Cyber Heroes

Chapter 934 Identity Reversal

The uneasiness in the Holy Lord's heart began to worsen.

After losing track of the Twelve Gods of War and then the Sagittarius body escaping, a sense of uneasiness lingered in his heart. He immediately separated Yan Ye and Yang Mengying. Due to the relationship between that boy Hayabusa and Yan Ye, Yan Ye is one of the few people who can rush to cross the planned channel of the Speedy Royal Court. The Six Dragons Sect also needs this mobility ability to perform various important escort missions between different planets. Calculating the schedule, Yan Ye should have already gone to the Old Continent, looking for an opportunity to leave the earth.

And Yang Mengying is also in a safe place.

However, just a few days ago, various bases and ships of the Six Dragons Sect have successively sent reports of "unidentified targets approaching".

There was even a ship that lost contact.

The Nautilus is not the Six Dragons' only submarine. In addition, there are "Belemnite", "Cornerstone" and "Ammonite".

Since yesterday, I have not received any more messages from the Ammonite.

"It's too weird." The Holy Lord thought: "Even if those squids recorded the route of the Nautilus, there is no reason that they also recorded the route of the Ammonite."

This is so unreasonable. The squid group on the Ammonite was raised separately, and their language and education methods were very different from the squid group on the Nautilus. Two groups of calamari are basically equivalent to two foreigners who have never heard of each other's country.

Imagine that around 200 BC, an alien scientific expedition team came to the earth, captured a soldier from the Kingdom of Carthage on an aircraft during random sampling, and then carelessly threw him into the Han Dynasty when releasing him. Under the country governed by Emperor Wen. At this moment, it is still forty years since Zhang Qian brought back the legend of the Western Regions. Can this Carthaginian soldier, who dreams of becoming a hero in the story of his fight against Rome, correctly judge his position and establish communication with the Han people?

The possibility is really slim.

The Six Dragons Sect has never allowed a group of squid to operate communication equipment alone, and groups of squid grazing on different submarines have no communication at all.

There is always a certain distance between the four submarines. Even if a squid breaks away in a small scale, it will be difficult to find each other in the vast sea.

Even if the Twelfth War God could find the route of the Nautilus through the records of the squids, or locate some of the underwater bases based on some regular pauses in the route, he would have no reason to find the Ammonite.

But what's even more damning is that global communications are now greatly affected, and reports from other submarines are of limited length. Seawater's interference with electromagnetic waves is too strong, so the distance of wireless communication in seawater is very limited. To make contact, the submarine would have to surface, or at least bring the transmitting device to the surface.

The distance between the four submarines is too far, so sometimes they have to use satellites. Fortunately, the Six Dragons Sect is in the sky above the earth and controls a number of "private data transmission satellites" that are nominally scientific research knights. Moreover, when those scientific research knights were preparing these satellites, they used high-sounding excuses - in view of the fact that Lord Hartmann's action of hunting down the Eighth Valkyrie eighty years ago caused huge losses to the scientific research knights, so the locals The Research Knights must have multiple backup means.

A small part of the communication bandwidth of these satellites is always reserved for the Six Dragons Sect.

But with the 12th Valkyrie destroying the satellite network, this convenience is gone forever.

Now, even regular communication between the four submarines is extremely difficult.

Now the Ammonite is still very close to the heavily fortified area of ​​​​the Sanctuary, and it is difficult to even use the broadcast signal. In order to avoid exposing the target, the Holy Master was unable to confirm it.

Therefore, the Holy Master did not know what happened specifically, he only knew that "an unknown individual was approaching."

Yang Mengying might be in the Ammonite now.

The Holy Lord was very worried.

"Maybe I have to be prepared to blow myself up too."

He thought so.

The Six Dragons Sect does not only exist for himself. The Six Dragons Cult is the Six Dragons Cult of the person he loves.

At the same time, it is also a "backstop" for the future of mankind.

The Holy Lord is not afraid of death. However, he had to be afraid of the extraordinary internal strength of the Twelfth Martial God.

This body is just an AI. Pure AI can indeed crush humans in handling specific problems. But at a higher level, pure AI cannot yet defy internal forces.

But within this prosthetic body, a large amount of key information is stored.

Contains a lot of data about the Six Dragons Sect.

Also included...

At this moment, the alarm started flashing wildly.

The submarine received a clear communication.

"The hunter and the prey have turned around!"


"The hunter and the prey have turned around!"

When sending this message, Xiangshan felt sincerely happy.

He was now cowering behind his big gun. Behind him, three pairs of mechanical arms each held a small shield. The shield and the big gun are spliced ​​together to form an approximately closed cone. Xiangshan's prosthetic body, which does not comply with fluid mechanics, is hidden behind the vertebral body.

This is an old but useful tactic. In more ancient times, martial arts were still very weak. The dual limitations of materials and power make it difficult for prosthetics to break through air resistance.

At that time, the concept of "one layer of heaven and earth" had not yet appeared.

At that time, David developed a fighting method, which was to hold a huge battle gun, followed by a disposable protective shell, which could even be connected to a jet engine.

With this design, they could carry out extremely fierce charges in that era.

And this design is also foldable.

The same idea was now used by Xiang Shan to break through the obstruction of the sea water.

It’s not just “materials” and “structure” that fight against seawater. The robotic arm can perform unloading freely. The magnetic field surrounding him can spread the force of this weapon evenly at the fastest speed, allowing him to quickly traverse the sea water.

A submarine with only a few dozen knots could not match his current speed.

Xiang Shan turned into a thunderbolt and struck hard at the Nautilus.

A huge roar broke out instantly. This force was so terrifying that the steel everywhere in the Nautilus groaned under the strain.

Everyone even felt the tilt under their feet.

"The second cabin is damaged! Sea water is pouring in! Sealing the second cabin... failed. The sealing device of the cabin lost its function for unknown reasons. It is speculated..."

The Holy Lord roared: "Disconnect from the system!"

But he was a little late.

Around his body, all the members of the Six Dragon Cult who controlled the submarine twitched and fell down.

There was only one person left, and he smiled in a strange tone: "Hello, me."

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