Cyber ​​Edge: The Frog Cub Brings Back The Magnetic Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 65: Company V’S Conversation, The Tiger Claw Gang Came To Find Them! (Please Customize!)

"Haha... Come on, let me introduce you."

Jack looked enthusiastic and sat back at the bar: "V, this is the new partner I'm looking for, Qin Hao, the leader of the team codenamed 'Qin'."

Then, Jack turned to Qin Hao and introduced: "Qin, this is V, I told you before."

Qin Hao and V looked at each other,

Obviously, the company V in this world has the image of a hot lady!

"Qin Hao."

Qin Hao looked calm and politely stretched out his hand.

V raised his eyebrows and stretched out his slender hands as well: "V, Jack has been talking about you lately."

"My pleasure."

Qin Hao shrugged and made an inviting gesture: "Sit down, what would you like to drink?"


V looked like a royal lady, sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it: "Jack said you are very powerful, so I happened to take a leave of absence today so I came over to take a look.

I have to say that Company V’s start was indeed a bit overwhelming.

Different from ordinary street boys or homeless people, Company V is a person who truly stands at the top of the pyramid that ordinary people cannot reach in their lifetime.

As the second-in-command of the counter-information department of Arasaka Company, she has received a high level of intellectual education.

Not only does he hold real power, but he also manages many departments.

While earning a lot of money,

He also enjoys all the benefits that are better than ordinary people, such as being a platinum member of the trauma team.


Have the capital to look down on all guys born on the street.


Only she knows the hardship and exhaustion of working inside Arasaka Company.

"Haha, okay, then let's have a cocktail."

Qin Hao could see the arrogance in the company V's eyes at a glance, and started mixing drinks with her casually.

"Hey, V, let me tell you, this guy Qin is very powerful.

After Jack sat down, he kept boasting: "Did you know that the top brass of the Tiger Claw Gang was killed by Qin last night?"


When V heard this, he couldn't help but look surprised: "I watched the news today. You were the one who killed Jotaro Shoho?"

They, Arasaka, have personal dealings with the Tiger Claw Gang.

She naturally knew in her heart what kind of scary guys the Tiger Claw Gang were.

To be honest, if Jack hadn't said it at this time,

V really couldn’t believe that the young man making drinks in front of him had such great skills!

"I just took over a random mission."

Qin Hao made the cocktail and handed it to V: "Please use it."


V reached out and took it,

He took a sip, raised his eyebrows and nodded.

Obviously very satisfied with the taste of the cocktail made by Qin Hao.

Rebecca, who was next to her, stretched her neck and looked at V. She stopped making the fuss just now and wondered what this little girl was thinking about.

"Hey, V, I also mentioned your situation to Qin...

Jack was still enthusiastic at this time, and introduced: "You said that you were exhausted all day in Arasaka, and you were crushed by that piece of shit from the department, Jenkins, and you wiped his ass!

"Instead of continuing to do this kind of thankless job, why not just jump out and work with us!"

"Wouldn't it be better to join the team codenamed 'Qin' and live for yourself?"

V frowned slightly when he heard this, glanced at Qin Hao, and then glanced at Rebecca who was sitting next to him drinking a drink: "You even have minors in your team?"

"Hey, this little girl is not from our team."

Jack shook his head and explained: "She is just Qin Hao's friend, here for a drink.

"Haha, it's interesting to go to the bar to have a drink."

V chuckled and couldn't help but make a joke.

"Hey! Who do you look down on?"

Rebecca's face suddenly fell, and she took out her pistol from her pocket and pointed it at V. "Don't think that because you are from Arasaka, you can look down on others casually!"

have to say,

This little girl Rebecca is really brave,

They fall out all the time without any warning.

But V is obviously a person who has seen the world. Even when Rebecca pointed a gun at him, he still looked indifferent: "Omaha Technical Pistol?!"

"It's very powerful, but the rechargeable bullets are limited; and the recoil is strong, so it's not suitable for a little girl like you."

As he spoke, V did not forget to smile lightly at Rebecca: "If I were you, I would suggest you change to an 'Arasaka HJKE-11 Yukimura smart pistol.

