Cyber Heroes

Chapter 908 The Aftermath of History

Su Zixing kept writing, constantly transforming his memories of the past few years into written form. At the same time, he was constantly comparing the conclusions of this exploration with the various speculations and conclusions of the Rama project three hundred years ago.

This report may even be seen by His Majesty the Father of All Machines - although the hope is slim, it is indeed possible - it must be made beautiful.

The study of Olorun civilization was once a hot topic in the academic world. But by the 1960s and 1970s of the 21st century, this craze gradually faded. The most critical reason is that there are too few research materials.

At that time, Ogun 2 was still outside the Oort cloud. Perhaps by the standards of astronomical telescopes, this distance is "very close", but Ogun 2 is still too small. Moreover, with the level of human technology at that time, even if it was discovered, it would be impossible to bring it back.

All human research is based on Ogun 1, an object that has been idle for tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 years, and lost most of the "non-stele information" during its landing.

Also, the Rama project is quite beautifully done. Before the United Nations disbanded the project team and the subsequent results were taken over by each country, Ogun 1 had been studied over and over again. Thanks to some of the top scientists of that era, in less than ten years, most of the research on Ogun-1 has entered deep water areas, and results cannot be achieved overnight.

Wu Zu found the key to unlock the secret. And the greatest crown behind the gate was won by the Father of All Machines.

To put it bluntly, the "Isoenzyme" project is to use human ideas and methods to design a simple robot for every working link in Ogun 1 that requires a corresponding robot.

At that time, people on Earth were still on their home planet, so they did not need to consider resistance to radiation or stability. They just need to consume resources and keep trying and making mistakes. Moreover, there are a lot of wreckage that can serve as clues. In this way, humans can guess the working logic of most of the robots in Ogun's closed system.

The ultimate goal of doing this is to resurrect that special industrial machine and make it work in the preset way.

According to historical records, during this process Wu Zu first showed his talents in engineering and project management. At the time the plan was proposed, he was a marginal figure in Project Rama. This series of comprehensive research plans gave him the opportunity to stand out. But in the beginning, a researcher like him was not qualified to take on such a big project alone. Although he proposed the entire plan, he only received a false position with titles but no authority. Only in name was he added the position of "Project General Consultant", and the actual responsibility was only one level higher than the original one.

However, Wu Zu's boss at that time was King Zhengtian. King Zhengtian gave Wu Zu considerable support. Martial Ancestor also brought the role of that virtual title into full play.

Wuzu did succeed.

The industrial mother machine, together with the transparent components inside, can use simple organic matter to synthesize proteins with specific rules, and use lasers to interfere with the protein reaction process. Optical tweezers can also move parts of subcellular structures.

In addition, there is a piece of crystal foam inside the industrial mother machine, which is filled with holes with a radius of five to fifteen microns. By adding simple organic matter such as phospholipids and irradiating it with laser, there is a certain probability of obtaining cells.

And the information that the industrial mother machine burned into the organic matter with a laser came from the slate - as Wu Zu expected, that "code book" was the biological information of the Olorun civilization's home planet.

It's not exactly genetic information. The initial target product of the industrial machine is several enzymes that can interact with each other.

Delete all symbols such as "start", "end" and "direction" that are only related to the reading rules, and then enter them from the first stone slab in the order of rows from right to left and from top to bottom. The original "code book" is available.

His Majesty, the Father of All Machines, did not wait for the industrial mother machine of Ogun 1 to produce the first Oloron cells before he made the most important achievement in his life with these interacting enzymes - in fact, His Majesty I have always doubted whether the creatures produced in this way can be regarded as Oloran creatures. This set of robots collects common simple organic matter from the local area where it lands on the planet, and interacts with the local environment to produce complex organic matter. In this case, the final products obtained on different planets may be hugely different, and it may even be impossible to construct an intertwined reaction path like the enzyme system.

Moreover, the Olorun civilization's technology of using laser light waves to interfere with the reaction process is not precise, far from precise. The cells produced by such an industrial mother machine must be very different from the original cells of the Oloran civilization's home planet. It may even be just "partial fragments of genetic information. After being written out with 0s and 1s, they will be different from the Oloran civilization." It’s just that the creatures on the home planet are highly similar.”

Humans use DNA to carry this information, but the genetic information of the Olorans is not necessarily written on DNA.

Does the Oloran civilization just want to sow seeds on a distant alien planet?

But what's the point?

This is just to produce a batch of alien creatures that don't look like the Olorans and whose civilization has nothing to do with the Olorans. They only look a bit like the Olorans after part of their genetic information is written out in binary form. Moreover, it will take billions of years for these alien creatures to evolve intelligence and develop civilization.

It means nothing to civilization.

Is it because they hope to discover other advanced civilizations?

Or do you want to give the discoverer some kind of hint?

Humanity's technological level has left Ogun far behind, but humans still cannot understand Ogun's builders.

Su Zixing continued to summarize the research results from three hundred years ago, and then compared them with the research results of Ogun 2. Project Rama is indeed a project that famous figures such as Wu Zu, Zhengtian Wang, and the Father of All Machines have participated in. . Judging from Ogun 2, many of their inferences are surprisingly correct. However, there are also some speculations that should now be overturned.

After studying for a while, Su Zixing leaned back on the chair, relaxed his whole body, and let his consciousness rise into the online space.

In order to stay productive, he needs to take a break.

This is the intranet of the Divine Speed ​​Royal Court, a man-made online space. The map is very large and extremely vast, and there are many entertainment projects. This is the "spiritual home" that engineers began to build more than a hundred years ago when the previous generation of Speed ​​King was building the Court. It is a place that all the Speed ​​King's subordinates love.

Of course, the premise is that you don't meet your immediate boss inside.

It would be better to meet the king himself than his superior.

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