Cyber Heroes

Chapter 868 Problem

Xiang Shan sorted out his current state a little.

He, Xiang Shan, was swallowed by a whale and then pressed under his tongue.

Xiangshan moved again. The tongue pressed him down unceremoniously and seemed a little impatient. During this process, Xiangshan could hear the sound of blood rushing in this tongue, but there was no mechanical movement.

This tongue is still mortal.

Xiangshan can actually break free by force. In his early years, he had studied how to tear apart flesh and destroy muscle and connective tissue efficiently. Early kleptocrats also had the characteristics of low cyborgs. If Xiangshan kills those thieves, with a large number of guards behind him, he must use the smallest possible movements and the shortest possible time to kill this person, or even just use the aftermath of a turning movement to kill.

The physical strength and strength are difficult to compete with a prosthetic body of the same size. The whale's tongue looks very big, but if Xiang Shan forced himself to stand up, he could break off the tongue and tear the whale's mouth apart to escape.

However, Xiangshan did not do this after all.

Xiangshan can still carry it clearly. The reason why this whale appears is undoubtedly to help himself. Without this whale, he would undoubtedly be at a disadvantage. This whale did indeed take the risk of swallowing itself into its mouth. For Whale, if this first-level warrior had bad intentions, Xiangshan could easily kill him from his mouth. And his move was equivalent to using his own body to block the torpedoes that might be fired at Xiangshan.

Probably with good intentions.

Xiangshan could only think so.

Behind these whales and dolphins—these whale-artiodactyl groups—there must be a group of humans. These humans taught these sea creatures how to avoid humans and how to use their natural skills to disrupt radar...

These humans were not vigilantes, but they did not obey Yawgmoth's will. The knights don't know about these hermits, and the Research Knights can't find them.

But just now, these creatures took the initiative to appear in front of humans and saved themselves.

"What...what is their purpose?"

Xiang Shan thought this way.

A loud rumbling sound came from the whale's throat, echoing the ultrasonic waves outside the mouth. It seems that if this whale wants to make a sound, it still needs to use the power of the physical body. And when he exerts force, it will drive the muscles in other parts to operate.

This is biological.

It's been a long time since I've seen such a creature. Not only Xiangshan himself, but also in the memories of the Eighth and Ninth Martial Gods, such creatures no longer exist on the earth.

I don't know how long it took, but the huge creature opened its mouth again, flicked its tongue, and spit out Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan's prosthetic body cannot float at all, and there is no buoyancy device at this moment, so it will naturally sink.

However, another creature appeared from below just in time and nudged him.

This new creature has a black back and a white belly. The black and white colors are clearly distinct. There are large white spots behind the eyes. It looks naive.

This is a killer whale!

The killer whale didn't seem to expect that Xiangshan was so heavy, and he was almost crushed. The other two killer whales also pushed up in time, and the three killer whales worked together to throw Xiangshan onto the back of the big whale.

Xiangshan looked at the three killer whales. Their heads are cone-shaped...or, to put it simply, balls. Their body fat percentage should have been artificially increased through genetic modification technology. This method balances the increase in body tissue density caused by baseline transformation, allowing the killer whales to move freely. The body length of these three killer whales is about 2.5 meters, which is equivalent to Xiangshan's prosthetic body.

Xiangshan was very surprised. When the whales were close to him, he did feel the heartbeats of these killer whales.

These three heads are also living creatures.

There are more high and low sound waves around, only some of which are within the hearing range of Homo sapiens. This section of sound waves overall spans ultrasonic waves and infrasound waves, and the sound range is extremely wide.

In fact, there is no difference between "ultrasound", "sound wave" and "infrasound wave" in nature. It is just that humans define the narrow frequency band that their hearing can detect as "sound wave", and then distinguish "ultrasonic wave" and "infrasound wave" based on this. . The speech of some creatures may indeed contain ultrasonic and infrasonic waves.

Xiangshan possesses the peerless inner strength of the Eighth Martial God, so he can naturally judge that the sounds made by these cetaceans and artiodactyls are not to disrupt the radar, but have a specific rhythm.

Is this their language?

The killer whale's voice was a little urgent, as if he was emphasizing something repeatedly. Ultrasonic beams came from further away.

On the bottom of this ocean where sounds can travel farther, two intelligent creatures can converse completely beyond the visual range.

It didn't take long for these sea creatures to reach a conclusion.

So, a killer whale turned to Xiangshan and said, "Hello, human being."

It's actually an ancient clear code.

Xiang Shan asked: "What are you...who are you? You saved my life, I am very grateful to you."

"You're welcome." The killer whale followed the big whale and waved its tail: "It's those dolphins who are going crazy anyway. You might as well thank them more then."

"Dolphins...there are indeed dolphins."

The killer whale was shocked: "Those idiot dolphins actually appeared in front of you? Damn it, why do those guys have no sense of confidentiality?"

"Ah this..." Xiang Shan was also stunned: "You don't know that I have seen... those dolphins have seen me? Are there any other humans among your companions?"

The killer whale turned somersaults in the water, seemingly expressing its impatience. He said: "This is really a problem...Humans, you humans are not very adapted to being underwater. Generally, we are the ones who come out to work and support ourselves. Humans stay in the base."

"Ah?" Xiang Shan was stunned again: "Then... have you heard of me?"



All three killer whales turned around and stared at Xiangshan.

At the same time, the rhythm of the whale's speech also became shorter.

Although he didn't know what these guys were talking about, Xiang Shan guessed that they seemed to be saying...

——What’s wrong with this human being?

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "So, where are the people in the submarine?"

"This is very bad." The killer whale sighed: "The legendary protector? The humans who work with us have always told us to be careful of the protector. It's over now. We can't hide it."


Xiang Shan was stunned again.

These whales and artiodactyls suddenly rushed out, not because they were the "Twelve Martial Gods Xiangshan" or because they had conflicts with the Six Dragons Sect?

——Why is that?

But soon, a dolphin answered his doubts.

Hikasi brought a spherical body and shouted from a distance: "Humans over there, this is your cub, right?"

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