Cyber Heroes

Chapter 865 Yesterday’s cause, today’s effect

"That knight is not a big shot at all. Although he has some foundation in martial arts, he has not accumulated enough years to reach the top. Speaking of which, that period of history was too fast. From that so-called 'only defeat', our The defeat of the information source, all the way to the Fourth Martial God, only took a few decades."

"Decades of time. In fact, for history, this period of time is long enough. World War I and World War II plus them are only thirty years. But if an individual wants to polish a memory to the extreme, three years Ten years is no longer long enough. Xiangshan’s confidence and determination have been forged in more than seventy years of fighting. Although this poor guy has talent, he doesn’t have the confidence to think about it—what can he really do? All you have to grasp is enthusiasm.”

The Holy Lord of the Six Dragons did not stop, but continued to tell the story: "And all the communication he had with Xiang Shan was that he only met Xiang Shan a few times as a chivalrous force. Xiang Shan didn't even remember his name. Naturally, he also He will not hear the heart-to-heart exchanges between Xiang Shan and his close friends. All he can see is what Xiang Shan reveals to the public."

"And this image is actually my starting point."

"'Xiang Shan' is a character who will ignore the sovereignty of other countries for the sake of personal friendship. 'Xiang Shan' is a character who enjoys grudges. 'Xiang Shan' is a character who can be angry."

"The moment I was born, I felt disappointment and despair. I am not so firm in my belief that 'the truth is the greatest'. I want to make the world a better place, after all, because I want the people I love to live a better life. good……"

The Holy Lord of the Six Dragons said: "I am unable to directly raise a flag of rebellion against this world. I can only recuperate in secret and gather strength - preferably within the opponent's system."

Xiang Shan finally froze.

What a familiar train of thought.

What familiar words.

Isn't this just...

"Isn't this what I thought in the 1930s? Why do I have to take to the streets and fight for power openly and openly? Become the biggest monster in that monster system and devour the sky and the earth." The Six Dragons Holy Lord sighed.

"And ah, and. Since I have become the heart of a monster and the brain of a monster, why do I want to think about killing the monster? Why do I want to commit suicide? If Xiangshan had firmly grasped everything in his hands, if he had There is no compromise in this regard... Even if he had taken the initiative and secretly controlled those careerists and all those who were suspected, wouldn't all this have happened?"

Although his body has no function of sensing temperature, Xiangshan felt like a bucket of liquid nitrogen was poured over his head.

This person is indeed himself. He is some kind of weird being. When he was first born, he had the mentality of Xiangshan in his twenties, and made similar choices to the young Xiangshan.

The difference between Xiangshan after "stealing the country" and Xiangshan in his youth is that he dared to declare war head-on against superhuman companies and behemoths like the thief, and he took back everything in the most violent way.

Things of this level were simply a matter of course for Xiangshan at that time.

But this spirit comes from the success that young Xiangshan achieved time and time again when he established Superman Enterprises.

But others could not understand this change of mentality in Xiangshan himself.

Many of Xiangshan's images were created by himself.

Including "always young mentality, always creating new trendy things" and so on...

Of course, that also includes the incident with Selukaimidom.

All those manifestations that are either true or necessary in reality constitute "Xiangshan in the eyes of others" - an image that is in line with more people's intuitions and can make more people feel good about him.

Of course, he also has the kind of ordinary people...

A quality known as "human nature".

Even the chimpanzees among the hominid species will sort out their own kind, engage in tribal wars, and engage in massacres.

"Compared to me, aren't you more abnormal?" The Six Dragons Holy Lord asked again, "I always feel that a 'Xiang Shan' like you is a type of character who is difficult to empathize with. Why do you want to pursue a better life? What about the world?"

Xiangshan felt his arm being pulled forcefully behind his body. His reactor sped up, his hands and feet made an overwhelmed sound, but there was no reply.

"Xiang Shan is a man who attaches too much importance to those things taught in primary school textbooks. What's the good character of "helping others", what's "I do it for everyone, everyone for one", what's "labor is the most glorious", this person's My brain has really learned these things. I can't get out." The Six Dragons Holy Lord strangled Xiang Shan and said with emotion: "He thinks the world that only exists in elementary school textbooks is very good. He has learned many things later. The relevant knowledge is all to get closer to that kind of world. All his actions are to achieve that kind of world - and the adult world is too complicated. The stone head thinks that such a complicated world is wrong. What is wrong is The world, right, is a primary school textbook.”

"It's just that kind of thing... Everyone knows it's good, but everyone knows it's unrealistic. So, in the eyes of everyone, Xiangshan talks like that, but does he believe it himself?"

The Six Dragons Holy Lord asked: "Is the image you manage for yourself such a naive and dead-headed person?"

——Of course it’s impossible...

Xiangshan's instinct has already given him the answer.

Such a naive character cannot become a qualified entrepreneur and cannot get money from investors. The government will not really entrust certain powers to such people.

"You can think of me as you in the parallel world, or you can think of me as the 'painted skin' made by Xiangshan himself - more than a hundred years ago, the 'painted skin' came to life, and I am now."

"Of course, you can also believe in 'Director Sun's' version of the story - if this allows you to continue your spring and autumn dream of 'I am so great'."

Xiangshan didn't reply, but looked up at Kanyuan Yanye. Kanhara Yanye immediately dodged, but what followed was not an internal attack like the Witness Technique, but a problem.

"Yan Ye, deep down in your heart, do you feel that in Selukaimidom, did the people who 'killed those people' betray your father, or did the 'people who didn't avenge him' betray your father?"

Kanyuan Yanye did not answer.

"You are so ridiculous now..." Xiangshan increased the output power of the reactor in his body. The slight emotional fluctuations just now were reflected in martial arts as slow reactions or mistakes. And in the confrontation between locking skills, a momentary disadvantage can easily be extended and expanded...

He forced himself to calm down and decided to give it a try at the risk of damaging his prosthetic body.

On the other side, "Archer" Xiangshan also said to the squid: "I have passed on everything I can pass on to you. Now move away, there is not much time..."

He felt that now was the time.

But at this moment, ultrasonic waves suddenly hit from different directions, as if several sonar radar arrays were scanning rapidly!

I breathed a long sigh of relief, this burden was finally shaken out.

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