Cyber Heroes

Chapter 947 Haunted by evil spirits

Xiangshan put the head away, then turned around and lifted up the body without the head.

This is also a prosthetic body.

"It's true... you have become too weak, Mengying." Xiang Shan sighed: "If it were two hundred years ago, you could at least resist twice."

The moment she saw the Holy Master's body, Yang Mengying fell into a brief trance.

Then, she was instantly defeated by an attack from outside the submarine.

In fact, the head on the Holy Master's body is simply a decoration. It doesn't even have prosthetic eyes. The eyes are just LED lights.

Xiangshan simply used the fake head he had used to deceive the Holy Lord before, casually breaking off some fake functional structures with his hands, and then sticking them to the body.

After being swallowed by the big whale, Xiangshan immediately went to the silent submarine discovered by the squids, the squids' base.

The remaining squid are migrated by killer whales.

At that base, Xiangshan began to prepare the main body of the Holy Host. The Holy Lord's body is not a prosthetic body, but an organic body. There is no space for the brain-vertebral system, and it needs to be modified before it can be used as a prosthetic body - or turned into a weapon plug-in. Xiangshan didn't have that much time, so he simply cleaned out the metal debris in the turbine system.

Then, I connected a wire and controlled it myself.

It was Xiangshan himself who broke open the shell of the submarine. The Holy Lord's body just tears open the outer shell and enters.

After that, Xiangshan himself attached to the forward-inclined shell with the magnetic link weapon, and the big gun was fully charged.

He can sense the movements inside the submarine through the wire-controlled body's senses.

He took this opportunity to target Yang Mengying.

The magnetic link weapon shrinks, the arms swing wildly, and the big spear stabs furiously.

One hit hit Yang Mengying on the shoulder, and through the steel submarine shell, Yang Mengying was beaten into half a disability.

Then, the Holy Lord's body strode forward, twisted Yang Mengying's prosthetic body, and took off the head.

Finally, forcefully close the center of the prosthetic body.

Yang Mengying fell into darkness and was unable to receive any outside information. The only thing she could feel was her own emotions.

This state will last until someone else restarts her central system.

"Okay, that's it." Xiang Shan said to himself.

This time he had an absolute advantage. No one in the submarine could escape.

The Holy Lord's body is the most advanced underwater combat weapon under current technology. .

——Capture everyone and wait for trial...

"Oh, so you still didn't kill her." Another voice appeared behind Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan didn't even look back, but he already had an image of the speaker in his mind.

That was also Xiangshan, but his skin failed miserably. Under the cold light source from nowhere, it even looked a little light blue. The whites of his eyes were actually pure blood.

This is the image of "fierce ghost".

"Fanatical" sighed and plucked the strings twice: "What did I say? It's ruined your brain, isn't it? Look, look, look..."

"Crime" also sighed at the side: "You have a fucking cyberpunk background, why are you still a ghost? Why are you still a ghost? Is there something wrong with the style of painting?"

"'All ghosts are caused by psychological problems.' You see, it's very mainland style and very scientific." "Fanatical" said: "If it were a Hong Kong movie ghost wearing a bright red suit, it would look more pleasing."

"That way it wouldn't be scary."

"Li Gui" Xiang Shan laughed softly and said: "I have said so much... Wasn't he very cold-blooded and ruthless when he threatened me just now? He said 'I will kill her'. You see, he still can't do it. hand."

Xiangshan tilted his neck back: "Hey, I don't know which Xiangshan it is. As soon as he heard that I wanted to kill Mengying, he immediately believed it. You know very well that I can do it. But if I can capture her alive and put her on trial, I Usually, people will be spared. The time I took Lao Ba’s inheritance, I also spared her life. Besides, I promised myself that if I don’t kill her, I will keep her until the end of the world and give her a fair trial, right?”

"Oh, you are noble, you are amazing." Li Gui gave a thumbs up to Xiang Shan: "But do others think so? Huh?"

Xiang Shan pressed his forehead.

This fierce ghost version of myself is the negative influence brought by the Holy Lord.

In other words, it was the memory of the Holy Lord that caused his cognitive impairment. The system in his brain, integrated with the depth of thinking, guided this uncontrollable abnormal state in an alternative form.

And based on his cultural background, he put on this form of "skin".

What Xiangshan faced was such a "ghost".

My own ghost.

Li Gui Xiangshan is an inner demon formed by Xiangshan.

Xiang Shan understood why.

The memory of the Holy Lord is this kind of content, it is the recognition that others have after they glimpse his behavior.

Walker Xiangshan walks on the beach called "Society". One day, the original Xiangshan disappeared, leaving only his footprints on the beach. People built a statue of this traveler based on those footprints. Some people have seen the traveler with their own eyes, so their sculptures are very close to him. But some people only see footprints.

The Holy Lord clarified Xiangshan's past to Xiangshan and how many distant others viewed Xiangshan's actions.

Therefore, Xiangshan can't help but think about "how others will see me" at this moment.

And the result was Li Gui's curse-like sneer at the mountain pass.

"Fucking hell! Don't fall for this bastard's words." "Fanatic" reminded: "Even if you are the executioner responsible for carrying out the death penalty, when the death row inmate is your relative or friend, you can still avoid it. Someone else will carry out the execution, right? Rather, it is better to say, 'When the executioner has a personal relationship with the death row inmate, the executioner should be changed immediately' is the correct system. This is also to protect the mental health of the executioner. When encountering this kind of situation However, if they say, 'The executioner must execute the prisoner with whom he has a personal relationship, otherwise the executioner has selfish motives,' then there is something wrong with the system."

Xiang Shan shook his head: "Yes, I understand. No need..."

"Yes, yes, the words of everyone here are actually the thoughts in your heart. It's just that you want to present it in the form of a 'dialogue'." Li Gui Xiangshan smiled and cursed: "Madman."

Both "fanaticism" and "crime" are staring at the devil.

And Li Gui slowly disappeared under the gazes of those two "people".

Then, the rumbling sound of water reappeared in Xiangshan's perception.

Only Xiangshan could sense the delirium just now.

Xiangshan took a deep breath in his imagination and raised his big gun again: "You have to hurry up, we can't let go of a Six Dragon Cult."

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