Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 130 Night City Is Tolerant!

After Arthur and others left completely, Jim breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand to continue the operation.

The senior technical medical staff followed Jim and said, "I will report to the superiors in detail about today's events!"

"Captain Jim, I think your current state of mind may not be suitable for performing tasks!"

Jim curled his lips immediately after hearing this~ words.

Even if the other party doesn't report it, it's impossible to hide what happened this time.

"You have no idea who that person is. During the last mission, all my team members died because of him!"

"That guy is simply a cybermaniac. Even if we can fill it all in with just a few people like us, it won't be enough!"

"You can report it if you like, but I think I am saving losses for the company!"

After hearing this, the senior technician immediately shook his head and said: "Although I agree with what you said, the customer is God, just like what the insects above said!"

"Customers pay so much just to trade our lives for his at the critical moment.

"So I'm sorry, Captain Jim. Although you do it for our own good, you have to stand up and take all the responsibilities!"

"Arigado, Captain Jim, I will always remember you!"


Jim now wanted to take a gun and shoot the doctor behind him.

If you let yourself take the blame, just take the blame and say it so grandly.

Even if you don't say it, I will continue to recite it. What does it mean to stand up and moan here now?

If I hadn't stood up, you would have been chopped into eight hundred pieces by that man!

Although he complained in his heart, Jim still performed his duties faithfully.

After a while, the team arrived at the customer's floor.

Jim looked at the surrounding walls that looked like they had been repainted and slowly put down the gun in his hand.

"Mission record, the customer is dead, without any breath of life, his head was blown up like a balloon.

Anyway, it was the last mission, and Jim became quite relaxed when he spoke.

The senior medical talent knelt beside Joanne and then helped her perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The hand pressed on the chest.

The corner of Jim's mouth twitched when he saw it. Don't think that he didn't see it. The other party was clearly taking advantage of the corpse.

As expected of a neon person, the taste is great!

"Oda Shiro, if you keep doing this, sooner or later you will be hacked to death by someone hired by a customer.

Shiro Oda said righteously while doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

"This is my duty as a doctor! Even if the person is dead, I have to save him!"

"Patients must not give up as long as they still have a glimmer of hope!"

"This is my medical practice!!!"


Such amazing medical skills, if you take advantage, you will take advantage, if you are perverted, you will be perverted!

Night City is tolerant. There are too many perverts in Night City, or if you are not perverted enough, you will not be able to integrate into Night City!

But it’s your fault to speak of perversion in such a righteous and awe-inspiring manner!

While Jim was speechless, Arthur had already come outside and planned to drive away directly.

But as soon as he came outside, he saw a huge floating vehicle parked where his vehicle had been parked before.

And there was a discus under the float car, and some black engine oil flowed out from the discus under the float car. How could it be so miserable?


Arthur cursed angrily, and finally scratched the back of his head and touched himself everywhere.

I gave up when I found that I didn't have a rocket launcher with me.

"Forget it, Arthur, isn't it just a car? At worst, I can give you another one after I get back!"

Sol obviously didn't want to cause trouble, so he waved his hand grandly and wanted to give Arthur a car.

Arthur immediately rolled his eyes and said: "This is not my car in the first place. I borrowed it from someone in your tribe. Just return the car to him."


After hearing this, Thor immediately touched his body and found that he didn't bring a rocket launcher, so he gave up.

There were so many cars parked here, which one would not hit me, but it hit me!

This is a bad fate!

Only one rocket can end this bad fate!

Just when Arthur was about to see if any of the Sixth Street Gang guys in the city center wanted to borrow a car from them.

A mid-range looking car stopped in front of Arthur.

The car window was slowly rolled down, and sitting inside was a muscular member of the Animal Party.

‥Ask for flowers…0

The members of the Animal Gang are actually easy to identify.

The main thing is not to look at the muscles on the opponent's body. Because Night City is very dangerous, even ordinary people will exercise.

So those with muscles are not necessarily the Animal Gang.

But there is one thing about Animal Gang that will never change, and that is a very strange aura.

It should be said that it is the feeling of male hormones exploding or hormones exploding.

All in all, it has a very masculine smell.

It doesn't look like the smell, nor does it smell like it. In short, it is so strange and unique that once you smell it, you will remember it for a lifetime.

"Get in the car, Roger asked me to pick you up!"

After Arthur heard what the other party said, he immediately opened the passenger door and got in. Thor and the survivor followed them in the back seat without a care.


"Emeric, we haven't seen you for so long and you're still the same as before. Listen to me, don't take those hormones. And what is that old woman doing to me?"

Safety is the first priority on the road. Arthur fastened his seat belt and sat in the car like a good baby.

Emerick is the security guard at the entrance of Laishang Bar.

He is a person with very sensitive intelligence. In fact, few people will cause trouble in the next life.

After all, this is a place to make money, and no one wants to make it look particularly ugly.

So Emerick's main responsibility is actually to identify who can enter the afterlife bar.

Of course, the opponent's combat power is actually not weak. At least killing some gang members is like crushing a chicken to death... No, if we switch to Night City, we should change the metaphor to be like trampling to death. Just like a cockroach.

After all, after Da Heizi died, there would be no brother in Night City.

Emerick was as silent as ever. He drove the car slowly out of the parking lot of the hotel and then said: "You don't have to worry about my affairs. My brother will definitely tell you that you called her an old woman." Off your skin."

Arthur shrugged and continued to look at him.

"Okay, actually I don't know very well. It seems like there is a business that I need to find someone to do. What can the middleman do with hiring mercenaries?"

"It's a miracle that you don't stink outside. Although I know you may have heard a lot during this time, I still welcome you back to Night City!"

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