Cyber Heroes

Chapter 835 Bernard’s last words (Part 2)

"Okay, the camera can't see it from this angle. Don't stand up straight to confirm the camera, otherwise something will definitely go wrong."

Xiangshan stiffened slightly, but still resisted the urge to look at the camera. He also experienced relevant training when he participated in classified projects many years ago. He did not show any intention of avoiding the camera, but whispered: "Old Di, what do you mean?"

"You are in a huge scam...not just you, but all of us. Do you occasionally feel a little bit dislocated when communicating with others, feeling that everyone is not talking about the same thing? Do you Do you suspect that the news you see is different from the news seen by others?”

Xiang Shan said: "This sounds a lot like some kind of conspiracy theory..."

"I guess so. Even if you occasionally have doubts, you will use 'I am a rational person, don't just believe in conspiracy theories' to convince yourself to follow the order. When everyone around you is so normal, you can't help it. Be persuaded. You are the absolute core of this scam, and this is a cocoon created for you alone. No matter how powerful your personal abilities are, you cannot defeat many people."

"This is impossible. It is impossible for such a sophisticated plan not to leak a little bit of information."

"It's possible. Because you advocate replacing manual labor with intelligent systems, these are achievable. Tools can greatly save human power, until quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes - this is also your creed. I don't know how to implement it specifically. I know. But let me ask you first, how long has it been since you personally maintained the system you wrote... No, that's not right, I should ask this. Do you think the background, code, etc. you see through your office computer, Is this what the company is running?”

Xiang Shan said nothing.

Lao Di knows nothing about technology and can't explain why. But... what he said is possible.

But who can do front of the world's number one hacker?

Xiang Shan suddenly remembered the night when Zhu Xinyu held the knife.

Zhu Xinyu is just a person. People are bound to relax sometimes. When she is traveling, on vacation, or sleeping.

"But... there is always the risk of being seen by unrelated people... There are so many people in the company, it is impossible for all of them to be part of them..."

"Can they see?" Bernard asked again: "What is the usage rate of prosthetic eyes in our company?"

In order to show its determination to promote human prosthetics, employees within Superman Enterprises have a certain quota and can use company resources to obtain prosthetics. Most former hard-working students and current corporate workers who suffer from eye diseases will choose "prosthetic eyes".

"However, the design of prosthetic eyes is not subject to external control..."

"Did you personally bake the control chips for those prosthetic eyes?" Bernard sighed: "Perhaps Ms. Zhu will also check the prosthetics of the people around her regularly. But she can only ensure that the prostheses of a small group are not will be controlled...and as long as this small group can only obtain information from controlled channels, then they can only see the illusion no matter what..."

"But how is this done... If it starts from this step, then they..."

"Not everyone starts from scratch like you and digs 'gold mines' from nature and aliens, boss. It should be said that after the era of gold rush, such people almost no longer exist. Some people are inherently talented. Huge power. Since you have not yet ruled the entire human world, these people who already hold power can complete connections in places you cannot see. The upstream suppliers you entrust, the companies you acquire... "

"Because you are obsessed with dismembering Superman Enterprises through anti-monopoly rules after completing your great cause, so they have a chance. You think that the people you have gradually absorbed over the past ten years have joined this enterprise on behalf of the will of each country. But You don't realize that they have formed a group in this super consortium. If you continue to tolerate it, the dismemberment process you have implemented will continue to complete. But that is only a superficial process. This organization we have created in our lifetime , nominally it will be absorbed by the people's livelihood departments of each country, and then the rest will be split into some medium and large enterprises that provide medical services and produce prosthetics for healthy competition. But in fact, the power that has been gathered will not disperse..."

"As long as you can't keep an eye on every process, then even if you have imperial power, you can't control the entire world."

It is not human nature to obey rules.

"Moreover, I guess you haven't seen paper records for a long time. You are confident that you can obtain all information through the Internet, and you also feel that you can see traces of modifications to the records on the Internet. Reading information brought by smart devices The convenience of it is unmatched by paper media. But sometimes, when you dig out the paper news magazines of the past, you will realize how outrageous the information on the Internet has been modified now..."

