Cyber Heroes

Chapter 872 Plan changes

After the wound was stitched up for Hopkins, Kledich seemed to relax.

Then, he opened his mouth and took a big gulp of the bloody sea water.

Xiangshan thought this scene was a little... scary.

But the killer whale and another dolphin didn't see it that way. Hikasi also followed suit and took a sip of the bloody sea water. The killer whale also immediately ran over. However, they restrainedly chose to turn their backs to the dolphins.

Xiangshan vaguely remembered that different groups of killer whales have different hunting tendencies. Some killer whales like to hunt large baleen whales, some like small dolphins, and some are very fond of marine mammals such as sea lions and seals. There are even pods of killer whales that prey on sharks. This prey selection is not a natural tendency, but is brought out by the grandmothers of the killer whale community.

Some groups of killer whales are afraid of sharks, and some groups of killer whales will actively attack sharks. This is also acquired.

In other words, the original killer whales had something that can be called "culture".

However, as most of the killer whale group was destroyed by the No. 1 infection incident, this kind of research was permanently terminated.

From this point of view, the "things that killer whales are born to eat" include not only large whales, but also dolphins. Killer whales will develop an appetite for these large whales and dolphins.

The three little killer whales probably thought so too. They had to take a sip of the bloody seawater, turn around, and even use their tails to squeeze away the two dolphins.

"I really don't know whether this relationship is harmonious or scary." Xiang Shan sighed.

"It's not easy for killer whales, sir." Kledich explained: "The boys in the growth period also said that after growing to a certain level and completing reproduction, adult killer whales will actively choose to be like humans. Completely prosthetic. They also know that extremely hungry adult killer whales are a huge threat to other whales, so they will take the initiative to do so. They are all good partners."

After Kledici introduced the killer whale, he rubbed Xiangshan's shoulder with his mouth and cheek: "Hello, human. My name, in human language, is Kledich. This is my friend Hikasi. And the three killer whales, their names are Rinaldo, Takata, and Jim. The big one is called Hopkins, and he is a very good whale."

Kledich is a genius and a rare outstanding individual among dolphins.

All dolphins, and the humans who hang out with these cetaceans, judge this way.

After Kledich arrived, the young killer whales and the taciturn whales all automatically handed over the task of negotiation to Kledich.

Xiangshan didn't quite understand the interests of the dolphins, so he stretched out his hand out of habit, and then... awkwardly held the other person's fins and shook them gently: "Hello, friend."

Kledich said: "I have heard about your companion. The dolphins are searching."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Thank you..."

"But you have to prepare for the worst, right." Kledich said: "For example... uh, what are your next plans? If I'm not mistaken, you don't have any buoyancy device on your body now. He can't even float up. If we can't find your companion, what are your plans?"

Xiang Shan said: "Of course we will head towards the agreed place. We have agreed on several places. I will continue to go to point A and stay there for a while. If my companions judge that they cannot arrive at point A on time, they will Go to location B first."

Of course, there is a simpler way for knights to communicate with each other, which is to "do big things" - such as "assassinate a certain famous officer and leave a message". In this way, knights can know a general direction and scope when looking for a specific companion.

However... I don’t know what the whales think of the internal disputes among humans, so I won’t mention it for now.

Kledici shook his head: "Oh, it's not easy to walk alone on the bottom of the sea. And the child next to you seems to be completely fleshy. This should not be easy to adapt to the deep sea."

Xiang Shan scratched his head. This was something he didn't expect. According to his original expectation, at the most dangerous moment, the escape capsule would be thrown out, leaving Panic to find his own way out. After all, when this thing is used, he and others may not be able to protect themselves.

But since the dolphin brought Panic here, there was no reason for him to let the little girl go to the sea to survive alone.

"Give me a general direction." Kledich said, "Maybe we can give you a ride."

"North by west." Xiang Shan said: "After crossing the large ridges and trenches..."

Xiangshan's current prosthetic body may not be able to cross the trench easily. He can actually jump in the sea. But if you don't jump over, the prosthetic body will sink directly to the bottom.

That's not good.

"Well...that place..." Kledici pondered for a moment: "Something is not good. Human activities there are more confidential than here. We don't really want to appear in front of humans. Although we have been exposed just now, we still I hope I can hide myself as much as possible and never appear in front of those humans again.”

Xiang Shan nodded: "Understandable."

Kledic said: "Let's do it. Do you mind taking a little detour? I can take you near our base. I will negotiate with our other partners. I'm not sure if I can take you into the base, but at least I can give you Get some supplies so that you can move a little more freely, and you can also change this cub to a safer vehicle. But on the other hand, we also hope that you will not reveal the location of the base to other humans after you leave."

Xiang Shan thought for a moment, then nodded: "Of course."

So Kledici spoke to the whales in other languages ​​and conveyed the results of his negotiations with Xiangshan.

The killer whales seemed a little unhappy and barked a few times. The whale swimming down the mountain speeded up.

Penicut's escape pod couldn't keep up with the speed of the whale. The killer whales pushed the thing in front of Hopkins with their heads, and then Hopkins swallowed the vehicle in the same manner.

Panic was frightened and screamed at first. But she soon learned that there was no danger there. Instead, she became extremely interested in this novel environment. She pressed her face against the glass hatch and looked at the inside of the huge whale's mouth.

Xiangshan asked very curiously: "Mr. Hopkins... or Madam, what kind of whale is it? He doesn't look like a traditional baleen whale."

"Oh, those are dentures." The killer whale Takata replied: "Hopkins' ancestors seem to be called sperm whales by humans."

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