Cyber Heroes

Chapter 881 The aftermath of that year

"If you hadn't helped me with this..." Ola Freeman said half of the sentence, and then fell silent.

Xiang Shan waved his hand: "What happened next was unimaginable to people at the time. I made a choice with a clear conscience at that time, so there is no need to feel guilty about it."

Anyone who knows anything about history and biology knows what happens next.

Yawgmoth was inspired by Nya Guti's research and completed the cornerstones of a series of technologies such as subsequent baseline human transformation surgery and the "power" of the country thief.

If Xiangshan uses "animal protection" as a banner to mobilize the middle and lower classes, then "this research may be helpful to the Rama Project" is a wedge for him to break into the ranks of those in power.

And it turns out, he was right.

From a general perspective, Xiangshan just chose to trust Yawgmoth's judgment. But as long as the focus of the report is well written, it means that he is good at listening to expert opinions and has made extraordinary achievements with extraordinary courage.

Judging from the results, Xiangshan offended some stakeholders within the mining company, but gained a lot of performance and connections. Moreover, for that mining company, the exploration activities in the submarine crater are not necessarily a business that must be carried out.

All in all, it was a happy ending for everyone at the time.

Xiang Shan looked at Freeman: "Then what have you been doing these years?"

"Just...with these whales." Freeman said in a somewhat unnatural tone: "Well, more than two hundred years ago, after the biochemical crisis... In the end, Voigt went to the universe, and we have Many projects have no hope of being solved in a short period of time, so many people give up and eventually break up. The last few of us are still persisting..."

At that time, it was not easy to save more species. The standard human transformation surgery was completed by the largest capital group in human history mobilizing numerous resources to overcome numerous difficulties.

These technologies cannot be directly applied to other species.

That's the metaphor. Dolly the cloned sheep was born in 1996. After the "first animal born through somatic cell nuclear transplantation" was obtained, cloning technology did not go very far. Many countries have one or two endangered or critically endangered animals that represent the country's image, but basically no "national treasure" can rely on cloning technology to expand its population.

The specificity of benchmarked transformation surgery to the target of transformation is far greater than that of cloning technology.

Even though whales already look a lot like humans, there are many projects that need to be overcome to help them.

But what kind of research doesn’t take time?

But the whales just didn't have time.

After Yawgmoth was desperate and left, many people who were still fighting to save the last orphans of the biosphere finally couldn't hold on anymore.

The animal rights activists' last project ended in vain.

"Those whales have gained greater intelligence due to baseline modification surgery, but they will not use this intelligence to adapt to the modified physiology. His body hardware does not match the instinct of the brain. We have to teach them... ..." Freeman patted Kledich on the back next to him: "At that time... I became a completely transformed prosthetic human, and then took all the remaining resources to the sea."

Xiangshan remembered in a daze. Orla Freeman seems to really dislike prosthetic transformation. It's just that it's too convenient to use the intracranial intelligent system, so I made some modifications.

According to what he just said, he only chose to become a fully prosthetic benchmark person when he was over a hundred years old.

At that time, Freeman came to the sea.

A few humans, a few ships, and some common industrial equipment. This was all their resources back then.

The war outside was too fierce and the rulers were too unbearable, so Freeman taught the whales to hide themselves well.

Whales have developed various whale song techniques on their own to confuse and interfere with human detection systems.

In this way, they kept themselves hidden.

Freeman continues to use the genetically modified technology developed by Yawgmoth to adjust the biological traits of those whales to make them more adaptable to this harsh environment. Until today.

Xiang Shan scratched his head: "Then... I'm really sorry. I caused you to be exposed."

Freeman lowered his head and spoke in a low voice, but it was still clearly audible: "It's okay. There will always be such a day. We have been mentally prepared for it."

In fact, in the past two hundred years, humans from outside have occasionally passed through here, but these humans are all knights.

The Asylum's operations were accompanied by submarines, large troops and "loud" sonar. Whales are very sensitive to these, so they will consciously avoid them.

A small number of knights can only rely on small vehicles to move, but it is not so easy to be avoided by whales in advance.

And whales occasionally rescue some humans.

After these humans came here, some chose to live permanently and stay with the whales. Others left. However, those knights kept their promises and did not tell anyone about what happened here.

Xiang Shan glanced at the warrior following Freeman. This subordinate of the Sixth Martial God seems to be like this, an old man who chose to live in seclusion out of frustration.

Inexplicably, Xiang Shan remembered what Yan Ye said to him again.

He dismissed this distracting thought and said to Freeman: "I am very happy to know that you are still alive. This time I am going to find Nia Gudi. She will definitely be very happy when she knows."

"Nia..." Freeman sighed: "That's it. It's also a surprise to hear the name of an old friend two hundred years later."

"My identity is more troublesome after all." Xiang Shan turned around, grabbed Panic's escape cabin, dragged her to Freeman, and said: "If I stay here, I may bring some risks to you. I will leave directly after a while. This little guy is an orphan I adopted. Now that my vehicle is gone, it is inconvenient for her to follow me. Please take care of her."

All the above conversations were heard by Panike. She realized that she was about to be left behind again, and tears immediately filled her eyes. She patted the transparent hatch with an angry expression on her face.

"Be obedient." Xiang Shan clicked on the hatch, and then said to Freeman: "Of course, I hope to get some supplies. Do you have any weapons that can be used underwater? You don't have to be too picky, it's basically just a weapon. "

Freeman pondered for a moment, then sighed and said: " doesn't matter if you stay for a while. It's hard to find here."

Happy Labor Day, everyone.

In addition, workers are here to ask for a wave of support. Everyone is welcome to vote for me within your ability.

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