Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 125 The Farmer And The Snake Always Take Turns!

"That's really a pity. I was also thinking about taking one back to cook. You don't know that those bastards in the tribe make the food so unpalatable. Sometimes I even want to go to Night City and kidnap a chef."

Thor said with some regret while looking at the robot.

Arthur rolled his eyes: "Where did you kidnap a chef from? Did you kidnap him from Night City? All the chefs in Night City crawled out of hell, and they cook dark cuisine. "

With that said, Arthur pushed open the door in front of him. Lucy had already helped Arthur obtain the permissions he deserved.

So Arthur basically belongs to the top management of this hotel, and he has the right to enter any room.

Arthur opened the door and walked in. As soon as he entered, he could smell that the room was filled with a completely different smell from the outside.

It's a...well, fresh smell.

The reason is because there are green plants in the room, and I don’t know how much money it costs to maintain the growth of these plants in this small room.

Arthur thinks it should be quite expensive. The company's money is definitely too much to spend.

Arthur didn't care much, but Thor was different.

He looked at the green plants planted next to him with some fascination. He had not seen this kind of thing for a long time.

The last time he saw this thing, he still remembered it was rolling in the mud of the Amazon jungle.

Yes, Thor is also a veteran and participated in the Fourth Corporate War.

It's just that at that time, he didn't feel that green plants were valuable at all. In recent years, when sandstorms became more and more frequent, he began to recall his experience in the Amazon jungle.

Although it was like a green hell, Sol sometimes felt that it looked good, at least the air smelled better.

Arthur walked directly to the living room, and just as he passed by, he saw a woman wearing a Mewtwo headband, her face was red, and her body was shaking from time to time.

One look at it and you know you're watching some very unhealthy Mewtwo.

Arthur walked to the side and picked up a small box from the table.

I looked at the label written on it and realized that it was still out of print.

"Tsk, it belongs to Jimmy Kurosaki. If I remember correctly, that thin bamboo pole must be dead, right?"

Arthur suddenly remembered this Mewtwo editor, who seemed to have been killed by the Mann team last time.

Arthur looked at the other person's face, which was flushed and trembling, and it didn't look like he was looking at Black Mewtwo.

Instead, it’s more like something more exciting.

Looking at this kind of thing, you can still see the height... Ahem, I can only say that the corporate dog in front of me is definitely a pervert.

Arthur threw the box aside with a snap.

Joanne, who was still experiencing a different life in Super Dream, immediately woke up from Super Dream.

The other party blinked twice as soon as he opened his eyes, as if he was still a little dazed.

She immediately focused her attention on Arthur: "Who are you?"

Arthur looked at Thor behind him and found that Thor did not intend to speak. The survivor looked at Joanne with an expression like a bull in heat.

It seemed that Arthur just said a word and he went up to do it himself.

"Well, you should remember the Red Ocher Tribe, right?"

"I, listen, I didn't mean it, and I didn't know that the drug would have such side effects. To be honest, I tried my best to make up for it, but they were too greedy to accept my compensation! They just wanted me to A life for a life, but this result is not what I want..."

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, Joanne couldn't help but start to defend herself, and it was convenient to say one thing after another.

Arthur couldn't help but nod his head frequently.

If he hadn't known the truth, he might have been deceived by the other party.

"Oh, so that's it. Then do you know what happened to the email in your computer requesting to be blocked?"

Arthur touched his chin and looked at Joanne playfully.

Lucy has already searched all the information in this network. Regarding that email, Arthur has an attachment.

So even if Arthur didn't know the plot in advance, he wouldn't be fooled by the woman in front of him.

"Um...well, I've hired people like you before, and I know you won't let me go!"

"But, at least let me save a backup, those antibiotics are very important, you also know about super bacteria and so on...

"Anyway, you don't want those people from the Red Ocher Tribe to die in vain, right?"

"It should be said that as long as these data are saved, their deaths will become more meaningful, right?"

Asking for flowers…

"So what do you think?"

Arthur almost laughed out loud [It's a bit too much to deceive those who are just starting out and also deceive yourself.

"It sounds very good, but...I refuse..."

But before Arthur could finish his words of rejection, he felt his waist being hit twice by others.

When he turned around, he saw that it was Thor and the survivor.

Arthur said with some confusion: "What's wrong?"

Thor hesitated, but the survivor spoke directly: "How about letting him survive? At least my people's death is meaningful...

When Arthur heard this, he suddenly felt magical.


Then he turned around and looked at Sol next to him. Sol seemed to be making the same plan.

Suddenly Arthur understood something.

That is, the people at the bottom are actually always kind, even the vicious and cancerous homeless people.

No matter how bad your life is, no matter how excessive the other person's behavior is, you will pity other poor people when you meet them.

It's like Arthur's life was unsatisfactory in his previous life, but he would feel sad for others when he encountered someone else's unsatisfactory life.

This may be the kindness hidden in human nature...

It is also the place where humans in this world are worth saving.


Arthur turned to look at Joanne, and found a hint of hidden surprise on her face.

Although others couldn't see it, Arthur could see it at a glance.

That feeling of being smiling but not smiling...

Normally, Arthur felt that he should just chop the opponent with a knife.

Then nothing will happen.

But Arthur suddenly thought that now that the entire hotel was under his control, there was no need to do this.

Arthur looked at the survivor and Thor: "Of course, the customer is God and my friend! You can do whatever you want!"

Arthur sat down directly next to him, lit a cigarette, and looked at the two people in front of him with a smile on his lips.

"However, the farmer and the snake always take turns. Well, I almost forgot that if you don't read, you probably haven't heard of this fable."

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