Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 201 Black-Skinned And Fat Jesus Weighs Over Three Hundred Pounds...

The corner of Arthur's mouth twitched and he almost forgot that the big shot arrived in Night City some time ago.

So, the big job Jack is talking about is...

Arthur looked at Jack, and seeing the excitement on his face, Arthur pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

Well, another bad job!

To be honest, even if Arthur didn't know the plot at all and wasn't a time traveler, he would never take that fat guy's job.

Nor would he think that stealing Arasaka Yorinobu's things was a good idea to make a name for himself.

But now that the curtain has risen, it really shouldn’t be a break from acting.

Arthur touched his chin and thought about his preparations during this period.

"The plan should also start..."

Arthur muttered quietly, and then took out an improved version of the Dream Butterfly System from his pocket.

This is completely different from the large capsule of the previous "813". This is a smaller, more portable and more normal device.

It is similar to a bracelet style.

Originally, the Mengdie System had to fit on the spine, but that was because there was no brain-computer system in the world created by the Mengdie System.

But in this world, theoretically you can connect to the neural processing chip through any part of your body.

Arthur looked at it and threw it to Jack casually: "Take it with you, remember not to take it off. I'm not very interested in your big work, so you should do it yourself!"

"Hey, I feel like something's wrong with me. I seem to be infected with some kind of neurological virus?"

While Arthur was talking to Jack, V walked out from the side. She casually picked up the fried noodles on Arthur's table and ate it.

He even sat directly on Arthur's lap.

After several months of getting along, V immediately admitted his defeat.

With Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, Arthur didn't feel any surprise and directly pulled out his personal link and connected to V's terminal.

His eyes were flashing with data streams while he was looking at V's file and said: "Didn't you update the latest firmware of our Umbrella Company over there at Scavenger?"

As he spoke, the light in Arthur's eyes dimmed and he withdrew his personal link.

V was immediately full of energy, hugged Arthur's neck, kissed him and said, "I knew you were the strongest hacker!"

There was no lipstick left. Arthur touched his face with disgust and wiped off the layer of oil.

You can't expect a wild girl to leave you a fragrant lipstick mark like those ladies in the world.

"Zhuo, can you two restrain yourself? And Arthur, aren't you a man with a wife? You are not a good man at all!"

Jack, who was next to him, cursed secretly and ate his fried noodles while muttering.

It was obvious that he was actually a little angry and resentful.

The reason was for no other reason than that he also wanted the red flag at home to stay up and the colorful flags to fly outside, but Misty didn't seem to agree.

Arthur shrugged: "Come on, Jack, this kind of relationship is perfectly normal in Night City, don't you think?"

V nodded and continued eating fried noodles.

As a former employee of the company, she was very receptive to this relationship.

Whether it is a mistress, a mistress, or polygamy, it is not too common in this world.

After all, in this world, the law can no longer restrain the rich, and it would be too hard for them to wipe their butts even if they give books written about criminal law to them.

What's more, Arthur is very kind to her and feels very safe. He can satisfy her from a spiritual level, a material level, a long-term level.

So why not?

"Did you say you had a surprise yesterday?"

V looked at Jack suspiciously while eating fried rice noodles.

Jack first took out the key card from his pocket, put it on the table and pushed it in front of V.

"I was still talking about this just now. It happened that I got a big job for us. It was a big fat job. I originally wanted to take Arthur with me, but he refused to agree. It was not easy for me to find someone who could repay him. Method, help me persuade him!"

Arthur scratched his head and said, "I do have something very important to do, and besides, you forgot your agreement with me!"

The agreement Arthur was referring to was what he once said to Jack. If you see a fat man weighing 300 pounds, shoot him in the head.

It's a pity that Jack seems to have forgotten all about these things in the past few months.

He deserves to go to hell...

"Sorry, I can't control Arthur, right honey?"

Saying v, he kissed Arthur again.[ Arthur's mouth twitched and he couldn't remember picking up the paper from the table and wiping his face.

"If you continue to use my face as a paper to wipe your mouth, I will show you my strengths and weaknesses tonight!"

"Huh, let's see tonight!"

V retorted harshly, but quickly turned his face back to look at Jack.

Jack scratched the back of his head and felt helpless at Arthur's refusal, but since the other party didn't want to, there was no way he could force it.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that someone sent me a job, but do you know who he is?"

Arthur rolled his eyes after hearing this.

He secretly mentioned Jack's lines in his mind.

Dexter Deshawn, the best middleman in Night City! The fat black Jesus of the Afterlife nightclub, weighing over 300 pounds, with big golden arms...

"Dexter Deshawn, the most awesome middleman in Night City! The fat black Jesus from the Afterlife nightclub, weighing over 300 pounds, with big golden arms, guaranteed to be fake, brand! Absolutely hard!"

Sure enough, Jack said what he and Arthur had in mind.

Hearing the name of the fat black Jesus, V immediately became worried: "What kind of deal is this? We won't risk our lives in it, right?"

V paused for a moment and then turned to look at Arthur.

"It's mine when you come back, right?"

Arthur scratched the back of his head, and his tone became slightly erratic.

"It should be possible!"

In fact, Arthur did not intend to let Jack and V carry out this task at first.

But during this time Arthur changed his mind.

What's more, this path was chosen by Jack himself.

As long as the two of them can be protected from death, it is understandable to take a little risk.

Anyway, Arthur has planted the Dream Butterfly System in both of them.

This thing has been made disposable by Arthur.

As long as data is transmitted once, it will be discarded immediately.

Moreover, it is scrapped at the physical level, and contains small bombs. In order to comply with Night City's environmental protection concept, this thing can even allow the host's body to be humanely destroyed together, eliminating the need for a cremation process. .

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