Cyber Heroes

Chapter 905 The Mystery of Olorun

Orgun 2 was traveling through the Oort cloud when it was discovered. Its trajectory just passed the outer reaches of the Oort cloud. According to computer calculations, its orbit may have been disturbed by the gravity of the solar system, so it formed a slight arc in the Oort cloud. It will not really enter the core of the solar system, but will pass by hundreds of thousands of miles away from the orbit of Neptune...

Oh no. Although "one hundred and eight thousand miles" is used to describe "extremely far" in daily context, on the scale of the universe, the so-called "one hundred and eight thousand miles" is very small.

The trajectory of Orgun 2 is at least 108,000 astronomical units away from the orbit of Pluto.

After crossing the edge of the solar system, it will go to the unknown other side again.

And except for the Speedy Royal Court, there is no other aircraft that can conveniently recover this thing.

However, for the Divine Speed ​​Royal Court, "how to recycle" is also a difficulty.

It's not like "can't catch up" or anything like that.

In fact, the biggest difficulty for the Speed ​​Royal Court to recover Ogun 2 is...

Ogun 2 is too soft and weak.

Using the Speed ​​Royal Court to intercept and tow the Ogun 2 is equivalent to using a sixth-generation aircraft from the Chivalrous War period to tow a World War I military hot air balloon. The gap may be even greater.

If the Speed ​​Royal Court drags Ogun 2 forward, Ogun 2 will immediately be torn apart by the acceleration of the Speed ​​Royal Court. Even if Ogun 2 is broken into large pieces and placed on the Speed ​​Court, Ogun 2 will still be crushed during the acceleration phase of the Speed ​​King.

Many of humanity’s existing deceleration technologies cannot be directly applied to Ogun 2. For example, the powerful hull of the Speed ​​Royal Court relies on the special magnetic field surrounding the overall frame to quickly share the pressure to the entire body. The alloys that can do this have corresponding requirements in terms of magnetism, and not all materials can do it. Modern human aircraft are basically designed based on this.

Of course, these are minor problems and there are many ways to end them. For example, if the shear resistance is insufficient, the volume can be reduced by cutting. If that's not enough, use gel protection, something like that.

For the Speed ​​Royal Court, the most troublesome part is "slowing down to the speed of Ogun 2 and staying relatively stationary with Ogun 2."

In the past, the Speedy Royal Court would indeed decelerate and release cargo at the edge of the solar system, and then the cargo bay would use rockets to decelerate alone. But the Speed ​​Court rarely slows down to the level of Ogun 2. The current Speed ​​Royal Court is essentially a test machine, and its fuel reserve is still a project that "remains to be broken through."

If the Speed ​​Royal Court consumes a large amount of fuel and slows down to the level of Ogun 2 at the edge of the solar system, it will be difficult for it to break through the knight positions around Saturn and Uranus at its highest speed.

The Speedy Royal Court has always relied on its speed advantage and small and irregular disguises to avoid interceptions. Many knights have tried to snipe the Speed ​​King by "predicting the trajectory in advance". But the Speed ​​King's driving skills are truly extraordinary.

Besides, this is the most terrifying thing about the Speedy Royal Court. Even if the Speed ​​Royal Court is severely damaged, it is still a massive object with a speed exceeding 10% of the speed of light. If the driver determines that "the situation is irreversible," it can instantly transform into the God of Destruction and destroy an entire row of giant buildings in space. Even destroy the industrial base on the gas giant planet. At least the attacker will definitely not be able to escape this last move.

The risk of attacking the Royal Court of Full Speed ​​was too high, so the knight never made up his mind to organize a siege.

However, if the Speed ​​Royal Court consumes too much fuel to slow down and cannot reach full speed when returning, the knights will definitely not be polite to them.

Of course, the solution to this problem is also very simple.

The Speedy Court only needs to make a few more trips and drop fuel at a predetermined location each time, which is enough.

The fuel tanks will intersect with Orgun 2's orbit in a few years.

The Speed ​​Royal Court also used this method to send the first batch of scientific research knights.

Su Zhang is one of them. After becoming a scientific research knight affiliated with the Speed ​​Royal Court, he was immediately sent to Ogun 2 for research, and then stayed there for a while until recently returning.

The performance of Ogun 2 has almost overturned many human conjectures about the Olorun civilization.

The reactor structures and dimensions of Ogun 1 and 2 are exactly the same, and the uranium content of their fuel blocks is mostly the same. According to the half-life evaluation of the uranium fuel blocks of Ogun 1 and 2, the difference in the launch years of Ogun 1 and 2 is definitely within a hundred years, and they may even be completed at the same time.

In this way, the statement that "Ololon civilization is highly similar to old human civilization" is very questionable.

If the old human civilization wanted to build an aircraft like Ogun, it would have to go bankrupt, let alone two.

If the Olorans really just wanted to spread their genetic information, there would be no need to throw two aircraft in the same direction. Maybe they made more Oguns and flew in all directions, and then by chance the Earth got two.

Of course, some scientific research knights have also put forward another hypothesis, believing that the destinations of Orgun 1 and 2 may both be Venus. When the Oloran civilization was observing the solar system, they concluded that Venus was most likely their habitable zone, so in order to ensure that the genetic information arrived successfully, they released Ogun 2.

It is true that No. 1 and No. 2 were built at the same time.

This can also be seen from the technology used in No. 1 and No. 2.

There is little difference between Ogun One and Two.

Even the results of comparison of stone tablets are highly consistent.

Well, indeed, three hundred years ago, King Zhengtian and Ancestor Wu once raised the hypothesis that "maybe this is the upper limit of science and technology in the universe" when they were young.

But no one has mentioned this conjecture now.

The reason is simple. Human technology has left Ogun far behind.

Olorun's level of technology when he launched Ogun obviously cannot be the upper limit of the universe.

In other words, the resource level of the Olorans' home planet is probably extremely rich, and because it is close to the star, it is easier to obtain energy.

But another problem arises.

Since the home planet of Oloran civilization is so excellent, why didn't they develop?

In the direction from which Ogun 1 and 2 came, humans have carefully observed all the stars within 10,000 light-years. Among these stars, none of the Dyson cloud structures similar to the Throne can be observed, nor are there any unnatural-looking giant structures in space.

Ogun 1 and 2 may have been sailing for tens of millions of years. With luck, humans should be able to see what the Oloran civilization looked like a thousand or ten thousand years ago. If the Oloran civilization had not perished, it would have been developing for millions of years.

But except for Ogun, humans have never seen any evidence to prove its existence.

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