Cyber Heroes

Chapter 917 Wrong thinking

This is a chip made of organic matter. Sagittarius Xiangshan even suspected that if the chip was swallowed by earth creatures, it might be broken down by digestive enzymes.

This delicate thing is embedded in the thick nerve of the squid, and there are a number of metal wires extending from the surface of the chip. It is said that those squids also have artificial neural networks in their bodies - not the human kind, but something more rugged.

The reason why humans use nanoconductor threads as the basis of so-called artificial neurons is because human original neurons are extremely thin and the neural network is dense and complex. Only nanoconductor threads can successfully pass through neurons and build new neural circuits inside the brain while ensuring low damage to glial cells.

But the squid doesn't need that. Squids inherently lack such complex brains. Squid rely on thickening nerve fibers to increase signal conduction speed, which also limits the complexity of their neural networks.

The Six Dragons Cult can use thicker silk threads to increase the complexity of the squid neuron network.

And this chip is undoubtedly the top priority. It even inherits the characteristics of the cuttlefish's distributed ganglia, and builds an artificial neural network in the cuttlefish's body in a way that is consistent with the cuttlefish's intuition. Finally, in a mechanical form, it makes up for the cuttlefish's lack of memory, learning, and communication capabilities, and adds artificial neural networks to the cuttlefish through artificial protocols. Acquired sociality.

And Xiangshan now realizes that he seemed to have simplified this mysterious organization in the past.

This strange technology...

"How does it work? Does it rely on the power of chemical gradients within nerve fibers? Or, it itself... obtains energy through some kind of chemical reaction..." Xiangshan thought.

Through optical equipment, Xiangshan can see that compared with traditional chips, this special chip is not highly integrated. There are obvious gaps and grooves in the chip, which may be used to allow certain liquids to pass...

The Sagittarius machine is for combat use rather than a scientific research vessel, and when this AI was written, it was also designed to escape from Paradox City, without much redundant design. This Xiangshan does not have the ability to think about such complex issues.

However, the "association" function that such advanced AI should have allows him to retrieve similar things in his memory.

The organic matter manufacturing equipment that comes with Ogun.

To some extent...


"I don't understand why I think it's close to what Ogun brought..." Xiangshan muttered to himself.

I'm afraid this issue won't be clear for a while. The original Xiangshan is an antique from two hundred years ago, and the ninth god of war in the archetype of Sagittarius is also outdated from sixty or seventy years ago. What the Six Dragons Sect is tinkering with is basically another technology tree.

This kind of thing may not be possible to manufacture with the equipment of the sunken ship.

Xiang Shan had no choice but to tell Ah Hun this.

After Ah Hun knew the news, his body began to turn red, and finally he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of ink.

He quickly dispersed the ink, and the ring-like color band on his body refreshed like a neon light, and asked in this form: "Is there no way at all?"

"The chip in your body is very different from mainstream human technology. It should be difficult for most humans to copy it, unless they are willing to spend time researching it?"

"Research? How long will it take?"

"This..." Sagittarius Xiangshan hesitated and said: "It depends on the scale and the resources invested. When the resources are sufficient and the external environment is stable, in human time, it will take at least... three to eight Year?"

Ah Hun spurted out another mouthful of ink.

He said numbly: "I can only live for another seven years at most."

After saying this, his body became pale and weak again, as if he didn't want to say another word.

Xiang Shan didn't say anything more. He returned to the waterless cabin by himself and continued to make equipment.

He began to think.

If you want to reverse engineer this technology quickly... what is needed?

It must be difficult to reverse engineer this technology.

Even if its materials were put aside... No, even if Xiangshan snatched a bunch of chips from the Six Dragons Sect, he would not be able to implant the wild, standardized squid.

It's buried inside the squid's body. Xiangshan had no idea what kind of processing this chip would undergo before being implanted into the squid. According to the general process of Superman Enterprise, this kind of foreign artificial object directly embedded in the living body will have a variety of specific signaling factors pre-attached to the surface to make the cells mistakenly think that "this artificial object is part of the body", thus interacting with the artificial object. Growing together requires some skills to avoid subsequent rejection reactions.

Xiang Shan did know some information. But that's all for humans.

This implantation process/assembly process itself is very complicated.

The bottom layer of an organism is so ambiguous and complex, a "hill of shit" formed by condensing too much evolution, and is far less concise and clear than the machinery created by intelligent life from scratch.

The uniqueness of the technology tree of the Six Dragons Sect, combined with the complexity of organic life itself, makes this reverse engineering exponentially more difficult.


Thinking of those squids rushing one after another, how could Xiang Shan not try his best to think about it?

If you think about it carefully...

"There is at least one top molecular biology expert and one top engineer on the planet..."

What Xiang Shan was talking about was naturally Niaguti and his own body.

Needless to say, I am undoubtedly the top developer.

Nia Goodi is a top biologist. If she hadn't happened to be born in the same era as an anomaly like Yawgmoth Voigt, perhaps she would have been qualified to become the most dazzling star in the history of biology, like Darwin or Mendel, and be recognized by people of different eras. Praise.

She is someone who can follow Yawgmoth's ideas

——No, that's not right. There is a difference...

Sagittarius hit his head on the mountain.

There were problems with this idea from the beginning.

Why do you have to reverse engineer the technology of the Six Dragon Sect yourself?

There is actually a better way.

He should have snatched it directly from the Six Dragons Sect.

After all, it is an AI brain, but it is not as effective as the main body.

Xiang Shan shook his head.

Besides, it’s hard to say what Niyaguti’s situation is now.

Nia Goodi is very similar to Yawgmoth in every way. The same hatred of evil (at least in the past), and the same sympathy for the weak. However, compared to the bookish Yawgmoth, Nyaguti is closer to a warrior in temperament.

Now Niaguti may have basically given up her identity as a researcher and only retains her background as a technician.

Xiangshan still remembers the first time he met Niyaguti. It was late summer of 2030.

That time should be the equator, near the Galapagos Islands...

I promise this memory will be short

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