Cyber Heroes

Chapter 943 Is this happening too often?

The flagship of the Tianxing Fleet, the Hegni, Fihelt rushed out of the officers' quarters and rushed to the bridge.

After arriving at the bridge, the first thing he saw was the cylinder on the console. In front of that majestic geometric figure, Fihelt lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, something big has happened. The Six Dragons Sect has undergone huge changes."

Two drones with cameras hovered in front of him. In this microgravity environment, drones will be more flexible. King Agni doesn't always borrow the eyes attached to his prosthetic body. He can commandeer any camera to serve as his vision. His senses are gradually breaking away from the innate limitations of human beings, and even so he will not feel uncomfortable.

King Agni asked: "What's the matter?"

"I just received a broadcast, the content is..."

"'All the encryption systems of the Six Dragons Sect before today are no longer safe, and all departments will abolish them immediately'?" King Agni asked.

Fihelt lowered his head: "That's right."

"This message appeared in the form of a broadcast in the Pacific Ocean, and then entered the Internet. It was forwarded several times and circulated in multiple communities." King Agni said: "If you can only judge this If so, what is the effect of your undercover service?"

Fihelt said: "Pacific Ocean... no wonder..."

This exclamation is of course due to acting skills.

In fact, the reason why King Tiexin rushed to report was because he knew that King Agni must have monitored the spread of this information at this time. The "human firewall" is never lazy on this point.

At this time, Fihelt had to report.

Although Fihelt himself didn't know what happened, he must express his opinion at this time...

——Speaking of which, this situation has happened several times in the past few years...

Fihelt raised his head and said: "I can determine its source. The 'Holy Lord', the first-level warrior of the Six Dragons Sect hidden in the earth's ocean, is the one who sent the signal. And he will choose to broadcast this signal, so Representative, the submarine he was on has probably been captured, and the submarine’s data was easily taken away.”

"Absurd." King Agni said: "Taking part of the data can be explained by the 'enemy's superb internal power'. However, no matter how strong the internal power is, it cannot steal storage devices that are not connected to the Internet."

Extract part of the data separately and store it in a mobile device. When judging that one's own position has fallen, one bullet to the storage device is enough to prevent information loss.

In this day and age, most groups can do that.

As long as you have a little bit of security awareness, you will have this precaution.

Therefore, "losing part of the secret" is understandable. But "all encryption systems are no longer secure"?

A large organization like the Six Dragons Sect can have several independent encryption systems at the same time for communication, verification, etc., and can also prepare backup communication methods and verification methods.

In this era, this is the basis for an organization's covert existence and secret operations.

These things should not be taken away all at once. No matter what, it's impossible.

Give storage a shot, a punch or a kick, something as simple as that.

Neither Hartman nor Zhu Xinyu could completely seize it in an instant.

Of course, using poison to penetrate bit by bit over a long period of time, waiting for the moment when the offline storage device is inserted into the computer, is another matter.

But this sudden broadcast is considered a "sudden seizure" situation no matter how you look at it.

Fihelt lowered his head and thought, "How do I know?"

He said to King Agni: "The Six Dragons Sect has indeed made such a plan. In the situation of 'all encryption systems are stolen', they have a plan for how the Six Dragons Sect should act. However, the Six Dragons The church doesn’t know under what circumstances this would happen. This is just a plan based on the church leader’s caution.”

It was even him who made the plan. When he heard about this demand, His Holiness Tiexin was shocked. He didn't even know the circumstances under which this situation would occur.

But what he didn't expect was that in this situation, he really...

It really happened.

King Agni said: "Instead of making such a plan, it is better to think about how to avoid this idiotic situation from happening."

Is the Church of Six Dragons such an imbecile organization? Can't even "destroy files" well?

Probably not. If the Six Dragons Sect was really that incompetent, it would not have been lurking on Earth and Mars for so many years, and not many people knew about the existence of this organization.

Dharma King Tiexin's mind was racing with thoughts, and he was thinking hard. How should he guide King Agni's thinking to minimize the losses suffered by the Six Dragons Sect? Is it to say "they are such imbeciles" to reduce the threat of the Six Dragons Cult in King Agni's mind? I'm afraid this is not a good idea. King Agni is afraid that he will immediately ask, "If this organization is so incompetent, then why did your undercover operation have little effect?"...

"Perhaps...the people who attack them are too scary?" After exhausting many possibilities, King Tiexin picked out a reasonable explanation and said: "Now, there happens to be the twelfth Martial God on the earth. The Martial God It is a special cultural phenomenon of mankind and a kind of miracle. In front of the God of War, anything can happen."

Of course, Dharma King Tiexin himself did not believe this explanation at all.

Because his location is too dangerous, the Holy Master will never contact him here. If they want to exchange information, they do so indirectly through extremely cumbersome means. Therefore, King Tiexin knew nothing about what happened on the Nautilus.

However, he knew who the Holy Lord was. He is a core member recruited by the leader himself and knows the details of the Holy Lord. The Holy Lord is the least likely individual to be influenced by the mighty name of the Martial God.

The Holy Lord himself is a Xiangshan. The halo that human civilization has placed on Xiangshan does not exist for the Holy Lord.

Moreover, the Holy Lord knows the Martial God, but the Martial God does not know the Holy Lord. Even if the Holy Lord is just an AI brain, with a huge information gap and mental arithmetic but no intention, the God of War will never be able to defeat the Holy Lord in an encounter.

However, we still have to talk about the scene.

"The warrior codenamed 'Holy Lord' possesses a first-level heavenly body that is specialized underwater. Logically speaking, it is impossible for anyone to defeat it underwater. And those who can do such a thing may only He is the God of War."

"Now that we have encountered the God of War, perhaps this strange record is not surprising."

Of course, this is also impossible.

The Holy Lord himself is Xiangshan's pseudo-personality cover. In the scope of "only one set of martial arts", he is close to the level of a martial god.

King Agni was thoughtful: "Indeed... the individual suspected of being Xiangshan appeared nearby not long ago..."


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