Cyber Heroes

Chapter 941 Anger

The trolley problem is a thought experiment. Similar to physics experiments, the core issues that need to be explored are explored by continuously simplifying prerequisites and controlling variables.

Of course, this kind of "discussion" is more meaningful to experts in ethics and law.

And for people like Xiang Shan, the first reaction to this question is...

"Kill the kidnapper first."

"Oh, you mean..." The Holy Lord actually thought for two seconds: "You mean, I tied Yan Ye and Mengying to the railway track, and then the railway track is not in line with your 'all living beings' Yes, so I’m forcing you to make a choice?”

Martial God Xiangshan did not answer, but grabbed the headless body of the Holy Master and walked towards the back of the submarine, as if climbing a mountain.

The Holy Lord laughed: "Hahaha...hahahahahahahaha! Oh my God! What are you still dreaming about now? Ah? You still think that I deceived Yan Ye and Mengying, so they both Are you doing something for me? Is it all their fault for what they are today?"

"If it weren't for you bastards, do I need to make a choice? If it weren't for you bastards..." Xiang Shan paused, seeming to be panting.

But prosthetic people obviously do not rely on breathing.

Xiang Shan paused and said: "Do normal people need to frequently choose between justice and personal love? Do they? No need. In a world without madness, there is no need to force people to kill their relatives for justice. In a truly harmonious world, everyone There is no need to choose between both sides. No one has to choose..."

The Holy Lord said lazily: "The 'Great Harmony' you mentioned has never happened..."

"Before the Wright brothers built the first airplane in 1903, 'flying machines denser than air' only existed on the drawings of those two inventors. Since airplanes did not originally exist, they can be invented by humans. , then why can’t it be done in the world of great harmony? Why can’t it be done in the kingdom of freedom?”

The Holy Lord sighed: "I almost forgot, do you really believe this."

Some people also feel that Xiang Shan does not fully believe what he himself promotes.

Would a person who is aware of the blindness and short-sightedness of the crowd, and is even good at exploiting this blind obedience and short-sightedness, firmly believe that "all human beings are equal" and that no one is born more noble than anyone else?

Of course, this is easy to explain. Xiangshan himself firmly believes that everyone is a potential strong man and a sleeping giant. It's just that the environment they acquired did not provide them with the opportunity to let their talents blossom and bear fruit.

Xiangshan said this to everyone.

However, not everyone really believed it. This set of statements will also be regarded as "sophistry to hide one's true nature from the mountains."

People know that Xiangshan is a selfish person. Xiangshan will also be shown as flesh and blood, in line with the public's expectations of the image of "a knight who takes pleasure in revenge" and "a wise and powerful leader".

Because these images are useful and conducive to publicity and solicitation.

A real strong man, an individual who is indeed better than everyone else, and who really knows how to take advantage of everyone's weaknesses - then he himself is the "savior" in the eyes of others.

When the "Savior" says "I am just like you", everyone will say to him: "Oh, you are too polite and approachable. This is your virtue!"

The Martial God is a person who sincerely feels that "we are the same", while the Holy Master is a person with the virtue of humility.

Most of the time, their outward appearance is the same. It is only in extreme situations that this difference becomes apparent.

In other words, if there is no "extreme situation", if it is in a peaceful environment, if there is no need to test human nature...

Holy Lord Xiangshan will become an ordinary person who contributes to society just like Martial God Xiangshan.

At this moment, the two who had just finished fighting had understood the decisive difference between them.

At this moment, the Nautilus had already tilted significantly. The originally level corridor turned into a steep slope. The water surged down.

The Holy Lord's head was being carried by Xiang Shan, facing the ceiling of the corridor.

The Holy Lord even had the leisure to hum a song. He hummed and asked: "So? So I tied Yan Ye to the railway track, and then put the controller into your hand, right? Ha, there must be a limit to self-deception..."

Xiang Shan sighed: "Yan Ye's birthday... December 16, 2031. She will be an adult on December 16, 2049. From that day on, she can do everything. Yes. You can go to work, you can get married, you can go. Even if you have a child with some wild boy...forget it, this is still a bit too early for an eighteen-year-old child. By the way, her hometown also stipulates that you can only drink alcohol if you are over 20 years old. But from that day , she can take responsibility for her own life. This year, she is almost 300 years old this year. She is no longer a child."

"Mengying's birthday is August 10, 2056. Unfortunately, neither her grandfather nor I attended her coming-of-age ceremony. The war was very tense in 1974. But I remember it."

Xiang Shan said: "Of course they have the right to decide their own lives, and of course they should be responsible for their decisions."

"Haha, you are really pathetic." The Holy Lord said, "So you started to blame them two. You blamed them for not following your wishes and living like a mechanical saint like you."

"Oh, my bad?"

"Isn't that true? You chose the most difficult road, provided the most ambitious plan, drew the biggest pie, and then lost the most important battle. Then you were resurrected ten times and defeated ten times in a row." The Holy Lord sneered: "In this situation, you still force others to believe you? Are you too arrogant?"

"Don't change your mind here." Xiang Shan walked forward indifferently: "It's okay if you're tired, or if you don't want to fight. Wouldn't it be better to find a place to hide? This kind of life that only needs a little energy can survive... "

"People need goals." The Holy Lord said: "Would you rather they paralyze themselves and sink in pain?"

"It's better than seeing them following you to harm someone else."

"Do you love humans so much? Xiangshan. Even if it means killing your own relatives."

"How would I need to make this choice without you, bastard?"

"Haha, remind me again, I am you, scolding me is equivalent to scolding yourself." The Holy Lord laughed: "You are just shirking responsibility. When faced with the tram problem, you angrily scolded the person who asked the question, 'Not you bastard' Why do I need to make a choice'... It seems to be the same as scolding the experimental equipment in a physics experiment, which makes no sense..."

"So what if it makes no sense?" Xiangshan placed the Holy Lord's head in front of him: "Because I am also an ordinary person! I also have a heart! I also have feelings!"

This is the first time that the Holy Lord comes face to face with Xiangshan.

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