Cyber Heroes

Chapter 879 Where can we not meet each other?

As for Hopkins, Xiangshan waited for several hours and found that the Six Dragons Sect still showed no sign of catching up.

Those guys probably really lost track of them.

Xiang Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did the shooter's AI choose to self-destruct to delay the opponent?" Xiang Shan thought for a moment and came to this conclusion.

The song of the big whale sounded melodiously. Only then did Xiangshan realize what the plastic products he had picked up before were used for. Those resonators enhance a small part of the whale's song. On human instruments, those enhanced songs will still be mixed with the movements of earthquakes and ocean currents. But the whale's instinct is very sensitive to this sound.

These resonators can further expand the transmission range of whale songs, as if the sound is condensed into "threads" connecting distant places.

Whales even occasionally act as relays and repeat the songs they hear from their distant companions.

This is a "communication network" based on sound. Although the delay is very high, it is the fruit of cetacean nature catalyzed by wisdom, and it is something that every whale can enjoy.

If it weren't for the fact that there are not many whales left on the planet, perhaps the network formed by this whale song would be larger and richer.

Xiangshan closed his eyes and listened to the song of the whale. Human beings prioritize vision. Even for the mechanical wave signals returned by sonar, humans often do not connect them with hearing, but prefer to graft them onto vision. Rather, from the perspective of "seeing thunder", human warriors will use the two functions of "vision" and "language" to control all senses as Saussure's domain expands.

But when we reach the realm of Xiangshan, we can already call it "sending and receiving from the heart". Xiangshan can also use the form of "processing auditory signals" to understand the whale songs returned by the sonar receiving device.

Thanks to prosthetics, humans can infinitely expand the range of sounds they can hear.

The song of the whale is very interesting. This is a rare occasion for Mukayamachi to find it "difficult to understand" an expression after he achieved great success.

This is non-human language.

What is the language?

Ingrid once told him so. Some argue that language was not designed for communication. Language is born for thought. If it's just for "communication", then non-verbal signals can do the trick too. Many animals with underdeveloped brains can convey a lot of information by relying on non-verbal signals.

For example, a baby's cry to express hunger is a non-verbal signal. Two people who speak different languages ​​and cannot understand each other at all can actually rely on these innate things to complete many activities required for survival.

Language was born together with thought, and was then used by humans for communication.

Or, humans apply the idea of ​​"externalizing" themselves to communication. And language, the "externalized thought", gradually takes over the position of natural non-verbal signals.

The important factor that determines human thinking is the innate brain.

Although human beings are diverse, these diverse wills are based on unity.

Just like personalization of electronic products. Even the exact same hardware and software will have different traces due to different people's usage habits.

What about non-human creatures? Do they have thoughts similar to humans?

If the rapidly expanding Saussurean domain allows an expert to easily learn all human languages, what choice will he make when he encounters a language other than human?

Is it the kind of confusion that ordinary people would have when listening to a strange language?

No, it's not.

There is a clear distinction between "verbal" and "non-verbal". In the age of Homo sapiens, people who are sensitive to language can easily tell the difference between "strange foreign language" and "random gibbering". In this era, internal experts have a keener perception of language.

But this perception was confused in front of the whale's song.

It was like seeing dazzling colors that were incomprehensible.

Human language is determined by the specific structure of the neural network of the human brain - the traditional so-called "Saussure area". The whale's language function is determined by the whale's brain. There must be a difference between the two.

But whales can use human language.

Xiangshan could hear clearly just now that the whales and dolphins all spoke to him in human language.

Although the killer whales said that human language made them uncomfortable and tired of talking, they were still willing to talk to Xiang Shan.

Maybe it's out of loneliness.

Different smart devices, even if their hardware is very different, can run the same system software - as long as the compatibility patches are enough and good, and efficiency is not concerned.

Human language and whale songs are formed based on completely different natural conditions, but there is the possibility of mutual understanding between humans and whales.

——Because...we live in...the same material world...

Xiangshan devoted his spirit to the song of Tao Whale. He vaguely felt...

No, it was the inner strength knowledge brought by the Eighth Martial God that told him that he might have encountered an opportunity to improve his inner strength to a higher level.

The song of the whale is plaintive. Xiangshan has no way of knowing the "meaning" of this tone, but the song itself is continuous and regular. To Xiangshan, the song of the whale is as empty as the sea.

Xiangshan's consciousness operates on this "emptiness". His thinking seemed to be immersed in unfamiliar laws.

Until the singing stopped.

That was already a few days later. During these days, Panic has had several troubles, but the dolphins really like her and have been creating various forms of games to play with her. On this day, the dolphins told Xiang Shan that they had to take the first step and return to the base.

Probably to report what happened in Xiangshan.

Xiangshan didn't care. Being able to reach here is already a huge blessing. It doesn't matter if the people here just drive him away. As long as these people can bring Panic ashore safely...or just live here.

He has already harvested the treasure.

The dolphins were gone for about an hour. Then, they brought two humans over. Both humans used fish-tailed prosthetics like those from the Six Dragons Cult, but the proportions of their upper and lower bodies were more even.

Xiangshan waved his hand and said: "Hello, you two, hello. I am the knight Wuming. I happened to pass by and was saved by these whale friends."

Unexpectedly, one of them was shocked and seemed very surprised.

He quickly addressed the other person.

The man was also greatly surprised and said, "Xiang Shan?"

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