Cyberpunk: Become David’s Dad At The Beginning!

Chapter 215 Penguins In Antarctica!

As he spoke, Johnny Silverhand lowered his hand on Arthur's body.

This scene is very strange.

A middle-aged man who looked tall and thin, naked, swung his noodle-like hands and pulled a strong man hard.

This scene seems to have a different flavor.

Arthur was quite anxious. The box now contained the T-virus, which had not yet been completely transferred from the test tube to the bottle.

If Johnny Silver Hand pulls it off, Arthur really can't guarantee whether this thing will be leaked.

After all, putting it in a test tube and dropping it on the table are two different things.

Although it is wrapped in an isolation box outside, Arthur is also operated by a robot.

Generally speaking, problems can be avoided 99.99% of the time.

But who can bet on that zero-point zero zero and one percent?

"Zhuo, stop it quickly, you are such a madman!"

"More crazy than me! Is there anything in this world that you are dissatisfied with? Just tell me!"

"Even if you are really dissatisfied, you can go blow up the Huangban Pagoda. Everyone is innocent. Only those damn rich people are the worst offenders!"

Arthur remained unmoved, listening to Johnny Silverhand moaning beside him, and his movements did not stop at all and remained steady.

It can only be said that prosthetic technology is the best in the world!!!

Of course, it could also be because Johnny Silverhand had just crawled out of the culture tank and his whole body was as soft as noodles.

Being able to stand up and walk around is considered a sign that he has quite good control over his body.

Arthur ignored the noodle man next to him and quickly put the last drop of the Kick Virus into the bottle, finally sealed it, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the red button next to him.

In an instant, streams of white air were sprayed out from the entire isolation box, covering the entire isolation box.

This is the final stage of disinfection.

After completing this step, Arthur carefully opened the box and took out the spiral-shaped bottle of DNA. He moved it in his hand and looked at the blue liquid inside in front of the lamp hanging on the ceiling.

Who would have thought that such a beautiful liquid could cause a devastating crisis in the world?

"Tsk, tsk, this thing is good as a decoration!"

Arthur nodded with satisfaction, and then casually threw the bottle of T-Virus aside.

It looked like what he was holding was not a virus that could destroy the world.

It was a bottle of drink purchased from Twisted Street.

Are you kidding me? It's 2077, how can anyone use ordinary glass to contain viruses?

Who in the right mind would use something so fragile?

As for the glass pipe in Arthur's hand now, even if it is hit with a machine gun, it may not explode.

Not to mention throwing it away casually.

As a result, Johnny Silverhand pounced directly on him, his movements were like a vicious dog pouncing on food, it was extremely smooth.

Arthur thought it might be because Johnny Silverhand hadn't sobered up yet, otherwise he wouldn't have done such a thing.

He wouldn't even believe what he said could destroy the world.

It has to be said that although he has just obtained a new body, the legendary Johnny Hero has very good control over his body.

He accurately caught the T-virus thrown by Arthur.

Arthur didn't pay attention but took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for himself.

Why smoke in the laboratory?

Don't ask, the question is about high technology in 2076. There is no need to worry about whether dust will affect the experiment.

After settling this matter, Arthur looked at Johnny Silverhand, who was in a bit of a state of embarrassment in front of him.

Looking at the other person's top and bottom naked body, he looked like a pervert. Arthur immediately said angrily: "Don't you know how to find some clothes from the side to wear?"

Arthur remembered that when he took Johnny Silverhand out of the culture tank, he found some clothes and threw them next to him.

Although it was just a few white coats, it was more or less able to cover it up.

Johnny Silverhand saw that there was no problem with the double helix blue potion in his hand, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly placed it on the table next to him. Just as he was about to curse, he suddenly thought of something.

He said this is a virus that can destroy the world. Is it a virus that can destroy the world?

I really believed your evil deeds!



Johnny Silverhand thought of the vicious dog pouncing on his food, and for a moment the scene seemed to have turned into a donkey chewing shit.

He immediately slammed the glass bottle in his hand to the ground.

It's a pity that the quality of the glass is quite good. It bounced several times when it was dropped to the ground, and finally fell to the ground and rolled in front of Arthur.

Asking for flowers…………

Arthur's mouth twitched slightly, this is the T virus that can destroy the world!

He is indeed a lunatic. It is simply unreasonable!

Arthur picked up the bottle and looked at it carefully for a moment before he breathed a sigh of relief and put it aside.

"Zhuo, who the hell are you? Why am I in this damn place that is so bright that it looks like a morgue?"

"Can't you turn off the air conditioner? If you don't know, I'd think I'm in the North Pole right now!"

"If you are really in the North Pole, can you show me a penguin?"

Arthur's mouth twitched slightly, and he took off his white coat angrily and threw it directly to Johnny Silverhand.


"Don't walk your bird in public! You bastard!"

Johnny Silverhand took the white coat and looked at it, then put it on directly without caring.

Then staring at Arthur's mouth again, Arthur scratched his head and took out a cigarette from his pocket and threw it away together.

After Johnny Silverhand lit one for himself, he seemed to have sucked something sparkly, showing an extremely ecstatic expression.

"Penguins are in Antarctica! Read more books!"

Arthur took a deep breath from the cigarette and slowly exhaled it. He sat on the chair next to him and crossed his legs.

"You should have your own consciousness in that broken server. To put it simply, you were installed into the biochip from the server by your fans.

"I got the biochip, and your fans got their wish and sent their father away from this hell-like place."

Well, I left this hell-like place and went to hell... It doesn't seem right. Saburo Arasaka should be in the server now, right?

I have to think of a way to let the filial son give him a ride again.

To be dead is to be dead, not half-dead. Johnny Silverhand is enough for this kind of half-dead living dead.

What's more, the world no longer needs the so-called emperor from now on.

Or Arthur thinks the emperor will take turns to come to my house next year!

It's okay to kill Arasaka Tower and steal the bird's scent!

I believe Arasaka Yorinobu should be extremely happy. As long as he can destroy Arasaka, the other party should be willing to use all means to deal with it. .

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