Cyber Heroes

Chapter 964 Battle

Faced with Yin Zhewei's excited state, Zhao Zhengzhen only felt a headache: "Look at the flow chart, look at the flow chart! We agreed to..."

"I understand, I understand." Yin Zhewei waved his hand and brought up a flow chart.

This is a set of flow charts made by Yuki. This huge flow chart, if written on paper, would probably form a spider web-like maze. The whole is very strict. By using different types of boxes to represent different types of steps, each two The steps are connected by arrows to represent the progress of the work.

According to "whether there are large vehicles guarding the outside", "whether the enemies rushing in are more than fifteen people or less than fifteen people", "whether the enemies are hit by mines", "whether the remaining enemies are more than five people or less than five people" and other judgmental questions to distinguish situations, and recorded in detail the problems that each process may face.

This kind of combat process composed of harsh sentences is very suitable for the appetite of these scientific research knight apprentices. They became more and more convinced that Yuki was the legendary authentic disciple of Xuanmen!

On the other side, after carefully exploring the ground and walls, the Guardians of the Six Dragon Sect were so frightened that their legs weakened.

There were actually landmines in the horizontal corridor in front of them!

There’s more than one!

"It's all designed..." the guardians cursed in a low voice.

He could pick out at least three mines and, through the gradually submerging water, several spots that might be pressure-sensitive cells. In addition, if you switch to infrared vision, you can see several sensors about 130 centimeters above the ground.

No one knows how many mines there are.

"It was all planned. They deliberately waited until we reached the middle of the corridor before shooting. At that distance, if we retreated, there would be no fork in the road behind us, and we would have to bear the bullet attack all the time. At this time, you will find that you are far away There is only about ten meters of a fork in the road." Ran Cheng C sighed: "At this time, if you run in with the mentality of surviving from a desperate situation..."

It will explode in a row.

Ran Cheng C pulled out his deputy's pistol, blew up the surveillance camera, and shot the mines at the same time. Among modern gunpowders, there are many types that are difficult to detonate even if hit directly by a bullet. Rather, Ran Cheng C hoped that the mine would be detonated directly, so that there would be no need to be wary of these mines.

Ran Cheng C also paid attention to his surroundings and confirmed that there were no landmines above his head, on the wall behind him, or under his feet. Even if it is detonated, this distance is considered safe. If it had been detonated directly, it would have saved a lot of trouble.

If it doesn't detonate, you can only hope that the bullet destroys the fuse.

"As expected..." Ran Cheng C sighed: "Do you two carry special ammunition that can produce high temperatures? Or thermite..."

"Boss, are we here to fight submarines, or unarmed submarines..." The guardian looked embarrassed: "Who would bring those kind of detonating bullets... Maybe others have them in their free quotas Bar."

"It seems that these apprentices came prepared...even this point has been calculated." Ran Cheng C said.

Most people would not use this method. The space inside the submarine is limited, and many sects are eager to use every space. The installation of landmines means that "part of the space cannot be used." There are even times when a few mines are enough to divide a submarine into several areas that cannot be connected.

Therefore, ordinary sects, or the Six Dragon Sect, would hardly use this method.

But Yuki realized something. These scientific research knight apprentices have no intention of conducting long-term activities in this submarine. They also have no onerous tasks, no long-term goals, and no running around.

"There are about ten of them, one on one, close combat. Each of us can easily defeat them, but now, we only have one complete combat force left." Ran Cheng C said: "I am still sure that I can defeat every one of them in one-on-one, but if we join forces with several people, I will be in danger. And they have no intention of coming to the corridor to check the results of the battle, and they all huddle in the cabin."

This is where the cabin is better than the corridor. The space in the cabin is larger, so it is more conducive for the party with more people to exert their numerical advantage.

The water below is still rising.

Ran Cheng C looked at the two guardians.

Even if you rush back now, it will be difficult to recover the prosthetic bodies of other companions, so...

The two guardians also realized it. The guardians who were in good health knelt down half-kneeling and said: "Flag Master, take my power to fight."

Another said: "My arm is also intact."

"I only need one arm and one leg..." Ran Cheng C said, "Get ready."

The guardian, whose body was intact, lifted up his flag bearer.


Zhao Zhengzhen is waiting quietly. These rebellious apprentices have already entered the large cabin nearby according to the pre-designed procedures and have a round with their partners.

Don't give your opponent a chance to defeat each other.

At the same time, Yuki also strictly warned them not to check the damage.

If you encounter enemies lying down on the road, you cannot check them casually.

Don't think that just because the enemy's prosthetic body has been blown to pieces, you don't think that the opponent has the ability to fight back.

It is said that a truly powerful warrior still has a certain fighting ability even if his limbs are gone.

When you see the cyber warrior lying on the ground, it's best to shoot the bullet in the magazine first to destroy the remaining moving parts.

Moreover, this kind of behavior must also be based on the premise that "the enemy has been wiped out."

Through surveillance, Zhao Zhengzhen can observe those enemies. Apparently, they're not dead yet. There are at least three enemies who still retain the ability to engage.

It's just that one of the enemies was very alert and cut off his vision, so now they can't see what the opponent is doing.

But they always hide in that forked section of road. There is no sign of movement yet.

Little R breathed a sigh of relief: "The Six Dragon Sect's pursuit... looks like..."

"Correct tactics." Songsong said: "Only us, I'm afraid it won't be that simple. I have to thank them properly later."

Yin Zhewei asked: "What will they do now?"

"According to general guesses, we should remove the parts from our companions and piece together a complete force in the shortest possible time." Yin Zhewei said: "Do you want to make a surprise attack when the opponent is refitting before the battle?"

"It's not written on the flow chart."

"But I think it's a good time? Warriors during the modification process are very fragile..."

"Not necessarily. Maybe they can directly..." Zhao Zhengzhen paused. At the same time, gunfire rang out from the other side.

"Channel 6... they broke the surveillance and are coming!"

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