Cyber Heroes

Chapter 877 Squid in action

The Holy Lord crossed the fingers of his hands and placed them on his chin, with his elbows pressing against the armrests of the chair.

Although there is no biological brain in this body, the Holy Lord really feels impatience. A string of code was outputting instructions in a loop, urging him to hurry up.

Being hostile to Xiangshan is a very dangerous thing. The same method will not work on Xiang Shan twice. If you use tactical arrangements to gain an advantage, it's best to defeat Xiangshan in one go and achieve success in a row.

Moreover, this process must be completed in one go.

The Holy Lord's true form - the Six Dragons Leader - is completely different from all the Martial Gods. He hid in the dark, observing every move of the other Martial Gods. To the leader of the Six Dragons, the other martial gods are just stones thrown in the process of "throwing stones to ask for directions."

Every time the Martial God fails, the Six Dragons Leader understands his own weaknesses better.

But precisely because of this, he is also very aware of how difficult he is.

Those whales that can achieve collective transformation must have a relatively complete industrial system. They could provide a base for Xiangshan. As long as Xiangshan can replace himself with a prosthetic body that is more suitable for underwater operations, there will be no such opportunity next time.

"That whale..." The Holy Lord was thinking and thought of another question at the same time.

Ever since the Six Dragons Sect began to allow these intelligent squids to come into contact with the outside environment, many squids have mysteriously disappeared. Of course, a good number of them fled. However, some squid have no prior record of their tendency to escape.

If you think about it carefully, maybe you were eaten by these whales.

Thinking of this, the Holy Lord sighed again.

In fact, this time, they originally planned to solve this problem once and for all.

The Six Dragons Sect created a set of gene fragments at the main altar on Mars. This is a gene fragment spliced ​​directly from the microscopic scale using laser tweezers, which can accurately knock specific information into the organism.

With the help of retrovirus, the Six Dragons Sect can transfer this gene into the squid's genetic information, permanently changing the squid's cognition. The squid's "fight or flight" judgment mechanism and perception of "pressure" and "pain" will be rewritten, and the squid's obedience will be improved.

And this change is very precise and will not affect other instincts.

This is one of the achievements of the Knights of Science in the past two hundred years. It is used to adjust the cognitive abilities of animals, so that those surviving animals can adapt to the narrow environment of the protected area, and to ensure that after several generations, humans can still shut down this through viruses. Transformation causes those animals to produce offspring that are exactly the same as before the transformation.

The creatures that were taken away by Yawgmoth before the No. 1 infection incident basically had to undergo such modifications to ensure that these animals could be comfortable in a narrow indoor environment.

Originally, this task could be completed on Earth. The Youhe Knights have related equipment. But the supervision here is too strict. The Knights of the Crane took on some missions that came directly from Yawgmoth, and they themselves were quite busy with filming. Their related instruments are always operating under high load, not to mention being subject to online supervision.

The earth is the territory of King Agni.

The Six Dragons Sect would rather build the genome on Mars and then send it to Earth than to bypass King Agni.

But unexpectedly, the biological materials escorted by Kanyuan Yanye were contaminated because of the rupture of the container - because of the previous encounter with the Twelfth God of War.

Instability within the squid community may also be a problem.

——I hope those cephalopods can perform their tasks normally this time...

——If they delay deliberately...

The Holy Lord of the Six Dragons visited the information on the activities of the squid group that was being analyzed, and the weather at the prosthetic eye was uncertain.

"Holy Lord..." A subordinate suddenly said to Holy Lord, "The squid looks a little strange."

"Strange? What happened?"

"There is a group of squid swimming under the submarine. They seem to be very close to the 'Zodiac' machine..."

The Holy Lord vaguely felt that something was wrong. He said: "Switch off the surveillance camera and take a look."


Xiangshan could feel the chains on his body vibrating. The strength of this temporary chain was not very high, and it mainly served as a restriction to ensure that he could not dodge direct torpedoes while breaking free. At this moment, his thoughts were very simple.

——These squids do have some skills.

Until he saw a squid swimming towards the bottom of the sea in the direction of his feet.

The squid lost all its arms. Squids swim by using their tip fins and funnel water jets to propel them. Losing their arms and legs will not make them unable to move. At most, it will only make it difficult for them to maintain balance. The squid's escape speed is still as fast.

But when Xiangshan looked at the cuttlefish's arms and legs, which looked like they had been cut into messy spikes with a knife by an apprentice, he quickly thought of something else.

These guys now filter feed with the help of spiny prostheses on their wrists and feet.

Losing their arms and legs means they can't get food. There is nothing in the ocean for them to eat now.

And they couldn't return to the Six Dragons Sect.

【Where are you going? 】 Xiangshan asked the squids with a light signal.

But no squid answered him. After most of their arms and legs were disabled or broken, the squids left directly and headed towards the deep sea without looking back.

They will not go directly to the shallow sea where the temperature is higher and the plankton is richer, because if they bypass the submarine, they will easily be photographed by the Six Dragon Sect's surveillance cameras. They dragged the severely injured body into the deep sea just to use Xiangshan's prosthetic body to partially cover it - not even completely.

Soon, Ah Hun appeared in front of Xiang Shan and said: "Most of the progress has been completed..."

"What are you doing?" Xiang Shan said in shock: "Why is this happening..."

"This is our only resort. I hope there will be enough intact squids to leave with you by then." Ah Hun sighed.


The Holy Lord's eyes widened.

He did see a cuttlefish follow Xiang Shan's prosthetic body, enter the surveillance blind spot, and come to Xiang Shan.

--Is this a coincidence? still……

The Holy Lord raised a hand: "Everyone is on alert and entering a state of war... Give the squid an order to stop the squid group quickly!"

Orders were issued quickly. The Six Dragons Cult personnel carried out the Holy Lord's orders in an orderly manner.

But soon, the Holy Master saw a large group of squids rushing out of the submarine and entering the sea water on the surveillance camera.

They arrived at the same time, and there were confused reports from subordinates: "Holy Lord, those squids are acting strangely, they are now..."

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