Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 116 Suffering Is Like The Sun That Never Fades Away!

Although the land was temporarily bought.

But there was no one to help Arthur clean up the smelly dog ​​poop.

I can only go there myself to deal with these matters, and talk about business with the Rangers team.

Arthur has also heard about the recent bad stories about biotechnology.

I have to say that Sol still has some tricks, and he successfully connected with biotechnology through that information.

But although biotechnology sounds like it is much more low-key than companies such as military technology.

But in fact, the bad reputation of biotechnology hangs over all continents, like a ghost that lingers, and like a piece of stinky shit that makes people dislike it.

Arthur returned to the car, started the vehicle and drove towards the bad land.

"It's time to end the loss. If you feel like you can't get out of "Wu Qi San", then how about daddy taking you to go shopping on Niaowa Street?"

Arthur saw that David still looked uninterested, and couldn't help comforting him with teasing.

After all, he had never been a father before, and he didn't know how a father should comfort his son.

I can only comfort each other in the same way as my brothers.

When David heard this, his whole face turned red from suppressing it. After waving his hands randomly for a while, he said: "Who wants to go to a place like that!"

After saying this, he immediately fell silent again.

Arthur kept driving through the traffic, and the neon lights around him were still a bit dazzling even in the daytime.

Although Night City only comes alive at night.

But it looks different during the day.

For example, you can't see the homeless people shrouded in darkness at night, or the vomiting on the ground.

The Night City during the day has a desolate beauty, a beauty close to the end of the world.

"Dad, do you think there are many people like that in this city?"

David's ability to empathize is pretty good.

Obviously, he had not been severely beaten by Night City, so he still had time to think about these things.

Arthur shrugged and said, "There must be more cockroaches than our house!"

David was silent again, and then he spoke after a while: "Then what can we do to help them?"

Arthur frowned when he heard this and touched his chin as if he was thinking about this question seriously.

"Maybe go to outer space to pull a meteorite, and then restart the world like a computer?"

"Haha, just kidding, well, first you have to kill military technology..."

When David heard this, his eyes widened and he said, "So it turns out that the mastermind behind making the world like this is military technology?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and honked the horn a few times, then raised his middle finger out the window. He opened the window and cursed at a homeless man on the street: "Zhuo, don't you have eyes when you walk? I'll do it next time." Send you to Johnny Silverhand!"

The homeless man crossing the road was stunned for a moment when he heard Arthur's words, then he clasped his hands and bowed to Arthur and said, "It would be great if you could send me to see Johnny Silverhand!"

Arthur rolled his eyes. Sooner or later, he would make all the people in Night City into data plug-ins and send them to the server to work as volunteers.

Turning the steering wheel to bypass the homeless homeless man, Arthur continued: "Then you need to kill Arasaka, then Biotech, and then..."

Arthur listed almost everything in the world, then touched his chin and added: "You'd better kill all mankind!"

It can solve the tragedy that continues to happen continuously and kills without end!"

"Listen David, you don't need to empathize with other people, you just need to care about the people around you!"

Arthur stepped on the accelerator and drove the car onto the overpass, and then said: "As for the others, 'go to hell!'"

“Human tragedies are happening now, they were happening a few years ago, they were happening decades ago, they were happening hundreds of years ago, they were happening thousands of years ago, they were happening tens of thousands of years ago!”

"So human tragedy is like the sun in the sky, it will never fade away!"

"Just be yourself!"

Trying to save others from suffering in Night City is like being Batman in Gotham City, or chanting sutras in hell like Ksitigarbha.

Arthur actually wanted to help at first, but after he completely merged with the original owner's memory, he no longer wanted to do these things.

Because I can’t control it and I can’t help it at all!

At that time, Arthur might as well go to Twisted Street and have fun with two chicks.

Instead of being Batman in Night City!

What's more, the source of the tragedy in Night City does not lie in what happens to everyone, but in the lower level.

Cyberpunk is synonymous with high technology and low life.

If you light a spark and burn the world clean, you may be able to live a better life.

But the person who lit the fire would be burned completely by that fire, and Arthur didn't want to light it.

Because the last person who wanted to ignite the fire has been locked in the server as Saburo Arasaka's electronic pet.

David seemed to have learned the truth about the world, and was in a daze while looking at the bustling scene outside the window.

He felt that he had only seen above the neon lights before, but ignored what was under the neon lights.

But now he felt like everything was being seen from top to bottom.

And what he wanted to do, he couldn't do anything about.

Arthur looked at David's dejected look and said with a smile: "It seems that your mother still protects you very well.

"While following me, you will learn more about Night City and see more of the truth."

"If you really want to be a savior, I don't care, but saviors are human beings, so why not start with the people around you?"

"Like those octopus employees in my 5.6 factory?"

Arthur's car was driving very fast, almost pressing the accelerator to the bottom.

When passing by a puddle, because I was going at full speed, the water in the puddle directly splashed on a passerby next to me.

The passerby couldn't help but cursed in the direction Arthur's car left. Finally, he took a closer look at the small box in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no water on it.

This is a treasure that he spent a lot of money to buy.

Now this thing is very popular in the entire Night City!

You must know that this thing can replace inhibitors!

Spending a large amount of money on inhibitors every year is a routine practice in Night City. Now this money may be saved and it can be fun to buy some Black Mewtwo or something. .

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