The sound of gunfire, accompanied by some liquid dripping, marked the end of the other party's sinful life!

Arthur didn't care and lit another cigarette for himself.

This kind of thing happens every day in Night City.

Things are always the same.

Either corporate dogs kill ordinary people, or ordinary people kill corporate dogs.

Arthur had just lit a cigarette for himself, and before he had a chance to take a puff, a phone call came in.

Arthur looked and found that it was the queen of the next life who was calling.

Why would Rogge call him at this time?

Arthur suddenly felt like he was being plotted against.

This made him stop even entering the elevator.

"What's wrong?"

Saul was still nagging Arthur, hoping that the other party would write a book and he would definitely pay for it.

Although Thor looks like a stupid bear.

But Saul feels that he is still expected to become a literary youth. If the tone of storytelling in every book is as humorous as Arthur's, he feels that he will definitely be able to become a corporate dog.

Thor was a little confused when Arthur stopped like this.

The mission has been completed. Why don't you leave early and stay here while the biotech people treat you to dinner?

"Well, I think we might be in big trouble!"

As soon as Arthur finished speaking, the survivor walked over and stepped into the elevator with a pistol in his hand and a weird smile on his face.

Arthur didn't care. He followed the other person into the elevator and answered Roger's call.

"Oh my Queen, what do you want from your knight?"

"Fuck you, I'll... blanch this year, Arthur, you're really following Kang Guan!"

"Yes, yes, I know that our Queen has a crush on a street gangster with disheveled hair and a stinky body.

"Oh, if that bastard hears you describe him like this, he will definitely punch you in the nose so hard that your nose will bleed."

Arthur thought about Johnny Silverhand's character.

I feel that the other party will kill me with one shot and then build a toilet on his grave and come here to use it every day.

This is more in line with what Johnny Silverhand does.

Very good, this is very night city!

"Okay, what's the matter?"

Arthur still wanted to know what Roger wanted to do with him. After all, his sixth sense told him that it was not a good thing.

Since it's not a good thing, you have to prepare quickly.

Because both preparing the plan and preparing the coffin takes time.

It was said that wood in this world was very expensive, and Arthur felt that he would not be able to afford a coffin if he lost his son now.

And who would make a coffin for himself?

For the mercenaries in Night City, the smelly ditch in Night City is the best grave for the mercenaries!

Maybe the soul will be reborn as a cockroach.

After all, the cockroaches in Night City are just as annoying as the mercenaries in Night City.

Rogge suddenly showed a somewhat gloating smile after hearing Arthur's words.

"I heard Joanne died, right?"

Arthur shrugged and walked out when he saw that the elevator had stopped at the first floor and made a ding.

"Well, she has repainted his hiding place. It's as red as blood. I have to say she has good taste."

Rogge smiled and then said: "Forgot to tell... Oh no, I just found out. 11

"This Joanne is a senior technical director in a city where biotechnology is an industry, and she carries a platinum member of the trauma team on her back!"

"You must have learned the scavenger's methods when doing missions, right?"

Arthur: "...Roger, you owe me a bottle of wine! If I can come back alive, I will personally go to the next life to ask for it from you. If I can't come back alive, remember to pour a bottle of wine into the river of Night City." bottle."

After saying that, Arthur hung up the phone. The next moment, Arthur threw down Thor and the survivor next to him.

He took them and rolled under the long table at the hotel front desk.

As their actions ended, a metal storm hit the hotel in an instant.

"Bang bang bang"

Arthur knew it was a heavy machine gun as soon as he heard it, and it was the kind used on the battlefield.

It also appears that Trauma Team and Military Technology are strategic partners.

"Tsk! Boil, that bastard has someone from the trauma team with a platinum membership on him!"


The metal storm stopped the next moment, and finally the violent roar of the engine was heard.

Along with the sound of the engine, there was a clicking sound.

Don't get me wrong. This is not because something went wrong with the trauma team's aerodrome. It's because someone from the trauma team parked the aerodrome on someone else's car.

The bill will be charged to the customer anyway, and customers obviously prefer attitude to money.

As for whether there was anyone in that car?

Sorry, the company law stipulates that the company has the right to deal with anyone who hinders the company from performing its tasks.

The most I can compensate you is a thousand yuan, no more!

Of course, this money will also be charged to the customer.

"Zhuo! Didn't you say those things are blocked?"

So some people were hiding under the counter in embarrassment, holding a revolver in their hands and being on guard.

Although no one from the trauma team has come in yet, it will not be long before operational members of the trauma team begin to break in.

After all, they 727 only received the customer's survival signal and disappeared, and it was not clear whether the customer was really dead.

For those on the trauma team, they must confirm with their own eyes that the client is dead before leaving.

As for the people they meet on the road, they are all obstacles to their mission and can be killed on the spot.

As for whether the customer will be revenged, it depends on whether the customer has checked this option in the package.

Check that option and add an extra amount of money, and the trauma team will help you get revenge within its capabilities.

By the way, I will help you collect the corpse and burn it into ashes to make an urn and send it home to you.

Just like Delamain’s Excelsior package.

"Blank, I forgot!"

Arthur's mood now is extremely complicated, and he wishes he could go back a few minutes to give himself a few big words.

Jing was busy pretending to be cool and believed too much in the plot of his previous life, which now brought him a big trouble.

This is the real world after all, and that biotechnology executive is considered a senior part-time worker after all, so he definitely has a trauma team package.

Such a simple and obvious thing, Arthur felt that he really shouldn't forget it!

"What should we do now?"

The survivor had a cold expression on his face, as if he was already determined to die.

Arthur is not so pessimistic. It’s not like the trauma team has never been involved!

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