Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 122 One Thousand Yuan Per Person!

Being deceived and leaving nothing behind is actually a pretty good ending.

Because at least you're okay.

It is actually a very common phenomenon in Night City to be deceived into being sold to scavengers as piglets.

In fact, most of the emails you receive come from scavengers.

For example, what kind of implants are sold at a cheap price? They are sold at a cheap price! They are all sold at a cheap price!

Then there's the tech hair green shoulder-length luminous material, with moderate wear and occasional flashes and a slight smoky smell.

The remaining emails were rent reminders.

As for the rest? Come on, you are not from the company, who will send you an email?

"Fuck you, are you saying I look like a little girl? Arthur, you always want to settle down when you get to our age!"

"Just like you also established an umbrella company? Why don't you continue your mercenary career? After all, you are successful!"

Arthur shrugged and said nothing, but he felt that what he did and what the other person did were completely different.

You have a golden-fingered dad, do you?

What a joke, Arthur can guarantee that his company will be number one in the world as long as it is not attacked.

Because this is just a matter of timing.

Although Tongzi brother occasionally cheats to death, but I have to say that the probability of giving out scientific and technological information is still quite high.

Just like the Mengdie system, you can directly become the world's richest man by selling it quietly.

After all, Relic still needs to back up his own consciousness, and then he has to die.

But the Mengdie system does not need to operate like this at all.

If it is really taken out, it will not be a problem to directly become the world's largest company.

Because all company CEOs and investors behind it will be the first users of the Mengdie system.

Of course, the premise is that it can be saved.

So Arthur felt that he could see clearly, but Saul couldn't.

Working with the company is complete bullshit.

In Night City... No, who in the whole world doesn't know that you can't cooperate with the company and you can't trust the company?

But Sol actually believed it, which is simply funny!

Yellow sand drifted across the sky. Sol looked at the apocalyptic scenery outside and said with emotion: "I remember that it was not so exaggerated before. Even sandstorms were rare. [Now the probability of meeting a sandstorm is about the same as meeting me in the house." Cockroaches are just as likely to last.”

Arthur didn't mind slamming on the accelerator to make the car go faster.

The problem of sandstorms in Night City is no longer a problem.

The citizens have long been accustomed to it. After all, life in Night City is just like that. If you can't resist, you can only try to enjoy it.

Arthur didn't speak. After a short period of time, Arthur finally came to the camp of another wanderer tribe.

The camp of the Wanderer tribe is still easy to see.

It’s nothing more than a lot of tents, a lot of garbage, and a lot of cars.

As long as you see these three elements then this is basically a homeless camp.

Of course, there is no use in remembering the location of such things.

Because they may change their residence at any time.

Maybe it's because he's infested with lice after living in the sand of the Badlands for so long.

Arthur opened the car door and just got out of the car when Thor rushed out from the passenger seat.

The intersectional attitude on his face made people feel a little surprised, as if he was not the leader of a wandering family, but an ordinary person.

There is a little smell of blood and gun smoke in the air.

Arthur couldn't help but light a cigarette for himself.

Arthur looked towards the inside of the camp and could also see that some tents were being burned by flames, emitting thick black smoke and a smell.

Looking at the surrounding environment, there were very deep ruts on the ground.

Ordinary vehicles can't leave such deep marks, so they can only be left by heavy armored vehicles.

No high-tech equipment was seen in the entire camp. It seemed that the company people had withdrawn.

Smelling the smell of blood in the air, Arthur murmured to himself: "Tsk, the most common thing in Night City is that the clown has been taken advantage of."

Arthur quickly entered the camp, where many people were lying in confusion.

The situation was quite complicated. Some people were broken into several pieces, like a pile of minced meat.

Some people were lying on the ground intact, with pale faces like corpses, and shortness of breath from time to time, as if their noses were borrowed.

There were still many traces of shrapnel in the camp, as if it had been attacked.

Arthur came to Saul, and Saul was holding a child in his arms. The child seemed to have Parkinson's disease, shaking all over his body.

"You're right, maybe I'm more naive than Panan!"

Arthur still didn't speak. He looked not far away and found a shivering man hiding in a corner.

Waving in that direction, the man was startled, but after seeing Arthur and all the costumes, he hesitated for a moment and walked out.

" are..."

"Saul, from the Adecado family, what's going on with you?"

Sol asked eagerly, while Arthur leaned directly against a bus next to him, squinting at the surrounding environment.

What hell it is here.

It should be said to be a different kind of hell on earth. To a certain extent, Arthur even felt that this place was even worse than the scavenger's slaughterhouse.

Because the Scavenger side is nothing but pure gore.

And this camp is mixed with the most fundamental evil of human beings.

"There is a problem with biotechnology drugs. Many people have died. This antibiotic seems to have reached the final stage of being launched, so...

The man said something intermittently and wiped his eyes from time to time.

Arthur glanced at him and then added for him: "So the people in the company don't intend to stop the experiment, and they don't think there is anything big about the death of a few homeless people.

"The claim is that this is just because there is something wrong with the bodies of the 310 homeless people, which caused the experiment to fail and produce this result."

"But out of humanitarian spirit, Biotechnology is willing to compensate a person about 10,000 yuan? Well, maybe it will be less, such as 1,000 yuan?"

"The wanderers are really cheap. If they were citizens of Night City, they would have to pay at least 100,000 yuan!"

The way Arthur spoke was a bit like sarcasm, and his words were full of sarcasm.

After hearing Arthur's words, the survivor was like a furious lion and pounced directly on Arthur.

The next step was a left hook, hitting Arthur in the face.

Arthur didn't care at all. He leaned slightly to avoid the opponent's punch and reached out to grab the opponent's wrist and press it down.

Finally, he pulled his wrist towards himself, and hit the opponent's neck directly with the other hand, bending the opponent's elbow joint directly.


The sound of a broken arm was clear and sweet.

The other person suddenly howled miserably, and when Arthur let go of his arm, he knelt on the ground holding his own arm.

The tears fell down as if they were free of money.

"Well, drawing a knife will only attack the weaker ones. It's really a coincidence."

"Why are you so angry at me? It's not me who caused your family to be destroyed. If you were a man, you should lie here. If you were a man, you should fight back later.

"In the end, you drew the knife at me. You are really a talent!"

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