Cyber ​​Edge: The Frog Cub Brings Back The Magnetic Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 235: First Impression Is Very Important, Kill Me First! (Please Customize)

Kang Tao Manufacturing Intelligent Industrial Co., Ltd.

A rising smart weapons manufacturing company born and raised in Longguo, its headquarters is established in Liao Province, Longguo.

After the barbaric growth in recent years,

Kangtao, an emerging smart weapons company, has suddenly become the most promising emerging super company in the world!

Like Arasaka, biotechnology companies and other large companies,

The current Night City branch of Kangtao Manufacturing Intelligent Industrial Company has also been established in the most prosperous downtown square in the entire Night City.

Basically, it stands opposite the original "610" animal technology company building.

It is already late at night,

The lights are still on on the top floor of Kangtao Manufacturing Intelligence.

In a private office on the 89th floor,

Ling Xiaohang, the person in charge of Night City of Kangtao Manufacturing Intelligence Company, was sitting busy at his desk at this time.

There are several files placed on his computer desktop.

One of the most important documents is the news about Weitao Company's recent visit to Night City:

[A refinery of Kangtao Manufacturing Intelligence Company recently exploded, causing a chemical leak and killing more than 50,000 people! A large number of Night City residents protested to the government, requesting to oppose the development of Kangtao Enterprises in Night City!]

Look at this news report and the relevant residents’ complaint documents.

The person in charge, Lin Xiaohang, was so anxious that he couldn't help but scratch his already almost bald forehead: "Damn it! Damn it!!"

"This is not our company's problem at all, it is obviously framed by a competing company!!"

"If the Night City government really imposes industrial restrictions on our company, Kangtao, because of this matter, then I'm afraid Kangtao will be overpowered by other companies in the future, and it will never be able to stand out again..."

Thinking of this,

Lin Xiaohang felt troubled again and smashed the computer desk angrily: "Damn it! Not only have strange things happened frequently in this Night City recently, we must always be on guard against intrusion into our company, and we must also be wary of peer competition!"

“It’s really hard to be the damn person in charge——!!!”

"Haha, Mr. Lin, what is it that worries you so much?!"

Just at this time, a calm voice sounded in Lin Xiaohang's office.


Lin Xiaohang was so frightened that he staggered and subconsciously picked up the firearm next to his desk: "Who is pretending to be a ghost? Come out!!"

"Hey, hey, Mr. Lin, relax.

"We are all from the Dragon Kingdom, why do we need to be so nervous?!"

As a relaxed voice sounded again, a tall figure slowly appeared outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

no one else,

It was Qin Hao who came from Sakura District.

Since he wanted to get closer to Kangtao Company, he naturally couldn't break into the Kangtao building by force.

after all

This first impression is still very important!

But considering Qin Hao’s current status as a mercenary without any public identity,

It is basically impossible to meet Lin Xiaohang, the person in charge of Kangtao, in the middle of the night without an appointment!


Qin Hao had no choice but to use the magnetic fruit ability directly.

An eighty-nine-story high-rise building was suspended outside the Kangtao Building and appeared in front of Lin Xiaohang!


This is normal behavior for Qin Hao, but in Lin Xiaohang's eyes, this is definitely a haunted situation!!

"Ahhhh!! Ghost, ghost!!"

Lin Xiaohang trembled with fright, raised the gun in his hand and fired randomly at the floor-to-ceiling window: "Yes, there is a ghost, there is a ghost——!!!"

Da da---!

Da da da----!!!

A burst of piercing gunshots suddenly resounded through the top floor of Kangtao Building0

Fortunately, Qin Hao is now completely immune to such bullet attacks and can block them all.

But I couldn't help but feel a 5.2 wry smile in my heart: "Hey, it seems that this first impression is not so good after all..."

PS: Please customize!!!!! Stable updates!!

Asking for flowers!!!!!!!!! Asking for rating votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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