Cyber Heroes

Chapter 841 Knight

After hearing what the boss said, the third senior brother was a little scared: "Elder brother, this...this...who can do this kind of research must be the best among the knights, or the knight commander. It may even be a confidential project from the throne. ...Are we tired of living in such a rush to get something like this?"

"Running for results" is something that is looked down upon by scientific knights. Once a person does this, his reputation within the Scientific Research Knights will be ruined.

If you are robbing the achievements of a knight commander, then not only will you be in trouble, but you will also run the risk of being invited to be killed by the knight commander's personal armed forces.

If you happen to be a formal knight with little background, then this "risk" will immediately skyrocket to "100%."

The senior brother shook his head: "Idiot. It is impossible for one person to handle such a large project. After the publication of this result, there will definitely be a large influx of scholars who will continue to work in this field. We are the first to see it Such a mature squid can be studied thoroughly in advance and then be deployed first..."

This is destined to be an important direction for the entire Galapagos Temple.

Artificial intelligent creatures...artificial intelligent races! What does this mean?

How many research directions does this represent?

Many official knights also began to think about it.

"This is almost certainly the work of someone within the Scientific Research Knights..." The senior brother pulled out the burr-like things one by one and said: "The appearance of this thing is almost the same as a squid. And the squid is one of the artificial environments. One of the best preserved species in the world."

The squid is also one of the most studied species by humans. Several major breakthroughs in neuroscience in the twentieth century are related to its large nerves. Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley, known as the "Maxwells of neuroscience", are very fond of this creature - the nerve fibers of the squid are as thick as 0.5 mm, the thickest nerve in mammals. Only a quarter of it. Since 1937, Hodgkin has used this creature as his material to open up the boundaries of human cognition.

At the time of Infection No. 1, there were many squid living in laboratory environments. Coupled with the last-ditch efforts of the last animal protection agencies, this species continues to this day in artificial environments.

Many scientific research knights have seen this great species that opened the door to neuroscience for mankind when they were taught the glorious history of the scientific research knights.

Although ordinary people cannot see it, and although today's oceans are no longer suitable for this native species, it does thrive in an artificial environment outside the earth.

The second senior brother took out a strange chip and handed it to another official knight: "Mr. Chu, you are a related professional. Can you give me a look and see what kind of technology this is?"

The current mainstream prosthetic chips are all based on the "brain-computer barrier". The brain-machine barrier is the result of the accumulation of metal-based proteins on the surface of the brain. Since the brain nerves continue to discharge during the protein deposition process, the positive and negative electrodes of the metal-based proteins in the brain-machine barrier are arranged in an orderly manner.

In addition, there are interventional transformations - such as "artificial neurons", which has been a popular research field in the past decade.

But these things embedded in the Calamari software have nothing to do with the above-mentioned technologies, and are obviously another set of things.

This scientific research knight named "Chu" was not from the Knights of the Galapagos Temple, but from the Solvay Temple. He joined the knights related to software engineering and learned some skills. Just came to this Knights Templar,

In the old days, this kind of position was commonly known as "little boss". It is said that when Wu Zu was a scientific research knight, he had a senior brother who also did the same thing. This relationship even led Wu Zu to find his lifelong comrade, the famous assassin "Hidden Sword".

Of course, this little knight group recruited Mr. Chu purely because they also took on the task of "inspecting environmental monitoring facilities".

Mr. Chu adjusted the magnification of the prosthetic eye and looked at this small chip carefully: "What a strange material... I don't even know how it interacts with the huge nerve fibers. This is definitely not a mainstream technology. Maybe I should go back and look up the paper.”

"You're not impressed by this?"

"I don't have any impression." Chu shook his head.

The senior brother was even more excited: "It's also very good... This shows that the water behind this project is very deep. Let's return at full speed!"

He now has the DNA information of the squid and even the surviving cells.

In this era, cephalopod cloning technology is quite mature.

No, to be precise, cloning technology is mature for all species.

The Father of All Machines once devoted many resources to the scientific research knights in related fields.

This is also the reason why these scientific research knights did not panic at all when this creature died. As long as there are living cells, or even complete DNA information, they can recreate 10,000 living squids.

Although the Goblet Beaker belongs to a relatively remote small order of knights, it can still squeeze out these few resources.

After all, cloning is an old thing from four hundred years ago.

But at this time, Chu's expression suddenly changed and he said: "There is a huge object approaching, I don't know what it is... Is there a sonar signal? This is..."

Mr. Chu has learned some naval skills. Although the mainstream ship control techniques are used to control space battleships, it does not prevent people from using them on submarines. Now all the monitoring functions of the ship are directly connected to his senses.

Mr. Chu glanced at the squid, then stretched out his hand and directly tore open the squid's body cavity.

Near a certain heart of the squid, there is something similar to a transmitter.

"I knew it!" Mr. Chu immediately shouted: "How could such an important scientific research result be released without any monitoring? Damn it!"

"You came to your door so soon?" The enthusiastic mood quickly faded. The eldest brother has been working hard in the Scientific Research Knights for many years. He knew these things well. The senior brother said calmly: "Don't panic, they probably want us to sign a confidentiality agreement..."

With a "boom", the entire submarine suddenly tilted, as if a huge force hit the submarine from the side. The alarm sounded almost at the same time and simultaneously!

"The ballast water tank ruptured... internal rupture?" Mr. Chu's face changed drastically: "Attacking us directly?"

Farther away, a hole opened in the inner wall of the Goblet Bug. Sea water is sprayed in like a high-pressure water cannon. At the same time, a heart-wrenching sound sounded. Some force tore apart the outer wall.

Amidst the rumbling sound of water, a huge figure appeared inside the Goblet Bug.

"Science knights!" A voice said cheerfully: "The knights are here!"

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