Cyber Heroes

Chapter 967 The work on the other side

When Xiangshan re-entered the sea, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the prosthetic body of the Holy Lord has also been dismantled into several external plug-ins, which can be used to improve the flexibility of the prosthetic body in the water. This body module can also be assembled into a separate humanoid body for activities.

Now he can float directly in the water without relying on the buoyancy device.

It's just that this set of movements was too loud, causing the surrounding dolphins to start complaining.

Xiangshan scratched his head and apologized to the dolphins around him.

But he just didn't turn off the turbo system.

Then, he followed an underwater channel and walked along the channel to another body of water.

Beside him, the unknown knight who was once a subordinate of the Sixth Martial God turned his head, looked at the building built by Xiang Shan, and sighed: "The famous assassin 'Youmengying' is actually like this now... …”

"Are you mocking me?" Xiang Shan glanced at him: "You said I was incompetent in education or something."

"Youmengying" is Yang Mengying's code name/nickname when she was active as a knight. She possesses magical body skills, uses a lightweight prosthetic body, and can perform incredible silent footwork, which is completely opposite to the "machine" in human minds. She also assisted Xiang Shan and others in their assassination activities.

However, unlike Xiang Shan, who is responsible for "killing" and "propaganda", Yang Mengying has always been a hidden assistant, hiding behind the scenes.

Only when Wu Zu announced in the spotlight that "so-and-so has been executed" did others have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the assassin in the shadow.

"Youmengying" is the title she chose for herself.

The unknown warrior smiled: "How can that be? After all, two hundred years have passed. Many things cannot stand the test of time."

Xiangshan sighed.

He actually spent some time digging out some of Yang Mengying's memories. However, before being completely defeated by Xiang Shan, Yang Mengying still tried to delete her memory, and Xiang Shan did not get all the memories.

Xiang Shan was somewhat worried about this.

Although the Holy Lord gave him most of the information, and even made a broadcast that "all communication methods of the Six Dragons Sect are abolished" - under this notification, even the temporary emergency communication cannot be trusted. Only the members of the Six Dragon Sect who were familiar with each other before could barely maintain a little contact.

The Six Dragons Sect has basically come to a standstill.

But even so, the Holy Master still has something to hide.

Yang Mengying also deleted part of her memory.

Could it be that there is something else hidden behind them? Hiding something that you don’t want Xiang Shan to know?

Besides that, the most important content is Yang Mengying's general experience in the past two hundred years.

Things he didn't know.

After he was killed by Yawgmoth, his original companions created the "Second Valkyrie" to continue to raise the banner and boost morale. "The God of War is immortal" has therefore officially become a legend.

But soon the bubble was popped. The first knights couldn't deceive themselves, let alone the knights.

But Yang Mengying was the most painful.

She heard a little bit of "historical truth." The technology of "Persona" was first proposed by her grandfather Chen Feng. Her grandfather has always had a philosophy, which is that "human beings have more commonalities than individuality." Perhaps human thoughts should be measured in TB, but the true personality of human beings, which determines a person's "unique nature", may only be a few tens of MB. , the file size of a picture or a song. And he proposed a plan to verify this conjecture.

No one expected that he would use the concepts forgotten in the laboratory here.

He who opens the box will never know what he has unleashed. People who were initially eager to withdraw from a "flag" did not expect that their actions would actually trigger the most special "cultural phenomenon" in human history.

After the second Martial God is the third Martial God. These two first victims. Then, the Fourth God of War finally changed mankind's impression of "chivalry".

But the fourth God of War also died.

Through Yang Mengying's memory, Xiang Shan finally understood that feeling.

He just slept for two hundred years. For those who love him, every time the Martial God is reincarnated, it is a hard labor on the spiritual level.

Perhaps "not recognizing the God of War as Xiangshan" is also a kind of spiritual self-protection.

When the Sixth Martial God raised the flag, Yang Mengying finally couldn't help but come out of her seclusion and wanted to go to the White Ship Yi Cong - even if she died among thousands of ships this time.

However, she met another Xiangshan first. She happily went to say hello to Xiang Shan. She felt that she could already face other Grandpa Xiang.


Xiangshan and the unknown warrior walked into a dark corridor.

Xiangshan didn't want to remember it anymore.

This channel is a newly dug underwater space. There is a machine reminder at the door of the passage, but no lethal interception mechanism is arranged, it is all voluntary.

On the other side of the passage is the squid's new nest.

A colony of calamari gets a space in Ola Freeman's town. The body size of these molluscs is much smaller than that of dolphins. Although the total number of populations is larger, they also require less space.

And here, Ola Freeman, together with several animal protectors who had stayed behind, were studying the biochip manufacturing technology brought back to Shanshan.

This set of chip manufacturing technology and implantation surgery is a complete set of technologies developed by the Six Dragons Sect, and it takes time to learn.

Presumably in a few years, Aura and the others will be able to make a suitable chip and implant it into the body of a new generation of squid.

It doesn't take long. Maybe within the remaining lifespan of my squid friend, this set can be put into operation.

Seeing Xiangshan coming, the squid group began to flash. Once they pass specific messages to each other within the cluster, the entire squid group will show a regular overall change in light and dark, as if the group itself has become intelligent.

This is not a group intelligence developed by squid, but a manifestation of the order that squid language brings to the squid group.

Soon, the squid whose name means "soul" squeezed over.

Xiangshan said hello: "How are you doing here?"

"It's pretty good..." Ah Hun is somewhat unable to understand the high-tech technology of "personality masking". The squid has acquired a "personality", which is what happened in recent years. Their language hasn't had time to describe the relevant concepts, and Ah Hun doesn't know how to understand them in detail. And the "personality overlay" is even more magical to Ah Hun.

Ah Hun doesn't quite understand now whether this Xiangshan is the friend who fought side by side with his compatriots.

However, he still stretched out his longest arm and leg and wrapped it around Xiangshan's wrist according to human etiquette... Then he found that it couldn't be wrapped, so he wrapped two fingers and shook them slightly.

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