Cyber Heroes

Chapter 956 Danger


At this moment, Yuki realized something.

This "forbidden zone"...

He asked: "This restricted area... is what you people say in private, right? There are no instructions or records within the Asylum or the Scientific Research Knights that mention that this sea area is blocked, right?"

Yin Zhewei said angrily: "Yes! Otherwise, why would so many unlucky people be killed?"

Yuki looked around.

Because they are deep into the "forbidden zone", basically all the apprentices are here.

They all nodded after hearing what Yin Zhewei said.

Youki said: "If my guess is correct, there are actually scientific research knights who can apply for a scientific research permit in the 'restricted area', or is it a scientific research plan or something?"

Songsong nodded: "Yes, yes. There are some. If we hadn't connected in private later, we wouldn't have realized it, and this kind of thing would still happen. Why can others do it, but we can't?"

"This restricted area is what those bastards used to block us..." Another apprentice said with a bit of resentment in his tone, "'They' are a circle! An invisible circle! Who knows what the standards are! We can't enter. Go! It’s a restricted area for us..."

There was even a scientific knight apprentice who subconsciously wiped away tears. Although his prosthetic face is just a relief.

Youki knocked on his head: "Ah... now..."

It’s basically confirmed.

There is indeed an invisible small circle within the Scientific Research Knights called the "Six Dragons Cult".

That "forbidden zone" does not exist on the surface. All high-level scientific research knights belonging to the Six Dragons Sect can come and go freely. Even if the trouble comes to King Agni or King Zhengtian, those formal scientific knights will have enough reasons - because they are official knights, and the troublemakers are apprentices. There is no doubt that formal knights understand "science" better than knight apprentices. If they question the arrangements of formal knights, it is obviously the apprentice who has a problem.

But if they really mark a restricted area and let everyone know about it, they will have to explain to King Agni why there is such a restricted area.

At the same time, Yuki also thought of another thing.

"You said that your knights are directly affiliated with the Galapagos Temple?"

"Not entirely. Look at Lao Zhao, some of them are from the Knights of Youhe, and little R is from the Knights of Cologne. Several knights share several ports in the Pacific..."


Yuki held his forehead. Isn't this knight group the one that Master attacked some time ago...

In other words, as long as you check the composition of these apprentices, you can know which knights have more Six Dragon Cults.

"Ah..." Yin Zhewei sat on the chair and inserted another spam message for himself: "There is really no movement in this place... What are those idiots guarding..."

[Head of Song Dynasty] Youji suddenly sent a message: [Don’t make any noise. What I'm going to say next may be related to everyone's lives. Just be calm, okay. 】

【oh? Young hero, if you have anything to say, please speak. 】Yin Zhewei even unplugged the spam message to show his solemnity.

Youki said: [Although there is no gene bank defense force escorting the area, there are several secret submarines. 】

Yin Zhewei became interested: "Is there really a big project?"

This immediately attracted everyone's attention. Someone immediately joked: "Master, we've all run away with buckets, and we still have a project? What project? Why are you so addicted?"

[Don’t make any noise yet! ] Yuki hurriedly said: [This matter is of great importance. If chaos breaks out, we might end up with a wave of casualties! 】

He was almost jumping in a hurry.

It had been a few days since Yuki was rescued. In the past few days, he had mainly focused on repairing his brain damage and improving his internal skills, and he had always been wary of these mysterious guys who called themselves charlatans. He never expected that they were just a group of unsuccessful scientific research apprentices.

It's still the kind that has been suppressed for too long, and the psychology is more or less distorted.

Such people are very easily agitated and may not have experienced life or death. Releasing the information suddenly may cause panic.

Yin Zhewei waved his hand: "What's wrong with me? I'm talking about games."

As he said this, he also sent a message to Youki: [Yes, I’m watching. 】

After all, it was the brains of these Yanbi apprentices, and Yin Zhewei still had this bit of prestige.

Youji said: [Master Song, have you ever heard of the "Six Dragons Sect"? 】

["Six Dragon Sect"? Oh, I’ve heard that His Highness King Agni’s reward order is still hanging on the homepage of the Lunar Affairs website. I heard that it is a secret society composed of a small group of scientific knights, and its nature is very bad. I heard that there was an attack on the Youhe Knights' station a few days ago. 】

Youji said: [From the perspective of a knight, the nature of the Six Dragons Sect is equally bad. Then... there is an underwater mobile base of the Six Dragons Sect in this restricted area, and there may be more than one. 】

Yin Zhewei hasn't sent a message for a long time. She calmly inserted the piece of junk back into the socket on the side of her thigh.

[My master has faced off with the Six Dragons Sect more than once. ] Youji said: [My master was also involved in the attack on Youhe Knights. The Youhe Knights were not attacked by the Six Dragons Cult. The Youhe Knights themselves are the headquarters of the Six Dragons Cult. Then the knights called themselves the Six Dragons Cult and attacked the Six Dragons Cult’s headquarters in order to attract King Agni’s attention and let the Six Dragons Cult attract King Agni’s attention. Strength, so that Xia Ke Fang can do another big thing...]

Yin Zhewei pulled out the spam and replaced it with another.

Then he changed again impatiently, and his movements were even a bit rough.

[You mean...we people have never been allowed to come here, just because we are not from the Six Dragons Sect? 】

Yuki nodded.

【Hereditary disease! 】(Note, a phrase similar to a national curse)

Yin Zhewei leaned on the backrest and didn't speak for a long time.

Youji said: [Headmaster Song, you still have to prepare for this matter early... The reason why I can walk on the bottom of the sea is because the Six Dragons taught me to disable the vehicle and barely escape. My master has already faced off against the Six Dragons Sect. And according to his character, the information that "there is a Six Dragon Sect here" will probably be spread out. 】

If Xiang Shan were here, he would probably knock his disciple on the head and ask him to think about the possibility of "what if the other group is destroyed".

But Youki firmly believed that even if his master lost and died, he could at least pass on the information. He could at least keep Wen Ren away.

Master may lose, but he won't lose so miserably.

Therefore, the information that "there is a Six Dragon Sect here" may have appeared in the outside world.

And at the same time...

[The common characteristic of you traitors to the Scientific Research Knights is that "the project was delayed because of the restricted area" - this characteristic is too obvious. Everyone can discover it. 】

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