Cyber Heroes

Chapter 851 Rescue Plan

Xiangshan pressed his forehead with one hand and squatted on the floor of the vehicle, feeling a headache.

At this moment, the plan to "go to Southeast Asia to obtain a prosthetic cow body" was instantly ruined.

Because the prosthetic body is gone.

The prosthetic body is now being hung on a submarine of unknown ownership.

"It's over..." Xiang Shan held his head: "It's over... It's all over."

The picture brought back by the drone completely messed up Xiangshan's plans for the future.

"Lao Jiu, what are you doing, Lao Jiu..."

"Fanatical" rubbed his chin: "I think it may not be the worst case scenario. Think about it carefully, the one I am over there is a pure AI, and it is still a very primitive one, not capable of guarding against internal strength."

When the Ninth Martial God was active as a knight, he was never exposed because King Agni was often on the same planet with him, helping him remotely at any time, modifying and upgrading the firewall from time to time, and assisting in internal attack and defense.

In addition, at that time, the Ninth Martial God's body also had a biological motherboard composed of nerve cells, which could provide reflections similar to human brain activity, which was equivalent to a random number generator with readings close to those of the human brain.

Now, all the Ninth Martial God can rely on is the firewall Xiangshan installed for him in Paradox City.

Without the use of internal energy masters, a simple firewall cannot stop top internal energy masters.

What's more, Xiangshan only rewrote the AI ​​structure of the Ninth Martial God, but continued to use his original code. It’s not surprising that King Agni’s secret hand is mixed in these codes.

Such a Ninth Martial God AI body, in front of masters of internal skills, would not be called paper defense, it would be a "folded two pieces of paper" level defense.

However, this paper defense is also relative.

It will take some time for experts on Earth to break through Xiangshan's firewall.

And this amount of time is enough for the top speed-type prosthetic "shooter" to kill him.

"Think about it carefully. It is a slender body for space warfare. It is very difficult to move at high speed in the atmosphere, let alone in the sea water..." "Crime" whispered.

Even if it's just an AI, the AI ​​Xiangshan in the shooter should have enough martial arts awareness. He is expected to avoid sightings or intermittently turn off his radar. Under this premise, it will be even more difficult for internal warriors to break through the firewall.

You want to say that the shooter will be captured directly... It makes no sense.

Where on earth can such a master come from...

——Wait, it seems really...

Xiang Shan said: "Come up to the surface and listen to the broadcast signal."

Yuki was just stunned by the news. After Xiang Shan gave the order, he came back to his senses: "Okay...but, Master, this..."

Xiang Shan held his forehead: "I already have a clue... I hope it won't be true..."

Soon, the submarine surfaced. Including the original news person and Liu Ri, several people were constantly switching between various broadcast signals.

There is no relevant news at all.

Logically speaking, the capture of "the God of War machine that secretly left Paradox City" is definitely a propaganda material that can boost the morale of the patrons and dampen the enthusiasm of the knights. According to the character of Hartmann and his ilk, if such a thing really happened, they would write a big book about it, conduct various broadcasts around the world, and publicize it overwhelmingly on the Internet.

But now, there is no movement from the outside world.

The high probability of doing this is not a patron.


Who is not a patron or a knight?

"Six Dragon Sect..." Xiangshan sat on the top of the vehicle, looked at the sky, and read out the name: "Shenyuan... Yanye..."

Yan Ye is a person whose internal strength is stronger than his external strength. However, like Ingrid, Kanyuan Yanye's development of Saussure's Domain is not focused on offense and defense within the computer, but rather on improving information processing capabilities in all aspects.


After all, that was two hundred years ago.

It is not surprising that this woman has changed in two hundred years.

"Internal strength" is closely related to "language ability". And this brain trait may be really closely related to heredity. Kanyuan Yanye is indeed very talented in internal skills.

And her external skills were completely taught by Xiang Shanshou.

Besides, she is a member of the Six Dragons Cult.

Among the members of the Six Dragon Cult, there is also a guy lurking in King Agni's lunar base. Xiang Shan had fought against him from afar.

That guy can take Hartman's place on duty, which means that his apparent identity must be Hartman's confidant. It’s not surprising that a character like this could defeat Hartman’s various backdoor secret keys.

Kanyuan Yanye itself has powerful internal strength, and the level of external strength is also quite high. If she had changed into a prosthetic body that can move underwater in advance, she would have been able to gain the upper hand and deal with the AI ​​Xiangshan who forced her to use the space warfare prosthetic body to enter the sea. In addition, she is likely to possess part of King Agni's backdoor secret key, so she will have no problem dealing with an AI that King Agni participated in creating.

Xiang Shan just sat on the top of the vehicle, looking at the moon in the sky. The vehicle is now slightly above sea level. The sparkling waves kept beating on Xiang Shan's knees, breaking into white mist.

If the satellite monitoring network was still there and the space-based weapons system was sound, Xiang Shan would never dare to sit like this.

"Fanatical" seemed to be sitting behind Xiangshan himself, sitting back-to-back with him.

The guitar in his hand didn't survive, playing an angry melody over and over again.

"Kanahara Yanye..." Xiangshan read the name again.

"Stop reading it." "Crime" stood above the sea: "We can't curse Yan Ye to death. If we want to reunite her family, we have to chop her to death."

"I'm just wondering how this guy Yan Ye did it." "Benchmark" mused: "That destination was a temporary idea we had in Paradox City. It's impossible for others to know..."

"The more humans think of themselves as 'choosing at will', the easier it is for them to fall into the trap of 'habit'." "Fanatical" said: "The trajectory of a rookie's random shot is easier to predict than anything else. Don't forget to study us. There are quite a few people who are thorough.”

"But the problem is that even if they know the approximate destination, they can't judge the path planned by the shooter AI. I don't know this at all." "Benchmark" complained: "I have never been to the bottom of the sea before, and I don't know what is going on under the sea. In this way, it is naturally impossible to plan routes in advance. All routes are planned by the AI ​​itself. How do they achieve accurate interception?"

"Perhaps they have the ability to search for enemies in a large area, with massive drones and so on. The question is what to do next."

"Benchmark" sighed: "I think we should give up the Zodiac machine for the time being and go to the nearest supply point to build an underwater prosthetic body. What do you think?"



Under the sea, a shadow flashed past.

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