"All the people in Team 1, Team 4, and Team 7 are dead?"

In the shadows, someone whispered.

"Killed to pieces by three robots... what a bunch of trash."

"Hey, don't say that. They are our colleagues after all. They died in the line of duty. There is nothing to blame."

"Look what you said, do you want to be the captain?"

"*You* bit, shut your** mouth"

"You two, stop arguing."

The noisy sound made her slowly open her eyes.

In the hazy darkness, three twisted figures loomed.

"Hey! Hello, newcomer!" The red-haired woman approached her and greeted her enthusiastically.

As the owner's consciousness gradually awakens, his groggy brain slowly regains consciousness of his body.

She frowned, subconsciously wanting to stay away from this woman whose breath was full of alcohol.

The next second, the feeling of her body being tightly bound made her give up the idea.

"Where am I?" She wanted to shout loudly, but she only made a hoarse whisper.

"Relax, relax, newcomer. It's just a fixed process, don't be nervous." The man known as "Bit" walked out of the darkness, comforted her, and stood beside the red-haired woman.

"Stay away from me, vicious dog." The red-haired woman crossed her arms and glared at Bit.

"Rowner! Stop pretending to be aloof in front of newcomers..."


Before Rowena and Bit quarreled over trivial matters again, a deep male voice sounded in the small house, like thunder.

"Captain, can you please lower your voice?" Rowena covered her ears tightly and whispered.

"Our newcomer is going to faint." Bit picked out his ears with one hand and pointed at the woman lying limply on the bed with one hand, smiling gloatingly.

"Melissa Rory?" The man lowered his voice deliberately, and the low words penetrated into Melissa's ears, violently vibrating her fragile eardrums.

"Who are you? Let me go! I am..." She roared angrily, and sound waves carried flames, running around in this small cage.

"From the moment of cyberpsychosis, you have lost your rights as a human being."

The captain said softly, a pair of scarlet prosthetic eyes flashing in the darkness, staring at Melissa who was desperately struggling to resist.

"Welcome to Hell, welcome to...the Predators."

"Hunters? Are you...the Terrorist Mobile Team?" Melissa's eyes widened, and unspeakable fear tightly grasped her trembling heart.

From the man's words, she glimpsed the terrifying truth.

Those who hunt monsters are themselves monsters.

"This is impossible. I am not a cyberpsycho. Let me out! You are all lunatics!"

Melissa yelled and struggled, and the cold metal chains locked her tightly to the bed.

"You can choose not to join us." The man said word by word, "The price is...your madness will no longer be suppressed."

"What do you mean?" Melissa gasped, the hard chains leaving ugly scars on her body.

"You may have guessed that most of the members of the Terrorist Mobile Team are cyber lunatics..." The man pointed to his head, and then to the two teammates behind him who remained silent, "But... you see, we still have Can stay sane..."

"This is the reward of being a hunter - living soberly."

"..." Melissa was silent. She closed her eyes and searched her mind for the broken memories of her madness.

Finally, she realized that a terrible truth was right in front of her, and she had to face it.

She is crazy.

Do you choose to linger awake and survive by sucking the blood of your own kind?

Or choose to lose your humanity and die miserably, madly?

"****, isn't there no choice at all?" She murmured, and before the madness took over her mind again, she responded in a low voice, "I will join you..."

"Melissa... there is no need to be so entangled. When you go crazy, you are already dead." The man said while removing the shackles from Melissa's body, "Treat this as your second life. Let’s put all the past behind us.”

"Were you... all like this back then?" Melissa asked quietly as she silently watched the man untie the tangled chains bit by bit.

"Rowner, Bit...and our former teammates, they all came here like this." The man helped Melissa up and handed her to Rowena, who had been waiting beside her to take care of her.

"Forgot to introduce myself, my name is Boros." A smile appeared on his cold face. Boros waved to his new companions, pulled Bit and left, leaving the room to the two ladies.

"Our captain, are you not bad?"


"I mean...compared to that scumbag Bit and I, he looks more like a normal person, except that his voice is a bit loud." Rowena lowered her eyebrows so that Melissa couldn't see her emotions. fluctuation.

"Looks like you have a story to listen to?"

After thinking about it, Melissa did not choose to be decadent, but cheered up.

Before she went crazy, she was a woman who could work hard and gain a foothold in Night City on her own.

"I'll tell you in detail when I have time later...but...you accepted it quickly enough."

Rowena scratched his red hair in surprise. Such a strange newcomer was rare for the entire Terrorist Mobile Team.

"I just heard what you were talking about...Team 1, Team 4, Team 7...are all dead?" Melissa hesitated for a few seconds, and finally chose to ask.

During the days when she was in coma, something earth-shattering seemed to have happened.

Although the Terrorist Mobile Team is often responsible for dealing with dangerous cybermaniacs, due to the tacit cooperation between the team members and the equipment crushing, the actual casualty rate is much lower than that of ordinary NCPD officers.

"Kangtao Company's latest intelligent combat robot, plus Qiantai Company's latest Sianwestan experimental model..."

Rowena shook his head, sighed softly, and continued, "Our violent terrorist mobile team looks majestic, but in fact it is just a watchdog raised by the company."

"In front of those civilians, we are top hunters; in front of those corporate giants, we are just experimental materials..."

"But I have no other choice... right?" Melissa said helplessly as she listened quietly to her seniors telling her about the tragic fate of this industry.

"It's a good time for you. Kangtao went too far last time and used us as a marketing background..."

"The bosses are losing face. They plan to update a batch of equipment for us. There is also a specialized company responsible for the drugs for treating cyberpsychosis."

Rowena buttoned the last button for Melissa, her voice a little excited.

"I just wanted to ask, can cyberpsychosis be treated?"

"Chaomeng knows, right? Our previous therapy was similar to Chaomeng's. I can't tell you the specific principle... It's probably that the machine replaced the human brain to bear the burden of the prosthetic body..."

"You mean it's different now?" Melissa put on the slippers beside the bed, was supported by Rowena, and walked to the toilet.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" Rowena took out a medicine that was as blue as the sea and shaped like a diamond from his purse.

"This?" Melissa raised her eyebrows, "It looks more like decoration or art. Can this thing really be eaten? What are the side effects?"

"Anyway, live one day at a time and earn one day at a time, no matter what the side effects are." Rowena didn't seem to care much and carefully put the medicine back into his pocket.

"As expected, they are all a bunch of lunatics..."

Melissa thought silently, and closed the bathroom door under Rowena's gaze.

The final exam is approaching, so the update will be a little late, but we will still update it daily.

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