Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 101 There Is A Big Rat In Night City!

Arthur thought about it carefully, and found that except for a few items that were made of military technology, basically all of them were from the Arasaka Group.

The Mantis Knife in his hand belongs to Oda, his feet were actually stolen from Adam's Hammer, and his eyes were taken from Arasaka Technology's laboratory.

If you think carefully, you and Arasaka Technology are really destined.

After hearing Arthur's words, Mann couldn't help but pause for a moment while moving things.

"If I were Adam Hammer, I would crush you rat to death like a cockroach in Night City, you bastard!"

Mann also remembered at this time that this was not the first time Arthur had done such a thing.

The tense heart immediately relaxed.

Anyway, there are too many lice to worry about. Adam Hammer can still carry a machine gun to hunt him down?

Even if the pursuit is only a matter of a month or two, as a high-level "473" thug Adam Heavy Hammer is actually very busy.

I'm busy performing tasks around the world to protect others, so I don't have time to catch rats in Night City.

"Well, actually I don't think I can be considered stealing!"

"How can a gentleman like me steal things? It was before and I have changed my ways now!"

"These things are clearly gifts given to me by Adam's Hammer to congratulate me on my return from hell!"

"Adam Hammer is such a good guy! Tsk tsk!"

"You continue to clean up here. I'll go get Ginhou's car out first. That thing is still in the container."

After Arthur finished speaking, he took the access card and keys and walked outside.

These were actually kept on Adam Hammer's ship.

Because these things are strictly speaking Adam Hammer's trophies. After all, Johnny Silverhand is not a personal name, but a celebrity.

An operation like placing a big mushroom and blowing up the Arasaka Building would be quite explosive in the entire world.

It's just that Adam Hammer is a highly disabled man and can't drive a car, so Gleason usually takes care of these things.

As for that pistol, the Adam Heavy Hammer doesn't look down on it. Is that a gun with a caliber of less than 300 cents?

Arthur came to the large machinery next to him and controlled the gantry crane to lift out the boxes placed in the corner.

Then go to the ship and use the access card to open the container door.

Looking at the Porsche 911 without a trace of dust inside, Arthur nodded with satisfaction.

Even if this thing isn't Silver Hand's car, it's still an antique.

Arthur ran to the car to check the condition of the car and found that Gleason must have maintained the car as if he were his wife, so there really wasn't a problem at all.

After sending a message to Mann, Mann came to Arthur with a bunch of things in his hands.

Arthur pointed to the car inside, opened the back seat, and asked Mann to stuff everything inside.

Mann scratched his head and looked at these things. He originally wanted to sort them out, but the more he sorted them out, the more irritated he became.

I simply stuffed them all in at once, regardless of whether they would be damaged or not.

After loading everything into the container, Arthur asked Mann to enter the container, locked the container, and used a gantry crane to lift the container to the dock.

Then use the access card to open the container door.

Mann had curled himself up and sat in the passenger seat.

He looked a little aggrieved, and it was a bit aggrieved to sit in this car with his size.

Finally, Arthur stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle rushed out of the dock like an arrow. No one came to stop him along the way.

Everyone thought it was Gleason who was driving Silverhand's car out for fun again.

Time passed quickly, and it was evening in the blink of an eye.

Adam Hammer worked as a guinea pig in the laboratory for a day, which was quite tiring. Although he had no body, his brain was tired.

Those experimenters were so confused that they just had to put mineral water bottles on them. No wonder Arasaka Technology spends so much money every year. It turns out that it is wasted in such a ghost place!

Horse! They are all a bunch of insects!

When I return to the Arasaka headquarters this time, I will tell Yori Xuan to reduce the funding of the Arasaka Technology Laboratory!

Adam Zhongham looked out the car window and said to the younger brother who was driving: "Has anything interesting happened recently?"

The little brother of Adam Hammer is very shaky. In the entire Arasaka Security Department, only the unlucky ones will serve as the little brother of Adam Hammer.

Because Adam Hammer is a scumbag, when he kills people, he not only kills others but also kills his own people.

"There seemed to be a cybermaniac in Watson District a few days ago. I heard that he attacked the NCPD's violent terrorist mobile team and members of the trauma team at the same time. We Arasaka people were also involved..."

"The trouble is a bit big. Now the people above are planning to make a big move in Night City, but it seems that these big actions have been stopped because of a certain plan. It is said that someone is coming here for a reason."

"The cyber madman used a mantis knife. It's a bit strange to say that I always felt that the other man's mantis knife looked familiar. It was like the laser mantis knife used by Mr. Oda next to Miss Hanako."

Adam Heavy Hammer's eyes narrowed after hearing this.

"Is it the red laser mantis knife?"

After thinking for a moment, the younger brother nodded and said: "Yes, the technology is very high, but the model seems a bit old. The shape of the mantis knife reminds me of more than ten years ago..."

When Adam Heavy Hammer heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

He also felt that this kind of mantis knife was very familiar, and he also felt that he had seen it somewhere in his memory.

Adam Hammer felt like he smelled a smell in Night was the smell of rats!


There are no rats in Night City. All the rats would have died long ago!

No, there is a rat in Night City! And it’s a Tiantulin!

Adam Heavy Hammer narrowed his eyes. He couldn't help but touch his mechanical chin with both hands and whispered: "It shouldn't be the case, right?"

"I've long heard that that guy suffered from cyberpsychosis. He ran out and left Night City without knowing what the situation was."

"It's been more than ten years. Under normal circumstances, 5.0 should have gone completely crazy long ago..."

Adam was thinking about what happened more than ten years ago, and his car quickly arrived at the dock.

Adam Heavy didn't think too much, opened the car door and jumped out.

With his weight, he wouldn't even think about riding in an ordinary car. The ones he rides in are basically military vehicles, so the load capacity is sufficient.

Adam had just gotten out of the car when he noticed a security guard lying on the ground in the security booth in the distance, scratching his butt from time to time and sleeping soundly.

Adam Heavy Hammer immediately felt the familiar smell, and for a moment he thought he had returned to more than ten years ago.

It seems that when he went to help Xiaotian get the mantis knife more than ten years ago, it seemed that the outside of the laboratory was like this.

Same technique, same scene...

Adam Heavy Hammer suddenly had a bad feeling...

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