"But it's too late now. Even if you subscribe to paper newspapers and periodicals now, the content delivered to you must be specially customized for you. When you chat with others, what they hear may not necessarily be what you say. The prosthetic ear may replace it with pre-synthesized audio. Speaking of which, in your memory, how many times have we called each other over the years?"


"But it's more than that. The most serious thing...the person you trust may not really be the person you trust..."

Xiangshan unconsciously squeezed Bernard's hand. He thought again of the inexplicable words Zhu Xinyu said.


"You have created such a convenient thing as a 'prosthetic body'... flesh and blood can be cloned, numbering and identification can be forged... How can a prosthetic body prove that he is himself?"


"I don't know. I'm just a natural person who is about to die of old age." Bernard whispered, "It is much harder to fake a natural person than a prosthetic person. Our eyes are primitive and fragile, but they have not been implanted with artificial ones. The back door... Yes, in a few days, I will enter the isolation ward due to weakened immunity. After all, I am already very old. What you see by then may not be my rotten body. "

"If you insist on saying it...I suspect that Director Sun is no longer Director Sun. Director Qian may still be Director Qian, but he may not be on your side. Director Li...I can't say..."


"Many years ago, you tried to use AI... or something to train it, to simulate the confrontation between artists and critics... If there was an AI, it would be born just for you, just to write false content for you, just to pollute what you see. The source of information... it does not make you believe, but stuffs a lot of information into it, blunting your judgment... Can you resist it?" Bernard said: "If you let people help you make judgments for you, you will You have to make sure that guy is absolutely trustworthy..."

Xiang Shan asked in a low voice: "Then what should I do?"

"I don't know. This is far beyond the limit of my ability." Bernard gasped: "I'm just a Homo sapiens waiting to die... I can convey that warning to you, which is already my limit. If you want me to give you a hint... Ms. Zhu may have known something, so she disappeared. You can confirm her personal abilities, but her talent cannot be imitated for the time being, so you didn't see it The police found a...pretender..."

"But how did she know... Think about what she did in the end... If you were her, what would you do? What path would you follow? The clues she found must be hidden there... …”

"Besides, don't trust anyone easily, don't even trust your own eyes and ears... Fortunately, most of your prosthetic body was completed by yourself in the laboratory, right..."

"What you want to do can only be decided by yourself. There has never been such a terrible thing in history... Personal will has never been so unimportant... But I believe that as long as you see the truth clearly, even for just a moment, You can also get out of the fog..."

Bernard adjusted his breathing again: "But this time, follow your soul. Don't think that the body and soul can be independent. No matter how noble the soul is, if it enters the filthy skin, it will be trapped by the skin. Destiny Ah...fate will punish such a self-righteous soul. A person's ending is ultimately determined by his actions in the world..."

Bernard's voice grew louder. This was already a bit difficult for him.

Xiangshan knew what this meant. If you jump out of this conversation, in the eyes of others, Bernard is probably cursing him, cursing that he and his mechanical body will be punished by God.

It completely fits the image of an old Homo sapiens - the kind of person who cannot accept the long lifespan brought by standardization and prosthetics to human beings, but does not have the opportunity to enjoy it himself.

But Xiangshan knew what Bernard was thinking.

He let go and nodded.

Bernard closed his eyes. What he needed to do has been done.

He can take a good rest.

Bernard believed that the powerful man in front of him could still create miracles.

When Xiang Shan turned to leave, Bernard asked: "Boss..."


"You always say, 'The old society turns people into ghosts, and the new society turns ghosts into people'... In your eyes, I used to be a ghost. So now, have I become a person?"

Xiang Shan suddenly felt a little sore at the corners of his eyes: "Of course you are alone, Lao Di."

After Xiang Shan finished speaking, he left this medical center, which was affiliated to Superman Enterprise and was converted to provide services to a few important personnel.

At this moment, he looked like a soldier who had evacuated his homeland or defense zone due to failure.

The next month, Bernard Dubois died peacefully in a light sleep - at least that's what Xiangshan had seen.

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