Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 197 What Kind Of Bullshit Is This?

But after Arthur thought carefully for a moment, he immediately threw this idea away.

Are you kidding me? I am a man who wants to be the boss.

What do people light up.

Being a people's light is very tiring, and you might die on the road.

Just like that sentence.

If there is an iron house, which has no windows and is indestructible, and there are many sleeping people inside, they will soon be suffocated to death. However, friends who go from sleep to death do not feel that they are going to die.

Now that you are shouting loudly, alarming a few more sober people, and causing these unfortunate few to suffer irreparable death pain, do you think you are worthy of them?

Assuming it was the Republic of China now, Arthur might go up and shout twice.

But now we are in Night City, in the year 2076.

Johnny Silverhand tried to do this, but Johnny Silverhand died.

So Arthur wasn't going to do that.

After a short period of time, all the ripe tomatoes have been picked, and it may take several days for the next batch to be ready.

Arthur watched as Roger packed all the tomatoes into the car and transported them into Night City.

Then he took out a cigarette and lit it for himself, looked at Sol next to him and said: "I left more than a dozen boxes for Adelaide over there, and brought them back to the family to try.

"11 Arthur! This is so precious, you paid our wages......"

Sol quickly waved his hand and refused.

After all, their current life is something they could never imagine before. They have a stable source of income, and if they want, they can even stay here for a long, long time.

It may be ten or twenty years, as long as the umbrella company does not collapse, then they can always have such a life.

It is unwise to bring a shadow to your promising future life just for the sake of such a little appetite.

Arthur exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "What is precious? You are not allowed to taste the things you made with your own hands?"

"Zhuo! What a bullshit world!"

After Arthur said this, he wanted to leave. He took Rebecca and Lucy and stood at the door of the plantation for a while.

Arthur still turned to the cowboy hat manager next to him and said: "Give those little black guys a meal to taste the tomatoes grown by yourself, and give them a holiday today. Even slaves should enjoy the joy of a good harvest." !”

Arthur has no racist thoughts.

The reason why all the slaves here are Xiao Heizi is because these people were sent from Taipingzhou.

More than 90% of the people in Taipingzhou are black men.

So it's just a coincidence.

What's more, the donkeys in the production team also need to rest occasionally.

Arthur felt that letting his people take a break occasionally would help them work harder in the future.

Even machines need to be maintained and lubricated, right?

As for Arthur, will he feel bad conscience if he resumes slavery in 2076?

Arthur's answer was not at all.

Because Arthur feels that the life he is giving these little black men now is much better than the life they had before.

Heizi must be on the edge to make enough money to live on.

Living in an insecure house and eating insecure food...

But at least they are protected now, right?

And it can be regarded as removing a big scourge for Night City!

Seriously, Arthur really wanted to call Lucius and ask him why his Good Citizen pennant hadn't been delivered yet?

It's been so long, and the bureaucrats in Night City have been too slow to respond!

It's simply laziness and indolence!

Arthur got into his Sword in the Stone directly, with V sitting on the passenger seat and Lucy and Rebecca sitting behind him.

Although the back of the sports car is a little crowded, and it is not usually set up for people to sit in.

However, the two girls are relatively small, so sitting in the back is only a little bit uncomfortable.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Sports cars are not comfortable at all.

As for Jack?

Jack drove the big truck behind.

Arthur signed in his system while driving.

I really haven't gotten anything useful recently. For example, I got a piece of fishing knowledge last time, and the system swore that he would never be an air force.


Where can I catch fish in Night City!!!

There are some aquatic fish, after all, the scavenger catches aquatic fish every day.

But even if the fish in the sea are almost extinct, there is no place in the entire Night City where you can buy fishing rods.

Arthur almost lost his temper and pulled the system out of his head, threw it to the ground and stomped on it hard.

It's really of no use at all!

[Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting all the information on the intelligent learning machine!]

Arthur only felt that his brain was swollen again, and then another change occurred in the brain-computer system and a new folder was created.

Annotation is a smart way to learn.


Does the little bully have endless fun?

Speaking of learning machines, this is the first thing that comes to Arthur's mind.

Because a long, long time ago, Arthur used this reason to trick his mother into buying a Xiaobawang learning machine for him.

It's a pity that this learning machine never fulfilled its obligation to learn.

It has always been treated as a game console.

Arthur opened it casually and took a look while driving the car.

This glance made Arthur become very uneasy, and he almost lost his grip on the steering wheel and crashed the car and killed everyone.

Good guy, this is good stuff!

Arthur touched his chin while thinking about getting a machine in the laboratory as soon as possible.

At least use it for yourself and Thomas first.

Learning is an extremely difficult thing, and it should be said that learning itself is a very anti-human thing053.

Especially with the development of the times, scientific knowledge has become more abundant and complex.

This makes the learning time longer and longer, and also makes those who learn this knowledge more and more irritable.

If you learn a total of one hundred pieces of knowledge, it will take you ten years.

So what about learning a total amount of knowledge of one thousand? What about a total amount of knowledge of ten thousand? What about a total amount of knowledge of one hundred thousand?

Learning never ends and there is never an end in sight.

At the same time, the connections between various disciplines have become increasingly distant, which has also prevented various inventions from appearing.

Because certain things require the union of various disciplines to create such things.

But it is already difficult for experts in various industries to just specialize in their own industry, so how can they have time to learn about other things?

A long time ago, you could be a mathematician-biologist-physicist-architect.

But now, it would be nice to be called a mathematician, so what else do you need a bicycle?

All in all, the reason for all this can be attributed to low learning efficiency.

With the explosion of modern scientific and technological knowledge, humans need more and more time to learn survival skills, and it is impossible to understand the full extent of human knowledge in a lifetime.

So why can't you download that knowledge just like a computer downloads videos?

So the intelligent learning machine was born!.

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