It can automatically lock on the target and launch tracking ammunition; no matter how bad your accuracy is, you can still hit the target 100%. The inch shot and three bursts are suitable for a little temper like you."

"At the same time, the ample magazine also allows you to engage in long-term firefights."

"What do you think of my suggestion?"


Rebecca's face turned red with anger, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Rebecca, put the gun down first."

Qin Hao warned, turned to V and said: "V, I know that with your current position in Arasaka Company, you may look down on ordinary mercenaries,"

"But when you enjoy everything Arasaka has given you, you should know better than anyone else what you are losing."

"Freedom, self."

"Moreover, after your use value has been drained, Arasaka will abandon you more easily than throwing garbage."

"Of course, everything Arasaka gave you will be taken back when you leave Arasaka."

"You may be even more destitute than the average homeless person by then."

Qin Hao's eyes were firm as he spoke, and he looked at V and said solemnly: "V, you are a smart man, I believe you understand what I am talking about better than anyone else.

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have listened to Jack and come here to see me today."

After Qin Hao said these words,

Company V’s calm look just now changed drastically!

Even her hand holding the cigarette butt couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The ash fell to the ground unconsciously.

have to say,

What Qin Hao said just now was almost heart-breaking, every word spoke to her heart!

After a while,

V then shook his head with a wry smile, turned to Jack and said, "Jack, this friend you know is really an amazing guy..."

After saying that, she changed her cold attitude and said,

He stretched out his hand to Qin Hao again and said seriously: "V. Valerie, it's an honor to meet you."

"Qin Hao."

Qin Hao nodded slightly, his attitude was the same as before.

Rebecca on the side looked at V's sudden change of attitude, her face full of confusion.

But after a cut,

He put the pistol away obediently and started sipping his drink.

"Qin, what you just said is right. The glamorous work in Arasaka is only for outsiders to see. The only one who suffers is yourself.

V put aside some of his worries and began to talk heart-to-heart: "But, I can't leave Arasaka right now because I have another task that I am responsible for recently."

"If I can succeed, maybe I will be promoted."

"But if I just quit my job now and join know, the risk I will take will be too great."

Qin completely understands V's attitude.

If V is like Jack right now, quitting his job to join himself for the sake of passion, then he is not the real V!

A V who was born in Arasaka and worked for Arasaka for many years,

Naturally, I have my own evaluation and rational analysis of value.

Otherwise, she would not be able to serve as the second-in-command of the counter-intelligence department in a place like Arasaka!

"It's okay, I understand what you mean."

Qin Hao nodded slightly and said calmly: "But I want to remind you, don't trust your boss too much.

"In a place like Arasaka Company, if something goes wrong with the project, it should be common to abandon the car to save the boss."

V was startled when he heard this and looked at Qin Hao deeply.

She discovered that the young man in front of her,

He seems to have a maturity that does not match his appearance.

Even she, a middle- and high-level manager in Arasaka, seemed unable to see through the other party for a while!

"Thank you, I will remember your advice."

After a moment, V nodded slightly and responded (Zhao Lihao).

"You're welcome."

Qin Hao smiled indifferently, changing from his previous deepness, and looked like a complete teenager: "Whenever you are free, you can come and chat with the people of our 'Qin' team, whether you have a mission or not."

"Oh, by the way, our team's base is right over at Sakura Street. I just moved here. You can come and get together when you have nothing to do. You are always welcome."

V smiled and nodded after hearing this.

On the side, Rebecca also listened with her ears pricked up, and raised her hand: "Hey, Qin, if I have nothing to do, I can go to your base to play, right? You agreed yesterday."

"Haha, of course."

Qin Hao shook his head helplessly, this girl really loves to join in the fun.

"Hey! Do you have a boy named Qin Hao from the Dragon Kingdom here?"

"Yes, it's the guy in the picture!"

While Qin Hao and the others were chatting, there was a dispute and noise outside Laisheng Bar.

Qin Haowen's reputation went,

I don't know when I saw a group of people standing around the door.

Each of them holds a samurai sword in his hand, and his body is covered with exaggerated tattoos and implants.


That's a Tiger Claw guy!

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