Cyber Heroes

Chapter 844 Marine Life

During several hours of searching, Xiangshan's drone found two identical objects, suspended at different heights.

The differences in density and weight of the volcanic rock fragments hanging below produce extremely subtle differences, making these strange gadgets randomly suspended in seawater with a depth of several hundred meters due to differences in density caused by different seawater temperatures at different depths.

To be honest, if these small stone pieces were all made by hand, then the craftsmanship of these "craftsmen of the Stone Age" would definitely be incredible.

It’s a bit puzzling that a group with 3D printers is so obsessed with making stone tools by hand...

But other than that, there are no clues.

Xiangshan could only regretfully conclude that what the original hearer said was true.

Even if these things have some effect, they are probably one-time use and don't need to be taken too seriously.

Therefore, Xiangshan and his party resumed their original pace and continued towards the African continent.

A few more days passed.

Panike suddenly became very excited and slapped the screen in front of her hard. Although Xiangshan is accustomed to directly using his brain to process image signals, when building these vehicles, Xiangshan considered that Yuki would drive these vehicles most of the time, and Yuki still relied heavily on traditional visual senses, so he retained this kind of monitoring screen. Later, when I brought Panike with me, I would occasionally turn on the screen to let the little girl look at the scenery outside.

——Of course, I also occasionally play videos downloaded from the Internet.

During the three years of seclusion after receiving the mask of the Eighth Martial God, Xiangshan also searched for some remaining cultural works from the old era.

The little girl knows when fiction is shown on the screen and when the real scene outside is shown. And now, she was very excited.

Diagonally above the vehicle, there was a group of ever-changing black shadows, which looked extremely beautiful under the weak sunlight.

Xiangshan directly connected the video signal into his consciousness. He realized that this might be a huge colony of some small creatures. He controlled the vehicle to slowly float up, and at the same time put on a prosthetic leg that could move underwater.

Xiang Shan huddled in an attached cabin, waiting for the air to escape and the sea water to pour in.

Then he jumped down and fell into the sea.

Also grab the steel cable underneath the vehicle.

Xiangshan's prosthetic body is too heavy. If he lets go, he will fall directly into the sea. At the same time, the vehicle will also float directly due to the loss of counterweight. In this case, you have to wait for the vehicle to transfer the buoyancy device to Xiangshan's prosthetic body. This function must be completed outside the cabin.

Otherwise, Xiangshan's prosthetic body would not be able to pass through the hatch.

To be honest, this design is quite difficult to use.

If this vehicle is unfortunately destroyed. Even if Xiang Shan escaped, he could only fall into the bottom of the sea.

Although Xiangshan, who has a built-in reactor, can walk to the African continent by himself, it would be too slow and it would be easy to get lost. Who knows what the battle situation on the sea will be like after he reaches his destination.

Xiang Shan pulled the chain, pulled off the two hollow metal containers from the outer part of the vehicle, and then mounted them on the slot between his waist and back. In this way, its density is close to that of sea water, and it can move by swimming.

The door to the mountain is close to the large mass of darkness above.

At the beginning, it was like a small mist under the bright blue moonlight. Later, the "moonlight" became brighter and brighter, and people realized that it was actually the sun.

In the deep blue ocean, a large group of black things were swimming... There were also some immovable parts among them.

It was actually a large mass of seaweed suspended on the sea surface like a miniature island. The part suspended on the sea surface will hang down many "branches and leaves" and sway in the sea water.

This kind of seaweed is brightly colored, a color rarely seen among native species on Earth in the past.

Accompanying these gadgets are small fish with a body length of only a few centimeters. The ancestors of these small fishes three hundred years ago may have been smaller than them. Under the premise that all their natural enemies have disappeared, these little gadgets have survived by relying on their huge population and have become rare wild animals on this planet.

On land, even cockroaches and rats were nowhere to be seen.

"Oh..." Xiang Shan was a little lost in thought.

"This is..." The signal from the original source came. She had never seen such a thing before and hesitated, "This is the legendary..."

"Fish." Xiang Shan looked at these fish and sighed: "It seems that there are a few small fish that care..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just talking to myself." Xiang Shan shook his head and looked at the small fish carefully.

Most of these fish are the same species. Xiangshan tried to tell which species they belonged to, but his animal taxonomy skills were better than nothing. He could only roughly tell that there seemed to be some other fish hidden among the seaweed.

"It's really amazing..." the original news person sighed.

Rokuchi, who had barely seen any terrestrial plants, was almost speechless.

Xiangshan approached the seaweed bush cautiously. The school of fish immediately avoided this giant creature. Xiang Shan reached out and pushed aside the seaweed. There are indeed some fish inside, all of which are big guys with a body length of nearly ten centimeters.

Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly jumped out.

Xiang Shan was startled and almost raised his hand to strike. This is not to blame for his nervousness. After all, there are no creatures here that are longer than ten centimeters, but if a huge creature with a length of more than one meter suddenly appears, anyone will be shocked.

But fortunately, Xiangshan's reaction was very fast. The moment he realized that the thing was a living thing, he stopped.

The fierce current caused by the fist dance broke several long seaweeds, causing the small fish to fly away quickly.

Xiangshan also saw the thing clearly at this time.

It turned out to be a squid...or to be more precise, "a creature that looks very much like a squid".

The arms and legs of this creature are covered with small spines, and it looks like it has some teeth and claws. When this thing was swimming, the small spines on its arms and legs caught a few very small fish. It seems like this is how this squid lives.

Xiangshan looked at the squid, and the squid also turned sideways and looked at Xiangshan.

"It's surprising that such a big creature can survive..." Xiang Shan sighed.

But suddenly, Xiangshan felt a warning sign in his heart...

No, the senses directly connected to the detector told him that a sonar signal... a blurry ultrasonic signal suddenly swept across.

——Is it some kind of radar? Am I locked out? How can this be? All around...

Xiangshan hates the sea so much. The water limited his speed of movement.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed in front of him.

A dolphin bit the squid's upper body and rushed away.


Xiang Shan tilted his head in the sea water: "Dolphin?"

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