Cyber Heroes

Chapter 902 Only gives away...

Why did that alien spaceship, Ogun, come from?

It's clearly not for humans. Ogun has a long history. It was already on its way when Australopithecus showed up. Its birth is obviously earlier than humans. Unless its builder has mastered some technology that transcends the law of cause and effect, otherwise, this thing cannot be for humans.

But every part of Ogunneri indicates that its builder's technical level is on par with Earth's, let alone such a technical level.

But it is obviously not for spreading information about its own planet. The symbol system in Ogun's core is not designed to facilitate alien interpretation. It simply combines the considerations of noise immunity and information density.

The Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 space probes launched by humans in the 1970s were equipped with the famous "Pioneer gold-plated aluminum plate". In the upper left corner of the plate, there is an internal spin transition of a hydrogen atom engraved on it. image, because hydrogen is a substance widely found in the universe. There is a short straight line below this symbol to represent "1" in binary. In this hydrogen atom, the electron's change from spin up to spin down can specify a length (its wavelength is equal to 21 centimeters) and a length of time (the frequency is 1420 MHz). The two units derived from this are expressed in terms of The meaning of other symbols on the calculation board. Fourteen of the lines have a column of numbers written in binary form, which represent the pulse signal periods of the 14 pulsars (neutron stars) in the Milky Way. Since the signal period of each pulsar changes with time, aliens can calculate the launch time of the spacecraft based on the pulse period at that time. The length of the lines represents the distance of those pulsars relative to the Sun. The mark at the end of each line indicates its Z coordinate on the galactic plane.

Additionally, there are figures of a human male and a human female.

This set of information was later put into the Voyager and used as the cover of the Voyager golden record.

Although the amount of information is very small, it can at least be shown to aliens, and most aliens can interpret it.

The symbols in Ogunne are beyond human interpretation.

David said without hesitation: "Build a large spaceship first."

"Uh-huh." Xiang Shan nodded: "Then what?"

Yawgmoth raised his hand and asked, "Anything else?"

"There are many questions. This is a systematic large-scale project, my friend. It is not just a scientific issue." Xiang Shan shook his neck: "For example, can a spaceship like Ogun be used for immigration?"

David shook his head: "Obviously impossible. Its intensity is too low and cannot withstand acceleration and deceleration. Even if it is slightly larger than a massive celestial body, there is a risk of being torn apart by gravity - tsk tsk, think about it this way, it has not been torn apart by Jupiter and Saturn. Broken, it is quite lucky. Oh yes, it will take a century just to fly out of the solar system."

"Then make the spaceship smaller..." Yawgmoth said. If you can't build a spaceship with enough shear resistance to maintain a huge attitude, then make it smaller. But he quickly shook his head and rejected it himself: "It seems like it can't be too small. But it shouldn't be as big as Ogun."

Any species has minimum requirements for the size of its own "gene pool" - or the richness of its own species' genes. Adam and Eve are biological nonsense. It only takes one generation for Adam and Eve's descendants to face the problem of inbreeding. The inbreeding coefficient among first-degree relatives is 1/4. In other words, each pair of alleles in the individuals they conceived has a 25% probability of coming from the same common ancestor of both parents. This would increase the risk of autosomal recessive diseases in their offspring, and soon lead to a collapse.

As for the specific number of people needed, humans themselves have not studied it thoroughly. Some think it may take several hundred people. Some people think that at least 160 people are needed. Of course, some scholars have gone to the extreme and believe that the minimum number of people is only 98 - a healthy group of 98 people is enough to rebuild human civilization.

In fact, genetic studies support this theory. Some scholars believe that the combined genetic richness of the entire human race is no greater than that of a single family of chimpanzees. In a past that is extremely distant from the perspective of human beings, but is extremely close to the present from an evolutionary perspective, human beings have suffered natural disasters, and there are only a few hundred Homo sapiens left in the true sense. Excellent configuration, spread to every corner of the earth.

Xiang Shan sighed: "On the contrary, Yog. This is not just a biological problem. People die unexpectedly. If you bring the number of people to the limit, then if just one person dies in this group, the gene pool of the immigration group will be reduced. A valuable piece of the puzzle is missing.”

David nodded: "Space is not safer than the earth. Oh, yes, the human body is adapted to the earth's gravity. Without centrifugal force to simulate gravity, human reproduction and growth will be affected."

"Secondly, there is the issue of fertility wishes. If accidental death is not considered, then each couple must have two children, and then these two children must grow up safely, and then each child must have two children with his partner after getting married. To children. This can keep the population constant. But how can there be such a safe thing? Accidental death is always inevitable. Besides, not everyone wants to produce multiple offspring these days."

"Even in an extreme case, if there is a poor guy who is not compatible with the opposite sex, then mankind will suffer great misfortune - another piece of the puzzle will be permanently lost in the gene pool of the immigrant group."

"In addition, there are also issues such as emotional discord after couples get married - unless there are regulations prohibiting free love, everyone waits for the system to assign a spouse. But that is too inhumane and prone to short-sightedness. Self-manual screening. So you have to prepare ten times or a hundred times the minimum number of people."

"And in order to ensure that this immigrant group does not suffer from mental problems on the ship and spend all day thinking about how to kill their companions to relieve their boredom, a certain amount of space must be prepared for them."

"What about hibernation?" Yawgmoth asked.

David said: "Even the tardigrade, which is best at cryptozoology, cannot guarantee that it will be 100% alive after suspended animation. Judging from the current level of technology, human hibernation technology is nonsense, and hundreds of people may be frozen. Not even one of them can be revived.”

"Freeze sperm and eggs? In this case, only one of the millions of sperm will survive." Yawgmoth said: "Hibernate a group of teachers... No, let AI raise them up? This way the spacecraft can be smaller That’s a lot.”

David spread his hands: "Artificial wombs are a technical problem. And will children educated by AI have any recognition of human society? They can already be regarded as another civilization."

David sighed: "After all, why should we design an immigration fleet based on the current technological level of mankind? This is impossible."

"How do I know." Xiang Shan sighed: "Suppose, join in. NASA finds that the sun is showing signs of turning into a red giant. It may be tomorrow, or it may be five hundred years from now. This process will be very sudden, and humans may die at any time. Losing their hometown. While humans are studying group evacuation plans, they must find ways to use existing technology to preserve the genetic information of their own race..."


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