the privileges of the ruling nation.” “As long as the proletariat of any nation slightly supports the privileges of the bourgeoisie of the “own” nation, it will inevitably cause the proletariat of another nation to oppose Its distrust will weaken the class unity among workers of all nationalities, and will tear workers apart and make the bourgeoisie happy." He also understood the "Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples" and the "Declaration of Principles of International Law".

He never doubted what Jing Hongtu told him.


The mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood had powerfully defeated him.

If the concept of "nation" can be fabricated at will, then why do we think that human beings can use "nation" as a unit to carry out "self-determination"?

For some groups, are they really worthy?

Is it worthy?

But...but if we don't admit this, then on what basis should humans criticize what the imperialists of "civilized countries" have done to "barbaric countries"?

Why should he, Xiangshan, decide the life or death of a group of foreigners?

What qualifications does Xiang Shan have to do this?

Because he has power and power. He has capital.

Apart from not representing a country, what is the difference between him and the imperialists?

Two different kinds of "justice" were fighting fiercely in Xiangshan's brain.

Xiangshan sat on the ground as if he had collapsed.

At this moment, the leader of Superman Enterprise finally realized something.

He is actually not that different from the people in this country. As long as certain conditions are met, he may, like people in this country, regard "killing certain people" as "justice."

Don't want to admit it at all.

A sickening conclusion.


We are all human beings. This is people.

Xiang Shan crushed his cell phone under his feet.

Then, the memory stopped abruptly.

Xiangshan, who had customized himself as "Chrome", looked at Xiangshan, who represented "Fanatical": "So Jiu... do you have another part of the memory of this day? On this day, Yawgmoth thought again What?"

I was roped in to do nucleic acid research. The update is late, sorry.

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