Cyber Heroes

Chapter 853 Chase under the sea

Xiangshan once again broke away from the vehicle at this moment. He carried the underwater ammunition that this prosthetic body could carry, a special firearm, removed the buoyancy device from the submarine and attached it to himself, and then left the submarine.

"Stay apart." Xiang Shan warned the others: "Don't get too close. Keep the electromagnetic signal silent until we reach the agreed place. Do you understand? Especially you, Yuki, remember you." And take Panic with you. Don’t take any chances.”

These were the last words Xiangshan said to his companions.

Now that we have decided to give up "shooter" for the time being, we can no longer hesitate and directly assume the "escape" posture.

At the beginning, Xiangshan also thought that he would encounter enemies on the bottom of the sea, but the sea power of the protector was not strong, and there were basically no records of First Layer Sky masters being killed under the Pacific Ocean, so Xiangshan made no special preparations.

This road was also traveled by Bai Man, the hero of the Northland, three years ago.

It was precisely because of the information that "Bai Man arrived safely" that Xiang Shan was not prepared for a tough battle.

His vehicle was not moving very fast underwater. My own prosthetic body doesn't even have the ability to swim on my own. If he breaks away from this buoyancy device, he will simply sink to the bottom. The buoyancy device was assembled from the outer armor of the vehicle, and it did not match his warrior prosthetic body very well. While the resistance was huge, the center of gravity was also difficult to control.

Therefore, after leaving his companions, he fell directly down the mountain.

In his current state, as long as he engages in battle, he will definitely be shot down. At that time, the best outcome for him was to "sink". Rather than that, it would be better for him to reach the bottom of the sea alone.

The reason for carrying a buoyancy device is just to have a chance to float up after a lucky escape.

Moving on the sea surface is faster than moving on the bottom of the sea.

However, the reaction from the other side was surprisingly quick.

Xiangshan had just started to sink when he already felt the ultrasonic waves in the water.

That's an extremely wide area scan.

It seemed that he had been noticed.

"The response is really fast..." Xiang Shan thought, "But why..."

Before feeling the ultrasound scan for the first time, his general position had already been locked. The other party directly conducted a wide-area scan in this direction, and then directly hit himself.

"A wide-area surveillance method? And it doesn't require actively releasing sound waves or electromagnetic waves..."

"What methods did these guys use..."


"The reports sent back by the three groups of Calamari are accurate." A member of the Six Dragons Sect said: "Four large metal targets have been found, three of which are moving in three directions, and one is diving in a nearly vertical path. .”

"Report the speed of the three bodies separately."

"They are verses 60, 62 and 63 respectively..."

"Go chase the one who dives." The Holy Master stood on the bridge and ordered in an incomprehensible tone: "That one is the God of War."


At this time, Kanyuan Yanye felt the bridge. There was still some disbelief in her tone: "The Twelve Martial Gods arrived so simply..."

"That's right, girl, that's it." The Holy Master clasped his hands on his chest and said in a calm tone: "This is the result if you calculate mentally or unintentionally. Since the establishment of this project, we have never attacked anyone who was suspected of being a heavy person passing by the experimental area. Heavenly warriors. This can give people the illusion that, even if there is any danger, warriors above the first level of heaven can ignore it."

"Xiang Shan has an urge to take risks in his heart. Even if he really thought about the possibility of 'encountering a powerful enemy', he would not give up this highly profitable operation because of a small probability event - because statistics tell him , the first-level heaven warrior will definitely be fine. Moreover, it will be difficult for him to gather the resources to build a first-level heavenly prosthetic body that can operate under the water."

Kanyuan Yanye looked at the Holy Lord: "You encountered this scene many years ago?"

"How is it possible? It's just intelligence management." The Holy Master still maintained the same attitude: "Also, girl, stand firm, the submarine will tilt forward at an angle."

As soon as the Holy Lord finished speaking, the ground tilted forward. The submarine seemed to dive in one direction.

"Also, what is the current situation of the Zodiac Body of the Ninth Martial God?"

"Still silent..."

"Well, good. Make sure there are at least two torpedoes aimed at him. Later in the battle, even if I order 'full bomb launch', we must keep the two torpedoes aimed at the Zodiac body. It is difficult for us to have a second chance. .If he invades the inside of the submarine, he can kill most of the people in the submarine in an instant."

When he first captured the shooter, the Holy Master used various insidious means. But even so, Kanyuan Yanye only succeeded in temporarily shutting down the shooter. However, there was actually a poison sealed in the shooter's system - when Yanye Kanhara tried to modify the shooter's system, he was poisoned unknowingly and retreated temporarily. And the Holy Lord had no choice but to take advantage of this opportunity to restrain the shooter.

Even if the Holy Master uses a prosthetic body designed for marine environments and the Archer uses a body designed for the solar atmosphere, there is still a technological generation gap of several decades between the two parties... But the costs and positioning of the two are ultimately different.

This marine environment prosthetic body is just a "supporting facility" for a key project of the Six Dragons Sect, while the Twelve Zodiacs were built with all the efforts of the entire Jianghu.

Due to the resistance of sea water, the shooter may be bypassed by the Holy Lord during a long-term chase. But if it's just a short-term burst, the shooter may be able to destroy the machine and kill the Holy Master instantly.

The Holy Master would never dare to move this thing into the submarine. According to the Holy Master's understanding of Xiang Shan, I am afraid that the shooter has retained the fuel for at least one explosion. After moving this thing into the submarine, if the other party manages to escape, the submarine will be captured in an instant.

The Holy Lord hung this guy in front of a torpedo tube. Even if this aircraft managed to break free, it would not be able to avoid two supercavitating torpedoes while breaking free.

At the same time, the Holy Lord also ordered Kanyuan Yanye to continue studying and find a way to safely crack the machine as soon as possible.

He wants to get all the data in the shooter and better study the consciousness of this generation of martial gods.

"Rebirth of the God of War", a cultural phenomenon and technological wonder collectively created by mankind, is of great research value to the Six Dragon Sect. The reason why the Holy Lord did not directly destroy the shooter's body, but insisted on decrypting it, was also based on the great cause of the Six Dragons Sect.

Of course, the 12th Martial God is a better research material.

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