Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 209 Work For Ten Years To Pay Off Debt!

"What happened just now..."

T-bug said unconfidently, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Although she had confirmed it many times she still couldn't believe it.

Arthur stood outside and looked at the chaotic Kanbi Building. He stuffed the last piece of hamburger next to him into his mouth, chewed it, and then took out the box he was holding next to him.

This is the second generation source plan improved by Thomas.

It is also a specially customized model by Arthur.


It's not the ultimate version, it's the original version, the evil robot that looks like scrap metal with red light all over its body.

After all, he might have to face Adam Heavy Hammer later, so he had to pay more attention to his dignity.

It's not that Arthur is a coward. Arthur is now 100% sure that he can beat Adam's hammer, and he is also sure that the filial son will not do anything to him.

But it is better to do less than to do more. It is not a big deal to hide one's head and show one's tail.

Arthur put his hands on the handles on both sides of the box, then pulled the entire box to the side, and the entire box instantly deformed and disintegrated, covering Arthur.

Jarvis quickly manipulated each piece to cover Arthur's body in order to achieve the perfect fit.

Soon Arthur's body changed drastically.

It's like 000, some evil robot crawling out of hell.

Listening to T-bug's words in the chat room, Arthur said nonchalantly: "Nothing big happened, it's just that someone died.

When T-Bug heard this, he immediately cursed and quickly prepared to plan an escape route for the two mercenaries.

"The one who died was Saburo Arasaka!"

"So what? Now he's just a dead dog!"

"I will open the lock immediately... There should be a ladder here that can go down directly to... I... No, no, no, no, no..."

Obviously, the little mouse was discovered by someone else, who invited a tiger to help catch the mouse.

It may seem like a bit of fuss.

But who is the father of the tiger you killed?

Although it was Tiger's son who killed him, it doesn't matter.

Because he is now the leader of the Arasaka clan, and Tbug is just a bold black charcoal girl.

After Arthur heard T-bug's voice, he immediately said: "Ten favors are not enough for such a violent attack!"

With Arthur's voice, Jarvis changed instantly, and the machines placed in the Umbrella Company began to operate crazily.

The hackers Arthur had recruited in the past few months, under the leadership of Lucy, joined Jarvis's actions and quickly blocked the Arasaka Group's attack on the T-bug.


T-bug, who was obviously feeling all the pressure on him, was a little shocked, while Arthur continued: "I have repaid the favor from the Night City Mental Rehabilitation Center last time.

But this is not enough. Just prepare to work under me for more than ten years to pay off your debts. "

"T is disconnected! Blanch!"

In the chat room on the other side, Tbug's sudden disconnection made the two people think that TBug was completely finished.

V walked around the room a little anxiously: "You want to be famous, right? Are you satisfied this time, Jack?"

The next moment, the door suddenly opened, as if it was T-bug's last gift to them.

V and Jack's eyes lit up, and they immediately walked out through the door, then headed towards the attachments T-bug had given them before and walked along the edge of the building towards the stairs not far away.

But they were soon spotted by a drone.

The Arasaka Group's drones were not able to ignore two large living people.

"Unknown person detected..."

The next moment, the machine gun opened fire, and the fire flashed in the air, even Arthur, who was standing under the building, could see it.

"Wow, it's really spectacular!"

I have to say that war machine is a war machine prosthetic body. If you want to compare it with war machine, it is obviously far behind.

Because the muzzle on that kind of war drone is probably thicker than Arthur's neck.

The next moment, countless bullets poured out like a torrent of steel, but before that, Jack and V had already jumped from the tall building.

He directly smashed the glass on the roof and reached the platform (bbci) on the lower floor.

These high-rise buildings are usually wide at the bottom and narrow at the top.

If there are five hundred square meters below, then the upper distance will become three hundred, the further distance will become two hundred, and when you reach the top, there may be only one hundred left.

These places don't slowly get smaller, usually they shrink directly.

What was originally five hundred suddenly became three hundred.

Then there will be an extra two hundred square meters of terraces, which are usually used as oxygen bars in high-rise buildings.

Adding some flowers and the like inside will make it look more upscale and elegant.

But when the two of them fell directly to an unknown location, the box containing the data soul was directly damaged.

After communicating with their customers, Jack took a deep breath and looked at the box and felt that all these things were caused by himself.

But now that everything has been done, it is impossible to return empty-handed, and we cannot just wait for the chip to be damaged.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!"

The next moment, Jack inserted the chip directly into his brain?

At the same time, Arthur's voice came: "Hey, shouldn't you ask the almighty old Arthur?"

The sudden sound of Arthur's voice made the two of them stunned for a moment.

They thought Arthur had already exited the chat room under Arasaka's attack.

"Hot, Almighty Arthur, come and save us. My abdomen seems to have been scratched by a piece of glass. I feel like my intestines are going to flow out."

Jack suddenly felt strangely at ease when he heard Arthur's voice.

It was as if they were not being chased by Arasaka, but just by the gangsters on the roadside.

Arthur was sitting in his car and had no intention of rushing in.

Now his identity is different from Jack and the others.

If Arthur rushed in with his current identity, he would be immediately identified as the mastermind behind the assassination of Saburo Arasaka.

Arasaka Yorinobu was able to let go of two mercenaries, but it was absolutely impossible for him to let go of a living target.

To put it simply, the two mercenaries are too ridiculous. They are inhumane and not enough for Huangcheng Company to vent their anger.

But it's different for another company. The anger within the company has to be diverted, right?

If you don't vent it on the umbrella, why don't you vent it on him, Arasaka Yorinobu?

"It's okay. Lucy is leading her hacker team and Jarvis is launching a cyber attack on the people in Gambi Tower. Now their combat effectiveness has plummeted. They are no different from gang members on the street. You don't have to worry about sneaking. be found."

"Now there is only one Adam's Hammer left in the entire Cyanbi Building. If he takes action, I will help. The rest is up to you to solve. As for the chip, I will help you solve it. Jack's injuries are also I'll treat it.

"So you still have ten minutes, Lucy and the others can't last that long!"

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