Cyberpunk 2077: Sign In A God-Level Skill Every Day

Chapter 70: Aveline's Special Clue (please order first)

To be able to take the position of manager in a place like Genting, the wooden man relies on strict rules and ruthless methods.

The big and small things in Genting and the girls who make mistakes or make mistakes, all the problems are handled by the wooden people.

In a few years, because the wooden man's methods and reputation are very loud, no one is making trouble at all.

So even if Lin Feng suddenly broke in just now and directly asked about the whereabouts of Evelyn Parker, the wooden man did not turn his eyes away.

Until Lin Feng blew up the display screen with one shot!

When the wooden man got up and turned his head, he looked at Lin Feng's face and was stunned for a moment.

"It turned out to be you, no wonder you can bypass the supervision of Genting Access Control with a weapon." The wooden man had already recognized Lin Feng's identity and said forcibly calmly.

His wooden man can be considered a character for now, but compared to Adam Heavy Hammer and the Barren Plank Company, he is a fart.

And Lin Feng can deflate Huangban Company and Adam Heavy Hammer, and then he can retreat completely.

Naturally, the wooden man did not dare to be too presumptuous.

It was the first time that Lin Feng felt the benefits of a great reputation. At this moment, there were cluttered footsteps outside the door.

It should be the sound of gunfire just now, which attracted the attention of the security guards.

The wooden man was very knowledgeable and grabbed the pager on the table and said, "Don't panic, everyone, it was me who went off with a gun in the room."

One sentence persuaded everyone to retreat.

Lin Feng said with great interest: "You are not too stupid, you know, you stopped a fight."

Although Lin Feng's original intention is not to level the cloud top, but if he really wants to open fire, that is, the bullets don't have long eyes.

"Because it doesn't make sense." The wooden man said: "It is meaningless to resist the characters who can kill Saburo Arita and repel Adam Heavy Hammer.

It's not because Mu Mu has a good heart, but because he knows that calling people over can't change the current situation.

Lin Feng also wanted to laugh, but it was still different from the game.

In the game, no matter what level or weapon the player is, or what the previous plot has done, you still have to fight when you enter the next plot!

But now is different, the current 2077 is the real world for Lin Feng.

All rules of conduct must proceed from reality!

After Lin Feng and Jack Wells become legends, their fame will spread all over the streets, and many people will hear or know about them.

Everyone will react differently.

That's what the wood man is like.

"Then I will ask for the last time, where is Evelyn Parker? Lin Feng said.

Wooden man: "I don't know, at least not with me.

Lin Feng switched Sijibao's mode: to switch to cold-blooded killer mode.

"This gun fires automatically, it will determine whether a headshot is required, so you think carefully, is this the answer I want? 35

The wooden man said with a bitter face: "If there is a problem with the Genting doll, I will fix the small problem, and the big problem is either to let her or send them over to Brother Tou.

"But Evelyn Parker is different. She played too big, and she put her mind on the head of the waste board company. It would be a hot potato to keep her in Genting, so after her accident, I quickly took her out. It was delivered to Brother Zhitou. 99

"Just two hours after it was delivered, Brother Zhitou called me and said that Evelyn Parker was bought by the mysterious man. After that, Brother Zhitou gave me some money, so I know that much.

"Oh?" Lin Feng suddenly became interested. Could it be that the butterfly effect has changed something here?

In the original plot, after Evelyn Parker was scrapped, it was messed with by a wooden man, and then it was directly transferred to Brother Zhitou.

After Brother Zhitou couldn't repair her, he sold it to the scavengers at a low price to shoot the special Black Swan Chaomeng.

Then the whole person collapsed and finally committed suicide in the bathtub of Judy's house...

But now, the wooden man actually said that Evelyn Parker went to Brother Zhitou and was bought within two hours?

"Although Aveline is really good, the scrapped dolls have no value at all..."

Lin Feng slowly removed the muzzle, and the wooden man said with a sigh of relief: "I'm so cooperative, can you spare my life? 39

Lin Feng didn't reply, just turned around and left.

When Lin Feng turned around and approached the door, the wooden man took out a dagger from the drawer, and stabbed it in Lin Feng's back.

Just when the dagger was about to stab Lin Feng, the wooden man's eyes disappeared instantly, and the entrance to his brain and the nerve port were reversed.

Reverse operation, the electronic brain will short-circuit, which is the fire in 2077.

The wooden man's body trembled, and he began to fall to the ground with a crooked mouth.

0....... ask for flowers 0..

Lin Feng said slowly: "Even if you told me the clue, I didn't plan to let you live.

For this kind of guy who has killed an unknown number of girls, it is not a pity to die!

After coming out of the wooden man's room, Lin Feng came to the door of Jack Wells' private room and pressed the doorbell.

After a while, Jack Wells opened the door: "V, is there a result? 35

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Go out and talk."

The two walked out directly from the gate of Genting, and in the elevator Jack Wells asked, "How is it, do you have any clues about Evelyn Parker?

Lin Feng said: "Things are a bit big, but our top priority is to leave Genting as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

Jack Wells "Why?"

"Because I killed the wooden man.

Jack Wells groaned, "As expected of you, V, but that guy really doesn't do anything!"

After the two left the skyscraper, they disappeared into the crowded Kabukicho district.

After letting Jack Wells go back first, Lin Feng found a hidden phone to call Judy.

"V, how is it, any news from Evelyn?"

Lin Feng said: "I just went to Genting and asked for some clues, but the matter is more complicated than I thought, but I think I still need to inform you."9

"Thank you, V, where are you now?

After giving the seat to Judy, Lin Feng waited on the side of the road for a while, and Judy came on her Mox Gang motorcycle.

"V, what clue did you find?"

Lin Feng: "Evelyn Parker stayed in Genting for a while. One day, when she was serving customers again, a reverse procedure suddenly appeared, and the whole person was scrapped. 35

"After that, the wooden man handed her over to Brother Zhitou, but within two hours of reaching Brother Zhitou, Aveline was bought away. If you want to know more, you have to go to Brother Zhitou.

Hearing this, Judy scolded angrily: "Grass! The wooden man is so fucking inhuman, how can you dump Aveline like this, scum!"

Lin Feng reassured: "Judy, don't worry, I killed the wooden man just now when I came down. Next, let's go to Brother Zhitou."

"No matter what the outcome is, don't be afraid, I can handle it if you need it. 352.

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