Cyber Heroes

Chapter 938 Destruction

The members of the Six Dragon Sect who had just escaped from the Nautilus saw this horrifying scene.

They were horrified to find that the submarine, with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons, was shaking, trembling, and seemed to be screaming!

And this huge force, which is enough to make a 10,000-ton submarine tremble, is exactly the power emitted by two prosthetic bodies of tens of tons.

Xiang Shan stepped on the ground. The heavy steel floor deformed like plasticine. Mechanical waves propagate faster in steel and water. With this kick, all the surrounding seawater turned into white mist, and then was wrapped up in the turbulent air, turning the long and narrow corridor into an illusion of rapidly flowing clouds and mist.

The water that fell on the inner wall of the corridor had no time to condense into water droplets, and was crushed again by the aftermath of the fight between the two.

And the Holy Lord is still retreating! retreat! retreat!

The sea water was trampled into white mist, but it could not change its nature of obstructing the view. The magnetic link weapon hidden in the white mist is like a poisonous snake hanging on the tree. For a machine like the Holy Master, this magnetic link weapon may not be deadly enough, but if his hands and feet are only tripped and his movements are slightly hindered, Xiangshan's own body is enough to finish him off.

Those snakes... no, from the posture point of view, they are closer to the sea snakes swimming in the sea, elegant and deadly. But no sea snake with such terrifying behavior can be found in the entire history of evolution. They are deadly, graceful, yet always swift as lightning.

The Holy Lord has danced the spear in his hand to the limit. In the eyes of others, these silver gun flowers may be more dazzling than the hand-held fireworks. The silver meteor swarm was always able to hit the magnetic link weapon that was speeding towards it, while ensuring that it could be withdrawn in time so as not to be swept away by the opponent.

His upper body was almost overheating. He currently lacks effective detection capabilities. Almost all the radars in this aircraft operate based on infrasound or ultrasound. In the atmospheric environment, the resistance encountered by the prosthetic body is very small, and the transmission of mechanical waves is much slower than that of sea water. His perception is particularly slow in this environment.

The magnetic link weapon automatically rewinds, but will also stick to the inside of the corridor due to its trajectory, and then be attracted to it due to magnetic force, turning it into an assist for moving up the mountain. With this help, Xiang Shan can move faster by the Holy Master.

In the eyes of the Holy Lord, this guy is like a ghost. He can always shoot from incredible angles. Every time he shoots, he is in danger and almost loses his life.

The Holy Master is more familiar with the structure here and has already turned around several times, either activating mechanisms or picking up weapons. However, this little distance advantage was quickly recovered by Xiangshan because of the magnetic link weapon.

——You must hold on! Use the right location to deal with him!

——As long as the sea water is filled, it will be my victory!

The Holy Lord gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on, like a lonely boat in the dark night tide.

And Martial God Xiangshan also started to get impatient.

The reason why he can suppress the Holy Lord now is because he has set the battlefield in an environment that is more favorable to him.

Over time, seawater will continue to pour into the submarine. His advantage will become smaller and smaller.

And the battle between the two of them would also affect the submarine, occasionally creating larger openings that would allow water to pour in faster.

One of the two has a righteous heart and wants to seek equality for the intelligent cephalopods. The other has a loving heart and wants to protect the relatives and friends he cherishes.

If the two fight, one of them must be defeated.

The roaring movement moved from the middle section of the Nautilus to the front section, and from the front section to the rear section. In one round and round, the submarine's shell actually experienced several deformations and several holes.

This is also why gang battles can occur in space.

In fact, cyber martial arts has brought human combat technology to an unimagined path. The combat power integrated into a prosthetic body and the power that the human brain can exert have greatly exceeded what previous people had thought. . A warrior's prosthetic body is like a natural disaster. If you fall into an enemy ship, you can cause damage with every move you make. Even if there were experts of the same level fighting against them, the aftermath of the battle between the two would be enough to cause damage to the equipment inside the ship like a tornado passing through.

Only better warriors can firmly control the opponent before the intruder reaches the key part, thus minimizing the damage.

The Holy Lord does not have that ability. He fought with Xiang Shan Zhuanzhuan dozens of times, causing disaster to the entire Nautilus. The Nautilus's skeleton was affected by the aftermath of the battle between the two. Even if Xiangshan retreats immediately, the Nautilus will no longer be able to sail within the ocean.

The Holy Lord took Xiang Shan for a spin and came to the front section of the submarine for the second time. At the moment when it was stabbed by Xiangshan, the Nautilus' head sank slightly due to the impact. And the sea water naturally flows in this direction. This also exacerbated the tilt of the Nautilus's hull.

At this moment, this is the deepest part of the Nautilus.

——That's right, almost...

When such thoughts flashed through the Holy Lord's mind, Xiang Shan swung his spear again. The three magnetic chain weapons clung to the inner wall of the corridor like an octopus' arms and legs, sending Xiangshan forward. The God of War used all his strength, together with the vector jet behind his back, to send the big gun forward and spin it.

Like a typhoon, it was bombarded from above!

The Holy Lord knew that the God of War would not let this moment go. If we go deeper, the Martial God's prosthetic body will not be able to maintain such a high-intensity fighting method, so we give it a try here. He knew that this moment was the key, so all the machinery in his body was activated, even if it was overloaded, he must block this blow.

Big guns and steel guns clashed in the air, and there was a muffled thunderous sound around the two of them. After all, the prosthetic body of the Holy Lord is thick, and because it needs to fight against the resistance of the sea water, it is even stronger in strength. As for Xiangshan's two prosthetic bodies, the combined power is not as good as this sentence. He was shot away by his opponent.

But the Holy Lord will never feel uncomfortable. As soon as he became shorter, the board under his feet collapsed. How could the floor inside the ship withstand this? The steel gun in his hand was also knocked to the ground.

The moment it flew backwards towards the mountain, countless tiny silver lights flashed past.

Just when the Holy Lord's whole body was in a state of stiffness, his steps were restricted by the broken terrain, and he was unable to dodge or defend.

At the moment when it flew backwards towards the mountain and the magnetic link weapons formed a long straight chain again.

The magnetic link weapon functions as an electromagnetic gun.

The Holy Lord's series of stabs would occasionally break some components of the magnetic link weapon. These components are magnetically controlled and adsorbed by Xiangshan.

At this moment, Xiangshan repeated his old trick and poured the fragments into the gaps of the Holy Lord's turbine power system again!

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