Cyber Heroes

Chapter 849 Incredible

After Xiangshan exited the cockpit, he turned to the research room at the other end.

This is a small research room whose main function is to study and preserve biological samples. There is even an anatomy table, which is rare for this era. There were many mechanical arms hanging down directly above the workbench. It seemed that something was fixed before, but this thing was directly destroyed.

It's even hard to tell if this was intentional. This area seems to be the most intense part of the entire submarine with traces of resistance. There are bullet holes everywhere, and there are several huge scratches - these scratches should not be so big originally, but the phonon knife causes the wound to "grow" "the result of.

There was even half a familiar-looking blade on the ground. It seems that one of the research knights has good martial arts skills and is also equipped with a phonon knife.

But he was still directly crushed by the enemy.

Quickly restore the sword fight process. The two swordsmen should be fighting with each other quickly among the flying bullets, but the sword edges are not touching. One of them was obviously more skilled. After three moves, he lightly stabbed the opponent's sword spine with the tip of his sword. The characteristics of the phonon knife caused the opponent's long sword to break in the middle.

"Hey, hey, hey..." "Fanatical" grinned: "No, this move is a bit like..."

"Xunjian Dao? There are three images."

"Crime" fell into deep thought: "Tell me, who is so boring and uses that kind of primitive, semi-finished martial arts to fight against the enemy?"

Xiang Shan shook his head. Have no idea.

Xiang Shan was about to leave, but he sensed some movement. He quickly turned around, only to find a calamari in the corner of the submarine...

Maybe calamari...? According to Xiangshan's biological knowledge, squid, commonly known as squid, should be a cephalopod that lives in shallow waters.

This is a place where the water depth is nearly two thousand meters!

But if you want to say that it is the larvae of a deep-sea squid such as the King Physalis Squid, it doesn't really look like it. Deep-sea cephalopods such as the king physalis squid are indeed larger, but their mobility is slower than their shallow-sea counterparts. After realizing that Xiang Shan had noticed him, this one immediately jumped several meters away. This kind of flexible ability is not like that of slow-moving deep-sea molluscs.

——The damage resistance brought by benchmarking allows shallow sea creatures to enter the deep sea?

——But what’s the reason for it coming down? Standardized animals prefer high temperatures than native animals on Earth. Even animals that originally lived in the deep sea will find ways to go to shallower seas after standardization, otherwise they will easily become extinct...

After thinking for a moment, Xiangshan slowly retreated and left here.

He is not currently studying the conditions and resources of wild animals. No one knows how many of these filter-feeding squids are left on Earth. Meeting two in a row may mean that they are not rare, but there is another possibility, that is, this squid is a sample captured by the scientific knight, and the attacker accidentally broke the container containing the sample.

Squid is just squid.

Mukayama doesn’t think squid can make the same leap as dolphins. Cephalopods do possess extremely high intelligence (relative to other animals), but their intellectual development is very limited.

Cephalopods do not have the unique "myelin sheath" of vertebrates, so they can only increase the transmission speed of nerve signals by increasing the cross-sectional area of ​​nerves and reducing resistance. This is why human neuroscientists first used squid to study nerve cells. However, excessively thick nerves limit the complex evolution of cephalopod neural networks.

Benchmarking surgery doesn't give these squids sophisticated neural networks. Creatures like dolphins, which are inherently equipped with complex neural networks, may cross a critical point due to benchmarking.

The sunken submarine seemed to have been scraped across the ground, and no more evidence could be found.

The submarine sank not long ago, and the scientific research knights associated with it may find something is wrong at any time, and the maritime power of the asylum may rush over at any time. With this in mind, Xiangshan quickly left the submarine and reattached the buoyancy device.

After that, Xiangshan walked around a few more times. The silt and gravel on the ground are very soft. Xiang Shan observed carefully and found some traces.

It looked like something stirred up the water and smoothed out some marks on the ground. Xiangshan couldn't tell what kind of traces these were for the time being, but they probably weren't footprints.

Xiangshan thought of the dolphin's tail again.

——Do dolphins really have something to do with this? Are those intelligent dolphins working for a certain force now?

——Also, who would take action here? He doesn't look like a knight. Are the internal struggles within the government so bloody? Or……

Xiangshan thought as he left the seabed and floated up near the vehicle.

After returning to the vehicle, Xiangshan disclosed the visual information he recorded and then called others to discuss it.

After reading all the information, the original source tentatively put forward a guess: "Senior, do you think it is possible that those dolphins did visit the sunken submarine, but the sinking of the submarine had nothing to do with them?"

"Based on the speed of the dolphin we encountered, it might have arrived only an hour or two earlier than us. And the listening equipment of our vehicle has never detected any obvious movement. It can be seen that when it sank, we were far away It is still far away. Its sinking may have been ten or twenty hours ago."

Xiang Shan nodded: "It makes sense. And in this way, the two different disassembly traces can be explained."

Those "brutal sabotages," designed to hide information, were the work of those who sank the submarine.

And those "meaningless careful disassemblies" are for... searching for resources?

Maybe the dolphins did it.

Sixth day lamented: "The dolphins are not having an easy time..."

Xiang Shan nodded. The items that were dismantled are quite unimportant and can be seen everywhere on land. But the dolphins still chose to take it away. Their resource scarcity is dire.

"But having said that, one dolphin shouldn't be able to carry so much stuff..." Xiang Shan thought, "It looks like there's more than one?"

Yuki was more concerned about another question: "You did those dolphins discover that the submarine was silent? If they had nothing to do with the person who sank the submarine?"

Liuri asked: "Is their habitat nearby?"

"It's possible. Then make a note of this." Xiang Shan nodded: "We can't find anything more here. Recover the drone and let's move on."

Following Xiangshan's instructions, the underwater drones that had been released earlier came back one after another. Sixth and Yuki began to sort out the intelligence recorded by the drones.

Xiangshan began to take notes.

Suddenly, Youki exclaimed: "Master, this is have to look at this..."


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