"Why are people like Johnny Hands called heroes or legends by some people?"

"He made a mushroom egg, let everyone in Night City see his big mushroom, and caused countless people to die. Can such a scumbag be called a legend?"

V was cutting the concrete carefully while complaining about Johnny Silverhand.

Jack wanted to say something about thinning Johnny's silver hands, but he opened his mouth and thought for a long time, but couldn't say anything.

Because whether he is standing in his own position or that of a mercenary, Johnny Hawkhand can actually be regarded as a terrorist.

After all, it is undeniable that no matter what he wants to do, countless people will die because of him.

Although Night City is a large prison where all five-star good citizens are criminals, it is undeniable that innocent people sometimes appear in Night City. Although it is as rare as if there are no cockroaches in Night City, it is a fact.

As long as an innocent person dies because of Johnny Silverhand, then he is not actually a hero.

Jack immediately focused his attention on Arthur. 11

Arthur, use your invincible brain to think about it.

Arthur smiled softly, found an iron sheet next to him, sat down, and lit a cigarette for himself.

"What Silverhand did was undoubtedly wrong!"

"I don't want to defend this foul-mouthed street gangster at all."

"But in such an environment, exploitation will only become more and more serious. In order to destroy something, no matter what the price, even if you become a bad person, you have to do it! I think this is Johnny Silver That’s why the hand is called a legend.

"We mere mortals see things differently than people like them."

Arthur didn't deny that Johnny was a terrorist.

What he did had absolutely nothing to do with those two words. It was just a terrorist attack against Arasaka and Night City.


Although Johnny cannot be called a hero, from a God's perspective, Arthur does not deny his humanity.

Maybe he went about it the wrong way.

But Johnny Silverhand wasn't lost.

So although Johnny Silverhand has nothing to do with the hero, he has the same determined spirit as the hero.

Look at him, he has been dead for so many years, and after coming back to life from V's mind, he still wants to kill Arasaka immediately!

Arthur actually doesn't understand why people in this world don't plan to make some red ghosts float in the sky of Night City.

But this has nothing to do with Arthur, that's why he calls himself a mortal.

After a while, the huge piece of concrete was finally cut.

Several bones were pulled out from the concrete, and a silver arm was taken out together with the thing.

Apart from that, there were only some tattered and shapeless clothes left.

Arthur took out a small box from his Sword in the Stone, threw it on the ground, and motioned for the two of them to put the bones in it.

By the way, he also transferred a sum of money to them in his mind, which was regarded as the funds for today's mission.

After a while, Jack and others were sent back to Night City, and Arthur entered his laboratory in Taiping with the skeleton of Johnny Silverhand.

Arthur now has the technology to clone humans, and using the DNA carried on Johnny Silverhand's skeleton, there is no problem in completely reshaping him.

It's just that this thing has no consciousness of its own.

Arthur technology is different from the technology of completely manufacturing a person.

Arthur even thinks that this cannot be called human cloning technology, but cloning technology, because the cloned things are just materials.

Arthur suspected that this was something developed by people in a certain world to provide themselves with spare organs.

But fortunately, this thing is very useful to Arthur. If he is unconscious, he can transfer his consciousness into it.

Of course, Arthur didn't make this thing because he was interested in Johnny Silverhand's genes.

This place is not a fantasy world. There is no use in cloning Johnny Silverhand to obtain his genes. It is better to clone Adam Hammer to see why this freak is not crazy yet. Does he have any special abilities?

Arthur plans to bring Johnny Silverhand back to life in this world.

The world without Johnny Silverhand is too boring, and Arthur needs someone who can stir up violence.

We need someone who can make the muddy waters of Night City even muddier.

Only in this way can Arthur win in the chaos and get something he wants.

After entering the laboratory, Arthur saw Pyrrha playing with a strange gun, and Arthur asked with some confusion.

"This is my conjecture a long time ago. With the help of your high-precision laboratory, I finally developed this thing. There is something of mine in it. As long as I shoot a woman in the abdomen, the special bullet will kill me." Put something into a woman’s belly to make her pregnant!”

What kind of devilish invention is this?

Arthur's whole face was covered with black lines. It took a while before he came back to his senses. He felt that Pyrrha was really a genius.

This thing might actually be of some use.

At the very least, it can be used to frame someone, and maybe it can even be used to frame Hanako Arasaka.

Arthur looked at Pyrrha up and down. While he felt that Pyrrha was a talent, he was also wondering whether Pyrrha would be disgusted with Hanako Arasaka.

But Arthur thinks it shouldn't be the case. After all, Pyrrha has the most serious taste for Mewtwo. She has the same interests and hobbies as his eldest son, and Pyrrha is more perverted than his good nature.

"Good things, good things!"

Arthur couldn't help but look at the gun in front of him and pat Pyrrha on the shoulder.

As for picking it up and looking at it?

Are you kidding? You can never pick up this kind of gun. Who knows if there is anything stuck on it?

"Save this thing well, use it as our secret weapon, and keep working hard!"

Arthur patted Pila's shoulder heavily once again and headed towards his laboratory with the big box in a good mood.

When he first started designing, Arthur designed the laboratory to be very large.

Part of the place is used by researchers like Pyrrha, and the other part is Arthur's private laboratory.

Although Pila is the only pervert in the entire Umbrella Group now, no, just a researcher, Arthur believes that the Umbrella Company will soon be able to recruit a group of talents. After all, Kangtao is a big company. .

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