Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 211 Give Me A Righteous Flying Kick!

"If it weren't for the nonsense reason Arasaka Yorinobu used, there wouldn't be so many people protecting him.

"To put it simply, what you are facing are just the agents who stayed to protect the scene. The rest have gone to protect Yorinobu. After all, Saburo Arasaka is nothing more than a dead dog now, no matter what he was before. Huang Itayai Ken is now the new king of the entire Arasaka Group!"

Jack's face turned pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood after listening to Arthur's explanation, waiting for the final fight.

Because Delamain had already driven into the underground parking lot, and the elevator door in front of them was also opened.

Arthur looked at the scenery in the v perspective and silently threw the cigarette in his hand along the car window to the side of the road, and then pressed the button next to his neck.

A helmet instantly covered Arthur's entire face.

Arthur was now wearing a bulletproof jumpsuit all over his body, and it was also wrapped with a layer of metal exoskeleton armor.

The eyes and other parts of "913" are emitting scarlet light.

Like the most evil robot.

The corner of Arthur's mouth turned up slightly, and then he stepped on the accelerator, and the wild wolf let out his own howl, and rushed directly towards the Cangbi Building like a madman.

On the other side, Jack has already entered Delamain under the cover of V [[V is also here.

"Drive. If you don't drive, you'll be buried in your grave!"

V was angry and said something about Delamain, because Delamain was still thinking about choosing Delamain to be troubled and run out of the house.

After firing a few shots outside, V slammed the car door next to him.

Then Delaman reached full speed almost instantly. Under the control of powerful AI, his driving skills were much better than those of veteran drivers.

After getting away from the shooting crowd, he directly broke through the blocked underground garage rolling shutter door and came to the ground. After a few turns, he was about to rush out of the door.

Just at this time.……..


A figure seemed to hit the ground from an unknown number of floors, like justice coming from heaven.

Suddenly there were pieces of smoke and dust all around.

It's impossible to see who is hiding inside.

Delaman Xianzhi controlled the vehicle to drift, and then barely escaped the opponent's fall from the sky.

Arthur watched from V's perspective as Adam hammered down the righteous hero that day, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Are you qualified to land in this way?

I don’t even dare to use it!

"Jarvis, help me put some chili powder in Adam Hammer's eyes. I'm not here to fight. It's beneath my status to fight with these people!"

"Yes sir, the prosthetic eye hacking is in progress..."

The corners of Arthur's mouth are getting higher and higher. He has rarely been so bold recently. He can't help but show his identity here as the boss of the Umbrella Company. What's the matter with always going out to do tasks?

Although he wanted to build up his reputation, Arthur would try his best to choose missions that had a higher impact and did not require large-scale killings.

Arthur directly picked up a rocket launcher from his co-pilot, and then the red fist blade popped out from his hand.

Arthur lit up the scarlet light and nodded with satisfaction, and the next moment he passed the co-pilot to his opponent.

He directly stuffed the rocket launcher he was carrying in his other hand into the hole.

"Surprise Hammer!"

The next moment, Arthur directly pulled the trigger of the bazooka in his hand, and a loud explosion blew up the entire wild wolf almost instantly.

With the speed of the wild wolf and the thickened and hardened chassis, the entire wild wolf flew forward without suffering any damage.

Arthur activated Neural Overclocking directly in the air, then opened the car door and jumped out.

The wild wolf in the sky directly fought with the floating vehicle that came from a distance to support, and they had the kiss of the century.

The strong feelings burned huge sparks in the sky in an instant.

Along with the fire and black smoke billowing, two pieces of black iron fell directly from the sky.

Arthur's target was Adam Hammer, who was directly in front of him. At this time, Adam Hammer had just stood up, preparing to chase Dramain, who had turned around and headed towards the door to break through.

But at this moment, sparks suddenly appeared when Adam hammered your neck, and he only felt that he was plunged into darkness.

Thanks to his high-end eyes, they are all limited editions from Arasaka Laboratory.

After a few tenths of a second, his eyes reacted instantly and a reading message appeared.

This read told him that his vision would be restored in three seconds.

But the next moment, Arthur had readjusted his posture in the air.

"Adam Hammer, give me a righteous flying kick!!!"

Before Adam Heavy Hammer could react, he felt his chest being kicked hard.

Even though the weight of his body was almost ton, he still took several steps back.

He could feel an obvious collapse in his chest, but fortunately he didn't have much body.

If the kick breaks, he can just replace it when the time comes and it doesn't cause him much trouble.

Two red fist blades popped out from Arthur's hand, and when the opponent retreated, he quickly pursued him.

The two fist blades slashed hard at the opponent's head.

This is a laser. If it cuts hard, Arthur is sure to take off the opponent's head in an instant.

At that time, Adam Hammer will really be dead.

But it's a pity that Adam Heavy Hammer is not a vegetarian. He also directly turned on the neural overclocking. Although he couldn't see it, he still relied on the various analyzers on his body to avoid the blow.

No, can you escape this?

However, since Adam Hammer can't be killed, forget it. Anyway, Arthur is just here to ensure that the plan can be implemented smoothly.

The fight with Adam Heavy Hammer was just to see if there was any way to make more money.

Since there is no way to make more money, it is better to retreat first.

If the fight continues, everyone in Arasaka will probably come here to fight with him.

Saburo Arasaka had just become a piece of rotten meat that was blanched in the words of Adam Heavy Hammer. The corpse was still hot, so he had to give the other party some face.

The dead are the most important!

"Who are you? This familiar feeling, Mad, Zhuo, Arthur, you damn mouse! If you can, don't run away..."

The corners of Arthur's mouth twitched slightly, could he still recognize himself like this?

Looking at the Arasaka agents who were slowly surrounding him, Arthur didn't intend to stay any longer or answer Adam Hammer's words. 5.0

Arthur took out a smoke bomb from his waist, then hit it directly on the ground, and a cloud of smoke exploded with a bang.

After glancing at the Adam's Hammer across from him, Arthur didn't stop. The function loaded on the exoskeleton instantly activated and the whole person entered the invisible state.

He left the scene in a few breaths, and within a short period of time, Arthur had arrived at the roadside not far from the Chambi Building.

Parked here is the vehicle Arthur had prepared long ago.

Arthur opened the car door without thinking and sat in. At the same time, he canceled the invisibility effect on himself, took off his exoskeleton, made it into a box, and threw it in the back of the car.

"The whole Night City is about to explode, are Jack and the others okay?"

Lucy breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that Arthur was okay. While talking, she stepped on the accelerator and drove the car quickly away from the Kanbi Building. .

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