Cyber ​​Edge: The Frog Cub Brings Back The Magnetic Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 46 Successfully Cracked The Computer And Copied The Data! (Please Ask For Flowers And Review

The words are divided into two parts.

Inside the Phoenix Club at this moment.

Lucy and Qin Hao passed the stairwell and were already heading towards the office on the third floor.

Along the way, Lucy successfully hacked into and shut down all the cameras in every corner.

When walking out of the stairwell,

There is a tiger paw at the door to help the younger brother.

Lucy also hacked into the brain's neuroprosthetic body, causing temporary neurological paralysis.

Qin Hao quickly struck him from behind, knocked him unconscious, and then dragged him into the corridor.

This set of movements is quite smooth.

When Lucy saw this, she couldn't help but be stunned and asked in a low voice: "Qin, did you do this professionally before?"

"Which way?!"

"Burglary or something like that."

"Today is the first time."

"Then why are you so skilled at hitting and dragging people?"

"Maybe it's talent."

Qin Hao responded casually and said,

After all, at this time, it was impossible for him to explain to Lucy about the spy movies he had played in Blue Star. He had already seen the content of martial arts movies by heart.

Actions such as slashing the neck with a knife and attacking from behind were learned countless times from TV when I was a child.

Now when he hits with the magnetic power of the Magnetic Fruit, he can easily knock someone out from behind.

"I really can't see through you~~"

Lucy looked at Qin Hao curiously, then shook her head: "But it's not important. It's important to complete the task."

Obviously, she felt that Qin Hao was hiding something intentionally.

But none of this matters,

In Night City, profit comes first!

after all,

Who doesn’t have some secrets in Night City?

Even she herself... has some secrets from the past that she doesn't want to mention.

"Okay, let's go, let's sneak into the office quickly."

Lucy greeted and walked out of the stairwell first.

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows and thought to himself: 'Did this girl misunderstand me? ’

But right now, I don’t have time to talk about anything else.

Qin Hao hunched over and followed closely.

A short walk ahead is the office of Phoenix Mewtwo Club.

Qin Hao handed over the chip door key that he had stolen downstairs before.

Lucy inserted the card slot and began to crack the code of the office door.

This type of chip password door not only requires chip insertion, but also password input, which is completely different from the operating principle of ordinary electronic locks.

If Qin Hao directly and roughly uses micro-electromagnetic pulse to open the lock like he did with the rental machine,

Then wait to trigger the alarm system,

Get besieged by those guys from the Tiger Claw Gang!

This kind of work involving precise code verification must be done by top hackers.

It is precisely because of this that

Hacker flow is unique in the cyberpunk world!

While Qin Hao was waiting for Lucy to crack the code lock,

Little did the two of them know that their actions were being watched by other guys outside the Phoenix Club!

At the scavenger:

"Hey, hey, boss, look! Someone has already sneaked into the Phoenix Club!"

"What?! Who is so brave!"

Oris grabbed the observation glasses and squinted towards the third floor of Phoenix: "Hey, then...that guy looks a bit familiar..."

next moment,

His pupils shrank suddenly: "Trouble! Then... isn't that the kid from Dragon Country in the Afterlife Bar last night!"

As he said that, Oris put down his observation glasses with a look of disbelief: "Damn it, why is that brat getting involved everywhere?"

Some of the other mercenaries on the other side also recognized Qin Hao:

"Boss, that guy is the guy from Lai Sheng Bar last night!"


"It seems his name is Qin, and he is now under Rogge's command."

"What the hell, Rogge?! Isn't it possible that Rogge also came in to interfere in this dark web mission?"

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"Stay still for now and wait and see!"

"If anything happens, we will act on our own initiative."


Just as everyone outside Phoenix City was watching eagerly, Lucy had successfully deciphered the office door code.


With a soft sound, the office door opened.

The two figures immediately sneaked in,

The next moment, the office door was closed again.

As soon as you enter the office,

Qin Hao immediately glanced around. This Zhengfa Jotaro's office on the third floor is not simple!

In addition to the general office area, there is also a leisure area and tea area.

The internal area is not generally large!

"Please pay attention to the sentry, I will copy the documents now."

Lucy quickly came to the office computer, pulled out the signal link interface implant on her wrist, inserted it into the computer, and began to decipher the system and search for files.

In just a few moments, the computer system was successfully conquered!

Open the club file on the computer. It is full of Zhengfa Jotaro's related chat letter records and Mewtwo's notes:

[Shōhō Jotaro develops ideas and concepts about Black Mewtwo:]

[-Buy a group of children to film, have sex, s&m, and shit play (how to play? Need new ideas) for several days in a row, and fuck each other together. 】

[-Tie two people up (face to face, not too tight), and force them to do disgusting things to each other, such as doing the same ugly guy together. It can be fun for at least 5 seconds, and mix guilt and disgusting things at the same time. 】

[-Recruit homeless people as extras, and perform live amputations during filming, retaining 20% ​​of the pain, to satisfy the masochistic mentality of some customers. Of course, heavy-mouthed stuff like shit and urine is also indispensable. 】

The entire note is full of disgusting heavy-flavored Black Mewtwo filming records.

Slide down,

Below are also records of Shohō Jotaro’s related letters:

[Sender: Jae Hyun. 】

[Recipient: Shoho Jotaro. 】

[Sir, I have made a new dish for you, which will definitely satisfy your picky taste buds. The ingredients include: a black-skinned lamb, two tender pink piglets, and Asian seasoning: a small rooster, and a pullet. 】

[Important: Be sure to apply the kind of cream that comes in your package on their biomonitoring wounds. If people who were patted died due to infection, wouldn't it be a waste? 】

[PS: I assigned a GPS to each of them in case anyone wants to travel far. 】

[But most importantly...have fun! From today on, these people are yours. 】

The content of the letter is full of metaphorical slang,

But if you think carefully, it is not difficult to see what the content of the letter refers to.

After Qin Hao saw the information on the computer, his face suddenly darkened.

It is not difficult to see from the above records that

What kind of evil deeds is the Mewtwo Club like Jotaro doing behind the scenes?

Basically for money,

Can do anything!

human life,

In their hands, it's like grass!

Rao is Lucy who has lived in Night City for many years.

After seeing this information, his face turned pale: "They are really a bunch of scum!"

PS: (There will be at least one chapter later. If there is more data, there will be two more chapters. If there is less or none, there will be one chapter!)

Data is the motivation for the author to update, please support me! !

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