Cyber Heroes

Chapter 828 Preparation and Legend

Yuki controlled the newly built spherical submarine and slowly floated up.

This thing was built with the help of a group of nearby earth drillers. It is less than two meters in diameter and is a completely independent vehicle. Its front is made of transparent material, and you can see a single seat inside.

Designed entirely for child-sized passengers.

The propulsion device of this vehicle is also specially designed to minimize noise.

If necessary, this escape device can carry one passenger to escape - at most plus an unarmored head.

It’s considered a second-hand preparation.

As soon as Yuki's head came out of the water, a huge shadow enveloped his forehead.

Xiang Shan stood directly above: "The floating point you chose is pretty easy to guess. Points will be deducted. Remember it next time."

Although he had no idea what "normal punishment" was (perhaps it was some kind of ancient punishment with unknown meaning, Yuki guessed), the young warrior still remembered this for the time being.

Youki ordered the AI ​​to anchor one meter below the water, and at the same time climbed up to the reef where Xiangshan was standing: "What did I do wrong... This area is obviously not the 'most suitable terrain for submersibles to surface'."

"This area is the second most suitable place for submersibles to surface. Maybe the third most suitable." Xiang Shan shrugged: "I don't want to think about training the AI ​​to surface. That little thing is quite smart."

"That's right." There was a squirming movement under Xiang Shan's robe-like disguise, and Panic's little head came out.

Except for her unnatural lips, she is no different from an ordinary four or five-year-old child.

Yuki muttered: "Isn't this a preparation to prevent us from capsizing the boat in the sea and letting her escape alone? Can we still let her swim back to the ground alone?"

If baseline humans can beat Homo sapiens in many sports even without relying on prosthetics, then there is one major category of sports in which baseline humans can never beat Homo sapiens.

That is "swimming".

The body density of baseline human beings is higher than that of homo sapiens and cannot float at all.

On the contrary, after becoming a prosthetic body, you can rely on accessories such as empty cabins to obtain buoyancy, or simply use a large amount of high-strength plastic with a density lower than water to balance the high-density biological parts.

If a prosthetic person with a low transformation rate falls into the sea, he can only wait for death.

Therefore, this submarine cannot land in relatively gentle areas. Otherwise, this thing would be stranded and the little guy wouldn't be able to reach a safe place - the waves can still sweep away a baseline human child of five or six years old.

"The rapids are actually more suitable." Xiang Shan said: "Let the AI ​​stay on the rapids and sink to the bottom during high tide, and then strand naturally when the tide recedes."

"But that will be noticed by the government... Ah, there is no satellite network now." Yuki suddenly realized, and then fell into deep thought, "But where will she go next?"

"If there is such a time, then most of us will have died at the bottom of the sea." Xiang Shan stretched out his finger and tapped the back of Yuki's head, "The emergency plan will not be perfect. Rather than spending a lot of energy to perfect it, we still Just be careful not to let yourself die down there.”

Just like the twelve zodiacs fighting in the solar atmosphere are not fully adapted to the earth's atmospheric environment, and many of the essences of martial arts cannot be used, Xiangshan, a prosthetic body that can perform perfectly in the earth's earth environment, has done its best to overcome the higher density and electromagnetic waves around it. It takes a lot of martial arts to pass the ocean environment with worse conditions.

If there really is a first-level prosthetic body specialized in marine combat on the opposite side, or if there are enough supercavitating fish to cover the attack, Xiangshan, whose speed is severely limited by the sea water, may really capsize.

Xiangshan has also been trying to collect some useful martial arts in the liquid environment these days. Unfortunately, there are not many related resources.

Even if you think about it carefully. In the solar system, the largest ocean is really only found on the earth. Many knights active on Mars, Venus and space cities have probably never seen a body of water larger than the size of an "artificial lake" in their entire lives. Not to mention the distant planets, where not to mention liquid water and liquid air are considered high-temperature objects.

If you ask these people, who account for the majority of the knights in the solar system, to study marine martial arts, it is somewhat difficult for others.

Of course, it can’t be said that nothing was gained.

At least Xiangshan knew some legends. For example, there are people in the Jupiter universe studying this.

There may be liquid oceans on Jupiter's moons such as Europa and Ganymede - they may be made of water, or they may be made of things like liquid methane.

All in all, Xiangshan did find some clues.

But the download progress bar is motionless.

Probably...because the storage location of these martial arts resources is basically not on the earth...

The parts that can be touched by the earth were still developed by Xiangshan, David and Yog two hundred years ago, and there have been basically no changes.

It is said that only the Northland Knights, a group that hides under the ice all year round, have dabbled in it a little bit, and they have not yet delved into the depths.

After all... According to the single-killer king Jadel, they learned martial arts in order to assassinate the king and kill the driver. Their assassination targets basically do not run in the sea, so why do they need to learn martial arts to be used in a marine environment?

Xiangshan was speechless, but he felt deeply that this was not the attitude he should have in learning.

All in all, Xiangshan can only use his underwater martial arts from two hundred years ago to deal with situations that may arise along the way.

There is no reason for Xiangshan to be careless.

After all, most of the earth's knights have heard a rumor that there is a mysterious force lurking in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Many knights who tried to cross the Pacific disappeared without explanation.

Of course, this is most likely just an urban legend. After all, knights are people whose whereabouts are erratic. After a knight crosses the Pacific, if he does not surf the Internet for a period of time and then changes his vest, it is indeed very likely that he will be deemed missing.

It's never a mistake to be careful.

Xiangshan estimated that even if there was a slight danger, he probably wouldn't provoke a first-level heavenly warrior.

Besides, this was the same road Bai Man took when he took Tao Enhai to Africa. They have now achieved great results in Africa.

Xiangshan took Youki to find a hidden entrance and entered near an underground base.

Several Earth-Drilling Dragons using small prosthetics immediately exclaimed, staring at Xiangshan, rapidly emitting electromagnetic waves, and seemed to be chatting about something.

These days, Xiangshan has become the most popular person in this temporary preparation base. He often releases "fanaticism" and transforms into a cyberpunk singer to boost the morale of this small group of people in the base.

At the same time strive to leave a "cultural" impact.

Even Yuki was shocked. He really didn't know that his master had this skill.

I haven't seen him play like this in several years.

Deep in the base, Xiangshan met his temporary teammates.

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